Reminder: Adrenochrome withdrawals ARE NOT real

Reminder: Adrenochrome withdrawals ARE NOT real

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This is a completely normal rate of ageing

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Tell me about adrenochrome

Only a schizo would think this is irregular

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More please

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>Whaddya mean my stylist is no available?
>Oh shi-
Not necessarily that Adrenochrome bullshite, buster.

You guys are so fucking stupid. 99% of the time you see these people they have hair, makeup, lighting, angles, and photoshop making them look better.

Bros, know how the shills keep saying AC is just a crude for of epinephrine? This got me thinking, about the Skreli arrest. Did they lock him up cuz he found them out and hiked their prices?

>as if I needed more reasons to love shkreli

It couldnt possibly be that we only see them on tv and movies were they have heavy stage make up and their appearance without it would look off to people.

Everyone looks like shit in the morning under a bright sun with unkempt hair.

I’m sure a Remington Steel still looks OK.

A guy looks better when he dyes his hair, styles it and gets his photo taken in a place with semi-controlled lighting.

So they can't see their stylist, that's it, the fuck?

they look ugly as always

didnt think of that one user, but you're onto something there
could be skreli wanted to price gouge them to death for their wonder drug considering how he was practically crucified by glowstream media.

That's not adrenochrome withdrawal. That's bbw withdrawal. Someone get that man a fat ass and big tits and some fat rolls on his dick and he will be one with the fountain of youth

Why do you think epipen prices skyrocketed leading into Trump presidency?

Here's someone extracting some adrenochrome and not giving a damn. And no one questions it.

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People age like shit after they are well over 40...

>celebrity in candid picture in a t-shirt probably just out getting food or something
>same celebrity on a carpet even wearing makeup with his hair perfectly styled and wearing a suit
>surprised they look different
holy shit... somebody stop the presses

Maybe you should ask the synagogue.

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He looks like a dr. Suess character

that nigger has the black eye to top it all off. Chromesucker

Uhm, no
The more logical thing than makeup and photography is a global conspiracy to make juice out of white babies and supply it to the elite in secret

This, also people are not going to be using just for men hair dye and wearing fucking makeup and lipstick during a quarantine.

*make jews out of white babies

Checked, he fucked with their pockets and their back up reserve as they were preparing for a drought (of kids). And was made an example of.

Probably doesn't help that they don't have a crew of makeup artists on hand as usual.

Those people are all in secret black sites run by Trump who will punch Soros in the face any day now.

he looks the same just needs a haircut. all hollywood people male and female wear makeup at events and the lighting is designed to make them look as good as possible. I do think they are suffering, but it is the mirror and the destruction of their value system that is the cause.

Wow. So you mean to tell me that a guy decked out in a tuxedo for a red carpet event looks different from when he's a scrappy, quarantined, out of work for a year actor on his way to buy eggs at the store. This is fucking sick bros!!

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Reminder that any rich or powerful person can kill or torture to their heart's content in Africa for their dose of 'Adrenochrome' rather than incriminate themselves in their home country

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>people age like shit in eleven days
If they are having serious withdrawals from an anti aging agent.

it’s called a professional makeup artist and going to get facials bi-daily


okay, so I can buy the lack of stylist idea. I can buy the "we're only used to seeing them in movies, so they look weird in the wild" idea. but why did so many of them make videos crying and whining at the same time? are they still making those videos? they look scared.