White men who sleep with Asians thinking they're better than coal burners are so delusional...

White men who sleep with Asians thinking they're better than coal burners are so delusional. At the end of the day they're both race traitors.

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yes but at least they look white unlike bmwf relationships

Don't care, had sex.

Gross insect porn should be illegal

Hellooow mods

My dick doesn't care what race you are, if you have a warm moist pussy that's welcoming and accommodating then it's going in.


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Hmm yes good

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Nice hips

I'm so glad Europe is white only

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>loyalty to race
>"it's ok to be a cuck as long as the bull is white :)"
What even are you?

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You are not even white you memeflag kike

Is it okay to race mix if I'm Puerto Rican?

>At the end of the day they're both race traitors.
True, but it really depends on the girl. There are some top tier Asian women.

No you see you're wrong because you're a kike

>my pussy doesnt care what race you are. If you have a big hard dick that's welcoming and accommodating, then it's going in
>Heyyy Tyrone, you free this weekend?

The yellow fever fags are doing the chink bitches a favor by fixing their bug genetics.

A hole is a hole. It makes no difference if it belongs to a gook, a nigger or a strong, handsome man.

it's okay if i have sex with other women of different race/ethnicity.

it's not okay for women of my own race to have sex with other men of different racial background.

the reality is, i can bleach other women and create more white children with my sperm. the eggs of white women are reserved specifically to continue the White race

lock and key brainlet incel


you are fucking gay if that pic does not give you a hardon

Having sex with them is no problem but having children with them is

i dont give a fuck about you. i dont even think about you at all.

congrats on having white skin faggot, too bad you have gay retard genetics still.

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you guys are being sarcastic right? this girl is average at best.

My wife is asian and she has a good job I dont regret it at all.

Tits are above average shaped for that size.

No one cares anymore, faggot.

They'll spend a life not knowing if they are truly white or asian and will develop personality/self-confidence issues.

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Good Thing I'm a Mexican who sleeps with Asians.

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I have a japanese gf, she is better at everything compared to my white ex gf.
>race traitors
I dont care

Lmao can you at least admit the hypocrisy. White womens eggs are reserved for who they believe to be the strongest males that will give her offspring the highest chance for survival.

Now that the media has revealed that black men are indeed the strongest race, more white women are realizing that their eggs need black sperm

And that’s how mutts are made

This. Gookwaffen is cringe. And it's being promoted by rightwinger manlets.

They even have various divisions for mystery meat loving, like Taccowaffen, Chinkwaffen, Niggerwaffen.

Funny how nationalists promote Jewish meme of racemixing. Look at this NBC article.

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OP is correct and not a faggot for once

plus I made 3 hapas with her, so there is no going back for me.

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>>race traitors
>I dont care
Because you're a liberal and deserve the rope.

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It's only worsening.

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Japanese girls are great

>like traditional gender roles
>take better care of themselves and their skin
>smarter on average
>when beautiful, incredibly beautiful or cute
>might let you fuck your daughter

>finding an attractive asian can be difficult
>she might expect you to work more than you have to
>might fuck your son

>betrays race

>must be a race traitor

This is obvious. Lurk more

It’s fine because Asian “men” are all cucks. Especially the spineless japs

There is no hypocrisy though, it's called natural male drive to spread seed. You're also not black, but a small dicked asian who will never ever have sex.

kys faggot.

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>might fuck your son

I dont care what a cuck like you thinks lol

Better in what way?