Is this the perfect pairing?
Is this the perfect pairing?
>brown eyes
shes not white
i'm sure pic related won't turn this into an absolute shitstorm of a thread.
A lot of Ukrainians have brown eyes and look ''darker'' than this
I always thought pewds was a funny guy who played horror games, turns out he is an alt right incel bitch. Just think how many children Hearts he has broken
The minecraft gamer and the girl who pretends to sound like shes 10 years old and forces herself to watch Anime she doesn't like.
Vapid sociopaths? Sure.
this. What mudrace is she? Why do white men go after mud constantly?
These are not Ukrainians. 95% of Ukrainians have blue/green eyes and blonde/light brown hair
Best couple
How many times you think she practiced that peace sign in the mirror to get it JUST RIGHT ...
Most ukrainians have Balkan ancestry. Don’t hate yourself Vadym.
She hides it well but she's actually pretty fugly
More like, how many millions of children have been turned into Nazis by Pewds? Based as fuck.
not politics
or Where the hell are the mods?!?
She reminds me of a woman in her 30s desperately trying to be a part of femboy twitter culture
She's so cute bros
>Grows up in Sweden, the gayest country on Earth
>Moves to Brighton, UK, the gayest town on Earth (Despite being a millionaire who could live anywhere he wants).
>Moves to Japan, to sniff toilets
>Marries a boy, passing as a girl, who talks like a 5 year old
The boy's not right
Have they even procreated yet?
I didn't mean Tatars, plenty ethnic Ukrainians have brown eyes, black hair and olive skin, especially in the south
Why does her voice have a high timbre? Was she abused as a child? Does she want to be an anime girl? Or is it natural?
You should honestly kill yourself for knowing what that is.
curious about this too. maybe leftover aryan population with darker skin. i dont think most ukrainians are mixed with tatar
It's way better than this tragedy
just if you like race mixing
Once you know, its like heroin. Don't try it
>plenty ethnic Ukrainians
they are russians larping as ukrainians
she's ugly as fuck
Med women are built for BB(barbarian)C
Is that really idubz's gf? Why would a handsome guy like him date this 3/10 subhuman. This is why the dating game is beyond fucked.
yeah no shit
nord + med = germutt
Felix is a chad, simple as. Lives a fun life dunking on jews and fucking his waifu.
Has he moved to Japan yet, wouldn't covid-19 fuck up the plans?
She seems really dumb and is downright ugly without all that makeup. She's pretty lucky he stuck with her instead of going for a higher value female.
I think Italian women are hot af but I still would never go after any woman who didn't also have blue eyes.
The reason being I've started to realize that all the worst people get triggered af when they see a family of all nordic phenotype with a bunch of blonde blue-eyed children.
Having a family like that is like being able to shit all over SJWs niggers and jews without actually saying anything, you can see the SEETHING on their faces lmao
>a high timbre
At least she's human, hahol
Ukraine's are Russian. Accept it brother, come home.
>two years from now
>she divorces him for half of everything he's ever made
>pewds makes how much a day?
you faggots are fucking retarded
>handsome guy
He doesn't even look like he could take his own woman in a fight.
Women who do this forced falsetto shit should be kicked in their fried hair cunts
But med women are sss tier, there's no question
No she's not you seething shit. They're both fine looking and looksmatched which is rare in the current year.
PewDiePie is a filthy weeaboo
Top tier for sure. Only jealous beta orbiters would disagree.
Her jaw is fucked up
>Eceleb thread
You faggots know what to do
Do you think she really likes him or she's with him only for his money?
I meant her voice has an unusually high tone, it seems forced.
thats a man baby
You want to tell me the population genetically closer to Balts and Finns is darker than Ukrainians that are closer to Moldavians? Real shit
The golden one has romanian pussy, varg has french pussy, pewd has italian pussy, why does the swedish bull fell for the med woman?
Lets find out.
both wink. bunny ears. yep their masons
i forgot pink is masonic 2
> than Ukrainians that are closer to Moldavians
hello Ivan
You subhuman slav, med are white stfu cuck, Issac newton had brown eyes
whiter than you, taras.
Coping meathead detected. Women don't really care about your muscles you can chug all the steroids in the world and your face will still hold you back. Idubz is like a 7-7.5 not quite a chad but handsome enough to get a decent gf instead of this goblin.
He ruined his bloodline, his kids will not be look like him.
Even Emma Watson ?
His grandkids will
I thought roaches new how this worked
He's married you dumb nigger.
He should dump her and get with a young scandinavian woman, this med cunt will be shrivel up in the coming years.
Shes never been a looker, he married her he got cucked lol.
hes a fake mason tra nny
>med are white
no, they are not white.they looks like paki
actually meds>>> nord cucks
What a lucky dude. All the girls with a high pitched voice were tight grippers. Not only that. Imagine the contrast when he's penetrating her. I can imagine how hard it would be to last inside of her.
You're one to talk, KARA BOGA.
KYS Pakistan is a whle entire different race than levant arab
stfu cuck stop looking at people flag, at least I am not race mixed like you you cunt
slavs are mongloed by the chad khans
Nah, he just mutted his nordic blood, his grandkids will make "whiter than you ahmed" threads like the mutts they are.
Fuck off ive been around the world unlike you.
>slavs are mongloed by the chad khans
only russians
I'm half Slovenian - half Ukrainian and look white as fuck. Slovenia is med is it not? However I can def agree that other countries are not white. I wouldn't even call italians white.
KYS I have been too, and it's boring to be honest, my father also traveled the whole globe, who fucking cares
Ukraine too, forgot your history already ?
Do you wish that I remind you ?
Did he impregnate her?
I dont think he will, he pulls out quick as fuck.
Hes probably growing tired of her bullshit squeeky voice and soon she will not be of interest when young beautiful women will be lusting for his status and money, they will approach him and he will dump this shriveled meds thot in no time.