Where were you when this brown girl completely destroyed reddit?

Colored bitch trying to earn brownie points from whites - very pathetic, still, doesn't justify her existence - verdict - death.

And she is even uglier than an african.

Attached: pajeet.webm (576x1024, 1.91M)

you already made this thread, please stop

Fash Sarkar?

Built for BWC

Attached: you.jpg (1280x720, 84.92K)

Why the fuck is tiktok so popular?
>bro what if like you could take a short video and overlay text on it LMAO
Doesn't like every single social media app already let you do this?

A funny woman? wth


The seething manchildren this poo has made is great.

Because teenage girls you dumbass

She looks more African. She's built for BBC.

Can we see some?

I didnt expect that, lol

Based hindi

Based, the best non whites are the ones who value white culture. This makes niggers seethe but it's the truth.

OP for example.

cause it appeals to zoomers even though that app is used by the Chinks to IP Scrape everyone

I'm so sick of these South American proxyfags pushing the BBC meme.

>muh based black man meme

Snapchat for the kids. A social media platform only is relevant as the people using it

Where do you see "white culture"?

Shut up goofball

post examples

Attached: 1587349826230.jpg (828x818, 204.64K)

I'd fuck her



Attached: are_you_sure_bray_cringes_over_your_faggotry.jpg (694x694, 62.43K)

Based. Even the dumbest of girls can see through their bullshit

Every fucking thread.

>Reddit MALE feminist

Attached: FISTING.png (402x482, 368.74K)

>looks like a pajeet girl
>male feminist

nvm I watched the webm
