Our greatest home grown enemy right now are zoomers.
They have been severely brainwashed to worship sjws, communists, jews, niggers and chinks. They have been hardened because last time they were soft and see what we did.
Don't believe me? Ask them what they really think about those groups without 'memeing'.
So no, generation zyklon isn't happening.
Our greatest home grown enemy right now are zoomers
the millenial are the true traitors
>They have been severely brainwashed to worship sjws, communists, jews, niggers and chinks. They have been hardened because last time they were soft and see what we did.
ýeah some of them have, but remember who encouraged this, allowed this and brainwashed them, right it was millenials and boomers.
Millennials elected Trump, Salvini and Bolsonaro. Millennials are mostly rightwing, that joke of being rightwing after 25 and having a job still apply to them. But these zoomers are fucked so badly that they will never be able to think rationally. They act like zombies.
>but remember who encouraged this, allowed this and brainwashed them, right it was millenials and boomers.
We didn't do shit, it was don't by those who controlled their schools, internet and entertainment industries. You very well know who did this.
it was done*
I have a new name for you, Jewmer tumor!
As a black guy myself i wish i had the power to brainwash women like that as you claim.
You don't have a power, nigger. But jews have already done it on your behalf to white girls to fuck your kinds. It is very sick and disgusting.
Nope based boomers did, look at the demographic breakdown for each election
zoomers are exposed to right wing ideas before millenials,so they are gonna be right wing at a younger age,even non white zoomers are gonna go right wing
Shut up you turbomanlet Chinkopoo mutt with small dick, you're just mad cause 90% of the zoomers are towering you and fuck your boomer cougar bitches.
t. 1,98m zoomer
No, zoomers are fucking braindead. They cannot think rationally. They are always hooked to the smartphones and follow the "trends". They are just like women in a way, i.e. they do and think how they are told to by their handlers. Group think is huge on them, they have no independent thoughts and beliefs.
Say the word, Nigger. You can't!
I wonder who could be behind this post
>hand rubbing causes enough heat to warm a micro universe
>American education
>being this new
it's all so tiresome.jpg
gib big zoomer tiddies
Really? Cuz i cant seem to get a gf at all. I have been lonely for 24years.
take your personal problems to nigger
that pic is pure gold
I can you millenial chinkopoo nigger
Lol weird flag
Just saying that not every black guy is capable of fucking every girl. We go through the same issues everyone does regardless of propaganda in media.
Tell me how you really feel about your race and its people. This is an anonymous board so you can be truthful
now go kill yourself you fucking jew puppet
Nah, most of my generation is shit.
Zoomers are pretty shit too from my personal experiences.
There's no real hope though I'd love to be proven wrong. The problem with zoomers is that so many of them are mixed race dysgenic trash. The battle lines will shift. Civic nationalism is as close to redpilled most of them will ever get. As much as boomers have fucked us, when they die off we will see things get far worse.
I can only speak for me. I try my best to be a better person every day.
>severely brainwashed to worship sjws, communists, jews, niggers and chinks.
You're thinking of the millennials. I turned 21 this month and I've been here since I was 13
I wonder why a nepal flag would be concerned about this "our greatest enemy," with catchy phrases like "generation zyklon." I'm sure there's no flaggotry here
problem with zoomers is, they don't care about any particular issue. They are the 'meh' generation.
How do you try to be a better person? Either you are one or you are not. You don't try to be it.
Believe it or not, we have zoomers here too and they are also hooked on the same thing as you faggots over there. This is a collective fight you fucking nigger! And your generation is doomed from the start.
Zoomer here
Males are generally extremely conservative, there's still numale nerd faggots though.
Females tend to lean slightly liberal, but the Lisa Simpson types still exist.
Tr*nnies are undeniably communists
Are you saying everyone is perfect and you cant self improve?
Zoomers are more conservative than you may think. It may not be the kind of conservative that you like, but it's true nonetheless. Even as teenagers most of my friends were at least in the center, and kids are expected to be overly-liberal. There is a contingent of crazy SJW types but they also exist in every generation.
Zoomers were raised alongside the internet and any that explored outside of social media were immediately redpilled. PewDiePie is an incredibly popular anti-SJW voice and much of his audience is zoomers.
>Source: am zoomer
>he doesn't invest in zoomers
Self improvement is a meme.
Lions can't eat grass to survive. You can't be a better person even if you try, it is not in your nature nigger boy.
>hooked on the same thing as you faggots over there
Anyone who has been here before the 2016 election knows all these threads are shills or trolls. You have no idea what I'm "hooked on," and the flag you hide behind is racemixed with the mongols/orient, they're no fucking different from your brain dead outlook.
Retraded mountain nog
The baZed leaf
He is admitting he is a faggot
>Zooming the to finish line
>VPN fag BTFO'd
You and all the other zoomers are doing it only for the memes and social media points.
Most of you fags are afraid to use the "N" word or even to write it on the internet. You are self censoring generation.
If 1983 is millennial your wrong, I literally walk around all day screaming nigger this and nigger that, my mom thinks I'm completely insane, all I do is talk about killing niggers and spics and shit. Shits so cash
>eat grass
Lions ate your parents on a cold desert night, so you should know they're top of the food chain. You don't get there by eating grass. What're you some kind of vegan cuck too?
Sorry for the spam, but has anyone else noticed that Zoomer girls have a high likelihood to be absolute Milktrucks? They seem bustier on average.
Hes trying to be civil with you gentile, dont exhaust your usefulness. Punch up next time, or else he'll go to your handlers instead.
I support some kinds of communism.
They are verifiably insane.
Ez. Just redpill zoomers on social media. Nupol will just keep complaining instead of doing shit
I’ve got zoomer siblings. They’re genuinely retarded.
They don’t know how to cook. They don’t know how to clean. Fix anything. Get good grades. Hell they can’t even speak correctly.
They spend all day on Snapchat and tik tok. That’s not an exaggeration when I say all day. I mean they will sit in the living room couch from about 11 am to 10 pm with breaks to piss/shut and eat.
If you ask them to do something they say “fuuuuuuuuckkkkkk offffffff you have no idea what I’m going through!”
I would happily bash their faces in if there were no charges involved.
He said he is a nigger himself. And this is exactly what I am talking about. You are just too soft. You won't be able to shoot niggers and jews in upcoming race war. And you are ruining the whole Internet. Go back to re*dit.
>I support some kinds of communism.
I would know with one glace of you, faggot.
Self censoring? KEK
>Imagine being so fucking inbred and retarded you have to say nigger in every sentence on every platform
I bet your conversations with friends and family are pleasant.
That's the point, they can't be redpilled. They have been hardened by jews to deflect anything that does not confirm to their existing pre-taught beliefs.
OP is a VPN fat faggot underage loser. But he’s not wrong about Zoomers.
He’s wrong about black people though.
Half of them have been. Gen Z is one, and only one thing: The most politically *extreme* generation that has lived since WW2. And this applies to both sides. There's basically only two kinds of male teenagers/ early tweens you're going to find: The ultra-faggots/numales and the really right wing ones. It's only the question which side will take over in the end.
Yes, in particular a lot of zoomers I know use nigger vernacular. Mainly females but I will hear males say such things as well
no, I am not a VPN faggot. But you are a newfag who needs to stop posting and lurk for 2 years.