Maybe this COVID thing ain’t so bad afterall
Maybe this COVID thing ain’t so bad afterall
woah tf? some landlord really went and wrote that? source?
I wouldnt hold my breath. No doubt the dems will try to add more bullshit last minute, causing the republicans to refuse it. $2000 a month for 6-12 months, even for 16 year old kids...? This shit is getting out of hand
>$2000 a month for 6-12 months, even for 16 year old kids...? This shit is getting out of hand
Yeah. Kek. How dare people NOT be slaves, right? How dare people think for one moment that they don't need to slave for the system in order to justify their existence on this Earth, right?
Republicans have made existence upon the planet a crime without paying into the system. That is enslavement. And to top it all off you're all destroying the planet, too. You're literally archetypal evil
It'll never happen. It'd make life too great. I have to go back to work soon, because as of May 1st, covid-19 doesn't exist anymore.
You're so smart, here's a
lol yah, let's take care of the billionairs first. fuck the rest right?
Drug dealer or ex-girlfriend he knocked up.
why the fuck am i even paying taxes
>May 1st, covid-19 doesn't exist anymore.
works for me. I've been on a free 3 week paid vacay and i'm ready to go back to work
> hehe have we tried giving billionaires another tax cut fellow magapedes?
Right because this will work out well.
Every creature fights for existence on this planet. You'd think the Godless types would get this. It's a fight 24/7 for most plants/animals. And for many humans. We are the fortunate few. Nothing is free and if people don't work/create/build you have problems. Free shit all day all night doesn't work long term. Hell it hardly works short term.
I've been getting regular sleep, and I don't want to give it up. It's been awesome.
To subsidize the rich user
Yeah, lets all just become leeches off that government teat. Lets all just give up on having any ambition and stop earning what we want. We should all have ebt cards too, that way we don't become "slaves". We should demand that our government just keep printing money and demand even more because we all DESERVE Lamborghinis and mansions....
I would feel sorry for you if you weren’t shilling for such an archaic bootlicker system
The republicans have truly conditioned you to be a slave to billionaires
>he says from his comfy house
dude fuck you, we're at a point where we can help each other as human beings and you're here trying to act like some boomer from family matters or some shit.
Right free shit is only fine if it’s given to your corporate overlords who then give you a pitiful stipend shitposting on their behalf. This is literally what you guys are arguing for at this point, free shit should only be given to businesses who turn around and just pocket the money. Much better than handing money to the citizenry who can in turn actually buy shit then (economics depends on money actually moving).
This. Love how these dumb fucks think they can shill out 80’s era republican austerity talking points during a fucking pandemic
Im not charging my renters rent right now, only asking them to pay for water/elect/gas. I'd rather keep my good renters who were honest/good to me these past few years then chase them out an then have to look for new people once all this is over and get possibly literally who.
What? You don't want a free lambo and a stick and cardboard mcmansion? What are you some kind of faggot?
Implying YouTube personalities worked for those things, sucker, lololol
I'm not arguing for that
Basically this.
>Banks and corporations get 1.5 trillion dollars: not bad
>Unemployed people with double-digit bank accounts get assistance with not being homeless: OmG sOcIaLiSm
We have to pay all these taxes our whole lives, why should normal people not get any assistance from the government they have to pay? Muh bootstraps isn't a real thing.
All these Billionaires wouldn't exist if we had less people. So let's cull the population.
I think it’s really nice of the bank to look out for renters and not the actual owners of the property. It’s almost like this is yet another excuse to dispossess individuals of property so it can be consolidated in fewer hands, but Yas Forums encourages it because fuck boomers
And you can be the dumb kid in suspenders who says "did I do that" when everything collapses after a few years of free shit for everyone.
No, because lamborghinis and mansions wouldnt even exist in a communist wet dream where everyone is unemployed leeching off the government.
pay your rent faggot
dont like paying rent? buy property
wake up sheeple but unironically
Finally. Fuck these landlord leeches.
They didnt put forth the time and effort to create channels and content? Youtube just handed all that shit to them the moment they created an account?
There is a lien on mortgage so what the fuck are you even talking about
Want money for property? Too bad get a job fuckface
Explain to me how you can dole out $2,000 per person per month for a year (they'd probably want longer) and read further as opposed to the headline. They want to eliminate rent and allow the government and gov't agencies to buy housing at controlled rates. This isn't about a short term fix. It's about a redistribution. Our system needs to be fixed, but this shit proposal doesn't work. It never has. Tim Ryan and Bo Khanna? Yeah they aren't thinking short term.
The government is a leech to us, and you love sucking their cum.
>How dare people NOT be slaves, right?
>Falling for the gommunism meme
Are you going to be the sucker that works the fields while everyone else sits at home? Going to fix my car for free too while you're at it? Who is going to do all this work for no compensation so you can live comfortably?
it's not unreasonable to build a society that ensures that every able bodied adult man has access to housing and means to get to his work.
without having to enrich kikes at every step
Well, they would. But only for the Gov't rulers.
checked and kekked
How are you paying your mortgage/taxes? Stop larping faggot
Every adult man already has access to housing and w means to get to work, retard. Homes don't already exist? Cars don't exist? Public transportation doesnt exist? See, there's your problem, you just want free shit like a common nigger. Get a job.
How would the proposed bill be bad for landlords? Did you even read what he posted?
I own the apartments here. You do realize property values here cost very little compared to USA?
You can buy an apartment for 30-40k usd in a decent part of the city.
What about taxes?