Based bald metal singer

Based bald metal singer

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Pantera sucks

Your opinion is invalid, nigger

Phil is based as fuck

Freedom of expression. No no no, you can’t salute your fans the way people have been saluting for over 1000 years because of muh nazis.

Based Henry Rollins, I always liked him

>Yesterday don't mean shit
Phil Anselmo on the Holocaust

How dare you angle your arm at a certain range of angles while your hand is straight. This is illegal.

Nah, he's not.

It was lame how he tried to excuse it like "oh it was an inside joke. I said White Power cause we were drinking white wine backstage." Should've stuck to his guns.

Scroll on, homeboy

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How dare you draw rudimentary symbols that have been around for tens of thousands of years. Bad bad bad.

like most bands, they peaked early. got to meet them live before they really turned to shit (while dimebag was still alive). fun times. why are concerts so shitty in comparison. everyone take your phones out!!!!!!!!!

This is ian mackaye not Henry rollins, bitch B)

i saw it more as a flippant, half-assed non-apology apology. White power = white wine? lmao

Henry Rollins is a faggot

Phil ‘into the gas chambers they go’ Anselmo

rollins has and always will be total fucking garbage. overrated never was (outside of being in the movie heat).

their first two albums were good. you can say that about most bands though.

Anyone want to grab an apple martini with me?

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ah, that explains the song "guilty of being white" in retrospect


I'm from Columbus and had tickets to the show that Dimebag was shot at. Got sick and gave them away.

i believe you mean the first three. the start of the decline was southern trendkill.

Down was playing at MDF a few years back and my mates all took bets to see how long it would take Phil to mention Dimebag.

Took 5 minutes.

What did he mean by this?

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The big gay. Sorry to hear that.

Haven't you seen his standup comedy? He's so funny and woke, what a really smart and interesting individual.

tfw just realized why boomer bass player coworker said he thought I'd enjoy Pantera

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I like the people filming with their phone the entire time. That always gets me

OP is a zoomer
zoomers are cancer

To the guy that shot him?

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Imagine being content with your fav bands maybe perhaps possibly aligning with your political ideology.

Based world famous british musician

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Lol weird flag

pretty much destroyed the concert experience for metal / punk / hardcore shows