All you mad at the world cause you'll never get a women to love you?

All you mad at the world cause you'll never get a women to love you?

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i had a woman love me recently and it was annoying as fuck

What phenotype is this?

That’s a man

Jokes on you, I'm married.
>mad at the world
Nope, I just hate people.

Yes, you fucking nigger!

Wonder how this thread will go...

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I have a harem. sorry to all the losers for hoarding multiple women for myself

Why are trannies obsessed with sexually frustrated conservatives? Is it a fetish for fags?

>everybody hates spics and niggers because some channers can't get laid

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You don't pay them to stay. You pay them to leave

it's Mark Zuckerberg's twin sister.

are you mad at the white race because we're better than you?
imagine you jews calling yourself the "Chosen Race" and every century that goes past some pasty ghost people from the lands called Europa northwards of you keep inventing things and you have to leech off of them for all eternity; then they give you things like combustion engines and electricity and the internet and civilisation, and you call yourself "the chosen race"
my fucking sides

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Here i am nigga sup with you

What of us that are married, loved, and in a good place in life? Why do you think we’re still here? Do your concerns stop the second you have a persons affection? Does the communist no longer care about the revolution when they get a partner? Does the hippie abandon their love of nature when someone returns their affections? We’re not here because we are full of hate, we’re here because we something we value being destroyed.

You have discovered the memeflags.
You are Yas Forums too now friend.

I'm not mad, nigger.

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Yea I'm sure that's part of it.
You can get with a woman, I've been with plenty, but you're right. They don't love you.
They just act like they do until they're done using think they've found something better.
Then they try to come back later. Always.
But yea there's no love there. The modern woman has no idea how to love anyone not even her children.

A what if scenario which for you isn't true so stop your lies

feeling loved is key to happiness but on its own will not lead to fulfillment.
The concerted effort to reduce the pleb life to one of routine and servitude is what needs to be reversed for even a life with love will not be full unless it is also free

>A what if scenario which for you isn't true so stop your lies
Yea there's married guys here. I'm divorced and raise my two kids by myself. But yea there's all kinds here Jew. I think most of the kikels like yourself that post here are single though.
All of you. Your women are off sucking on nigger cock because you won't shut up about it.

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Living together and eating the same sandwich every day sucks. Even thou it's a pretty good sandwich. How do I reverse the dry spell bros?

Getting a woman to love you is ez, getting a decent woman to love you is a ehole other ballgame.

>All you mad at the world cause you'll never get a women to love you?
No. It's because of that. A woman's love won't improve anything but that doesn't stop women from thinking that the economy will suddenly improve just because a man is loved by a woman.

No one will ever get a woman to love them. But well, at least we can pay a surrogate mother.

>But well, at least we can pay a surrogate mother.
What are you talking about kikel? We can still fuck girls. That shit is fucking easy. And with the way women are now days they do typically take off and leave you with the kids I've known about 5, thats FIVE single dads in my life so far including myself.
But yea, you don't have to pay anyone for surrgoacy. Just get a girlfriend and fuck her.
Getting a girlfriend or even a wife is easy.
Getting her to stay for a lifetime is impossible.

>All you mad at the world cause you'll never get a women to love you?
firstly that's a man, and I'm mad at the world that I ever found modern women attractive in the first place!

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Pick one

Βut I had several women you wanted my dick, I just rejected them all. I am mad at the world because they are sub 110 IQ retards.

A little bit. It’s more that women that love me are trash, and I don’t like the implications.

Same bro same.

What you really want is a good balance between your own lives / enjoyment and each other without becoming codependent.


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Say Jehovah.

Yes they are.

Aileen Wuornos was a true hero.

""Yes, I would just like to say I'm sailing with the rock, and I'll be back, like Independence Day, with Jesus. June 6, like the movie. Big mother ship and all, I'll be back, I'll be back."

Women are disgusting animals that should be eradicated from all planes of existence for eternum

>a women to love you?
Women love men like men love cars.

Honestly too many women love me. I’m engaged and women try to get me to cheat on my fiancé constantly. Women suck whether you’re a kissless virgin or you’re beating them off with a stick