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Based Chinese girl with the biohazard symbole on her cheek!

Why don’t Christians suicide to meet the father faster?

Immensely based

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gay shit

plus you didn't mention the lunar new year fireworks behind symbolic representation of death

why you think that?

that isn't the bio-hazard symbol, idiot

This too. Almonds activated


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Correct, this is the danger symbol for radiation. Pretty sure the tiger on the girl's jacket is more indicative of Korea than it is China. The part that caught my eye was Kali's masks changing during the dance. First a frog (waves move on the floor, making waves), then a bear (looking ferocious), then the crow, then...some weird, mostly open-faced luchador thing? I'll get a screen.

Can't figure it out.

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Duude its an aay

Prophecy? Plan? Whistleblowing?

Watched this shit the first time i tripped on acid. Freaked me out

Oh wait, I see it now, it's Jesus. So the crow was also the plague mask, which is also corvus the constellation that I THINK makes up the "crown/corona" at the head of Virgo. Just sayin.

Mostly agree. Killing a child should be the most revered act amongst Christians. The child will apparently go straight to heaven without even having to suffer the hardships of living a life worth living. If you are a non-child-murdering Christian you are objectively a fraud.

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Dont watch christcuck propaganda while on hallucinogens. Your basically mkultraing yourself with ancient jew tricks.

I am quite fond of Lucy as well user. Watch this instead. Better to brain wash yourself on shit that’s legit

>There is a completely obvious explanation for...

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Guys in suits without a face
Seems quite familiar doesn't it

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The Christ figure at the end with egyptian symbolism is the anti Christ not Jesús

How do you figure? Because the corrupted church and mystery schools with their idol worship gets toppled over at the end?

You're an idiot. Or maybe just a jew. Either way you're wrong.

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Because people cant imagine the savior bringing about destruction, they expect magic to make everything and everyone "good". They dont realize that most people are rotten to the core, most institutions are rotten to the core, and they need to be toppled, burned down, and rebuilt from the ashes.

The population of the saved world will be a fraction of the present.

I think it has something to do with Iroquois or some kind of native American prophecy?

I’m not sure about this. Seems like the third eye is representing Christ-consciousness rather than Christ himself. But it’s def a positive figure and not the anti-Christ like some suggest

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Just go read Revelation. Before the end comes the false saviour. The anti Christ. Later comes Jesús to end It all.

The anti Christ is going to destroy every religión? OFC. He's going to force his own

I remember this insanity. The fact that people were taking it seriously is what taught me that most folks shouldn't be allowed outside the house without supervision, much less allowed to vote.


>most people are rotten to the core
No most people are good, but they have serious flaws and vices, and they’re easily manipulated

Is there an I pet goat 1? Or only I pet goat 2?

Imitation prophecy from Satan, ie just ceremonial magic ritual, laying out their plans in cryptic symbolic ways, where the viewer is lured into being a co-participant in the seance to augment its effects. If you watch it, be sure to turn the audio off and pray for refuge in Allah against its evil.

>The fact that people were taking it seriously is what taught me
Why are you so skeptical of people taking it seriously, user?
It’s pretty weird, right? Random production company with no history comes out of nowhere to work on a project for 6 years and then they disappear again after releasing this occultict satanic mini. Why? What in the actual fuck? Pleas make sense of this video for me..

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The one who takes his own life is cursed. Allah decides when you are born, and when you meet death.

Its not a crow, its a plague mask.

No. Only a 2.

Hint: The 2 is symbolic

How about now

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My pet goat was the book W was reading while pretending to not know Jews were doing 9/11.