What would you do if you lived in Venezuela?

What would you do if you lived in Venezuela?

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Join the government and oppress people in return for bread, all the while stabbing other government supporters in the back to reduce competition, then blame the rebels for it.

they look like they're loaded

I’d collect those bank notes and sell them as novelty souvenirs on eBay.


to a white country?

Its not a surprise that a paki would post this.

This. Based Hans has already got a game plan for Weimar 2.0

What do you even do when money becomes worthless and you lose your job? Where do you get food?

To where? How? Your money is worthless. Plus why not have some nationalistic spirit and try and fix your homeland. Go back pajeet.


You stay there and die shitskin

>To where?
Any other country. Brazil is a good candidate.

Walk, if necessary. Gods you people are so fucking soft.

>yOu sHoUlD sTaY hOmE fOr mY cOnVeNiAnCe
Eat shit.

Give a loli cunny a meat sandwhich

Wow, I should probably leave Yas Forums. You people are just too cruel
Don't worry Venezuelan bro, you people are welcome in my country (especially if you know how to make good arepas haha)
I always try to help Venezuelan immigrants whenever I see them

Shoot niggers. Same as here.

Next question.

Be living in Venezuela


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Move out into the country side and live on a bit of land and grow my own food and try to be as self sufficient as possible. Even if you just had an old shack and space to grow some food and maybe work for a farmer for extra food at least all your basic needs would be met and you wouldn't be stuck in a city were if food runs out people will be killing each other for a few scraps.

Just move out

flee to brazil to see some bundas

>Brazil is a good candidate
Fuck off bot, everyone knows that Brazil is telling venfags to fuck off.
Again fuck off neck beard, I'm not talking about transport dipshit, I'm talking about having the right paperwork. Most normal countries that aren't PC mad don't want scum immigrating.
>Eat shit.
Soulless nigger

buy gold

Start making clothing and sell it for money.

>people in need are scum
Die suffocating of COVID, asshole. Nobody likes your worthless kind except other losers.

I would kill myself.


farm gold and RWT on OSRS

hablar español

Use bitcoin

Lurk in Yas Forums, encounter this thread and call OP a faggot.

OP is a faggot btw.

fuck up you little white nigger cumskin, we are taking over this shit whether you like it or not


It's called being an illegal immigrate , Venezuelans look the same and speak the same language as Columbia I would just go there

>What do you even do when money becomes worthless and you lose your job? Where do you get food?

I've never understood this. Several times in history inflation has gone crazy and you would need a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread. So how do you get paid? How does anything work? How do you pay for your electricity?

Porque no recibiste 2 millones de venecos asquerosos con costumbres de mierda, que te reventaron el mercado laboral en base a mentiras.

Reventaron el mercado del techo y los servicios públicos.

Useless caribbean monkeys.

Pedro pls

Put a round between the eyes of El Fatso Maduro.