What the fuck is their secret?
What the fuck is their secret?
Germany has ordnung, Russian statistics must have official government approval and be suitably edited before being released.
They closed the borders real fucking quick
>unironically believe in official data
You aint even trying
>country has low deaths
>truly amazing, just how do they do it!
>China has low deaths
Isn't it established truth China had mostly Type-B - less deadly than the European Type-A?
Notice how these nations are pro chinese. The most anti chinese nation, US took the biggest blow. Guess where all the chink immigrants fly to.
Quality medicine
I'd actually by into Germany being more disciplined country with a better (the best?) medical system in the world
But Russia? Memes aside, it's no longer the Soviet Union. It's much freer than China and information would have leaked immediately, no?
All of them Russians have internet. The moment hospitals started overflowing with Coronachan-patients someone would have posted about it on Yas Forums?
At least that's my argument why simply "russkie government cover up" doesn't explain everything
Hospitals are not "overflowing" anywhere. Also it is totally in the authorities' power to control the data any way they want. And yes, the majority of Russian media is controlled by the government.
Recently Russian police forces were granted to shoot anyone who shows too much aggression during arrest.
This shithole ain't free.
Moscow is fucked up really bad as well as other big cities while towns are somewhat of okay because of somewhat strict quarantine and people following instructions.
Nonetheless, info still must be approved before being presented to public.
From my personal experience:
- hospitals strated testing in early March, everyone coming inside the hospital had at least his temperature measured on entry
- issuing protective gear to essential workers (father works at ISP and has to go to work)
- travel is severely reduced (2 intercity buses per day from my town to nearest city instead of 1 every 20 minutes)
- police/militita patrolling the streets
- checkposts on intercity roads
- obligatory travel permits
And BCG vaccine of course.
Bavarian here. I don't know, but it might be that Ignoring the curfew will be punished severely - at least thats what the loudspeaker truck said that came by my street... honestly though, everything was shut down and why should i leave home if wörk is closed anyway... so i naturally isolate, i might want to meet people but gathering of more than 2 = 20k€ worst case and there's police everywhere since this began patrolling the streets
>US took the biggest blow.
it didn't tho - remember, Italy and Spain have far lower pop than US
Preußische Discipline.
They accurately report their numbers instead of attributing every death to Corona.
People in my 100k town are extremely disciplined and organized, which is a big surprise for me. Didnt expected that at all.
Funny thing is that most people think it's just a nothingburger, but they are acting smart "just in case". But there's still 0-2 new patients every day reporting about sickness.
I guess russian meme about getting +30 iq buff when shit hits fan is not just a meme.
Russia is a country with very low mobility, we sort of live in a mild quarantine our whole lives.
There are different strains.
GERMANY has tax payer healthcare
this is why bernie should have won!!~!!!!!!!
Germany is very good at covering up deaths they managed to hide 6 million bodies in the 1940s
Probably cold or lying
Neolib magic
no counting lol
Germany does more tests. That means more cases.
In Austria everyone is using chloroquine and we are fine, my two cousins are healed, took them 3 days to heal.
Countries completely controlled by kikes and free masons are dying, nothing new
Germany is mostly lying and many people are just dead in their apartment, but they were alone and ashamed to call for sick until it was too late.
ramadan is tomorrow anyway, Europe epidemic hasn't even started yet.
They are both cooking the books and misreporting numbers.
That really IS the ONLY EXPLANATION.
they admitted to not counting deaths if they had serious comorbidities
no we don't, we have non-profit insurance companies and for-profit insurance companies. the government mandates that you have to be insured, which means that they have to take you in and you have to pick one. the for profits are only accessible if you earn above a certain amount (able to pay for expenses yourself if need be) or are a public servant (in which case you cannot non-profit)
so good that no one could ever find them...
hint: those U-Boat pens in France - thats not concrete...
they unironically lie about the stats. "today we had 3 deaths caused by covid and 333 deaths caused by pneumonia" - that's almost a quote.
just ignore paid posters who will lie about MUH CLOSED BORDERS and EVERYTHING IS WELL ORGANIZED.
Germany shut their internal country down, and Russia shut their country down to the world.
Germans arent such pussies who go to the doc for a cough and the virus likely mostly spreading in hospitals
>believe fucking russia out of all nations, as a pole out of all nationalities, over germany
In the case of Germany its Aryan genes coupled with ubermensch health service. In the case of Russia, its complete disorganization