Yas Forums is a degenerate waste of time and I'm done, anybody else feel the same way? Who else wants to quit Yas Forums?
Yas Forums is a degenerate waste of time and I'm done, anybody else feel the same way...
way ahead of you, haven't touched that site for weeks
see you tomorrow homo
Based, how did you quit?
So long, user
Sorry to see you go
This is such a sad day for all of us here
I quit four weeks ago - cold turkey - and have not come back.
It's actually really easy if you have some willpower.
you think you'll ever go back?
Yas Forums has always been about people going full retard. Nothing has changed except that now it's a competition who can be the most retarded.
I quit back in 2006, never looked back.
the ride never ends
I think this sums it up pretty well:
"Yas Forums is filled with smart people pretending to be retards, reddit is filled with retards pretending to be smart people."
At least that used to be true, with the current state of nu-Yas Forums it is debatable.
i've quit every other year or so.
it's bad because you hope for it to be good and it can be good on occasion but that is the most addictive type of habit. variable reward. so it is good to stop just to avoid that power over yourself.
Yeah I was thinking this but it’s addictive desu
Haha. You're here forever. Leddit/Facefuck wil never be the same again.
Just go on other boards dude, Yas Forums is measurably the worst board (maybe not if you count the porn boards, maybe). I'm not saying that like one of these faggots who calls everywhere they happen to be 'the worst thing ever', I go on a lot of different boards that I sincerely enjoy but I do not enjoy Yas Forums, it captures the spirit of Yas Forums the least by far and is not fun at all. I'm just here to keep up with things and vent stuff that is on my mind, no fun in that.
you’re here forever summerfaggot, you can’t just come by knock it over and act like it was on the ground when you found it.
I quit after the scientology stuff, never came back
Nobody cares. Leave. Go back to people in SM who care about you.
>Yas Forums
Hello newfren.
You have a responsibility to stay and redpill newfags and MIGA fags
Nah that's bullshit, these guys don't know shit beyond some obvious and basically useless truths about the media being corrupt, niggers commiting crimes, the Holocaust being exaggerated, and Jews having their names everywhere. You guys are a bunch of short-sighted spergs and don't have any intelligent takes on what to actually do about all this. Hell, most of you aren't even redpilled on the nature of women and think a magical "tradwife" will save your pathetic lives.
>haha Allen Carr method helped me quit. You have to be accepting and treat it as a victory xx :)
>Allen Carr Method
I looked it up...... what the fuck??
>Hell, most of you aren't even redpilled on the nature of women and think a magical "tradwife" will save your pathetic lives.
You’re right I’m not Yas Forums and proud
What about 4channel doe?
Anyone debating anything on any part of the internet is an actual retard.
t. Actual retard
His method can supposedly be applied to quit 'anything' and the guys made countless books for different topics. Perhaps we can finally quit Yas Forums before we start getting jailed and investigated for any connection
This. Used to be funny with some sprinklings of actually good shit thrown in. Now it's just actual stormniggers.
Why is the wikipedia page so fucking weird? It reads like a schizo's attempt to advertise his book.
Self-discipline, seems to be a missing quality these days
Fuck no, that place is trash
I really think these unironic stormfags and traddies should quit while they're ahead and accept that they've "redpilled" everyone on all these factual issues instead of beating us over the head with subjective values and worldviews to divide us, Nazism and Traditionism are both retarded systems despite being based on preventing legitimate problems. Identifying a complicated problem is always much easier than finding a solution that works.
No one's keeping you here except yourself, but why is it degenerate?
it's the worst place on the internet, apart from everywhere else
Why is it the worst place on the internet? What about it is bad?