Has there ever been any evidence vaccines work?

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Not getting Polio?


Not getting smallpox?

I've never had any of that shit I was vaccinated against.

I've never had cancer or AIDS. Wow those vaccines are really effective

Yes, plenty. Diseases have been eradicated by vaccination, retard. Even before vaccination, creating immunity by controlled exposure was a thing for millennia (i.e. variolation); the principle has been know to work since ancient times.

polio is caused by swimming in feces laden water
it's a hygiene thing


The USSR vaccinated people thus they work.
Unfortunately i cant find the USSR vaccine schedule so i dont know which vaccines actually work and which are made up capitalist autism shots.

>sell autism vaccines to kids
>sell add meds to the autists
>sell hrt to the autists who become girls because autism caused them to play minecraft

fucking capitalism

Nobody gets smallpox. Ask your grandparents about polio. They probably knew someone who had it.

Its caused by the poliovirus. That was vaccinated out of existence in the west.

The principle is fine. The random ingredients of questionable health impact, the shady liability protections, coverups of vaccination programs gone wrong, the profiteering by big pharma, and the nonstop government interferencr that make modern programs of vaccination questionable.

Nobody except a tiny group of fringe nuts questions the principle of vaccination but its all the anti-anti-vax fags can talk about . How convenient.

the mercury was removed from all childhood vaccines in early 2000s. whatever basis there was for thinking vaccines cause autism is gone.

Based commie. I'm anti-com as fuck, but profit motives ruin public medicine.

Where has smallpox gone in the West?

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People get aidas and cancer every day, when was the last time someone got polio?

So, you're saying that 'le science' can in fact get things wrong and proceed to poison people on an indistrial scale?

Nobody is saying that. Nobody got mercury poisoning from vaccines.

It was killed by improved sanitation standards.

>a group of people in Berlin refuse to vaccinate their kids against measles
>measles outbreak happens

You can immediately disregard the opinion of someone who looks at vaccine ingredients individually. Sorry bro.

Do explain (hint: you cannot)

No it was eradicated by the vaccine.

I didnt say it was merc poisoning specifically, retard shill

The ingredients don't say anything about how the vaccine works. It just shows you look for scary stuff and ignore the actual vaccine.

Aluminum adjuvants collect in the brain

Nope none. And whatever you do don’t vaccinate your kids.

Prove it. Bonus: explain what confounding factors are and what a control group is

vaccines in your cunt are a business not a health thing

That's what mercury causes. It does not cause autism.

>adds ricin to a vitamin C tablet
>dude, are you saying vitamin C is unhealthy? Stop looking for scary stuff and ignoring the vitamins

Ever drink soda from a can?

no one gives a shit about you

You are legitimately retarded.

wew lad

You want me to prove basic medical history and think there should be a controlled study on it? You sound pretty dumb here dude.

Bizarrely if you read the papers and check only the raw data, not the pilpul, some vaccines don't work (yet healthcare golems still use them, this happens frequently).

Well, something has to be causing it. Random chemicals you arent even willing to have individual discussions about being injected into infants ona scale not done previously seem a possible candidate.

Why are there still other diseases then? If it was simple enough to just lysol away several diseases why didn't we just get rid of every contagious illness?

People are living longer now.

Well done at being obtuse.

Why would vaccines cause something that predates vaccines exactly?

For things like the flu shot they can't know ahead of time which strains will be most spread so the efficacy varies. They still make and sell the flu shots though because it is pretty effective some of the time

I dunno whens the last time we had a polio outbreak?

How much of it is sanitation? And why are you afraid of discussing ingresients of vaccines?

Here's a question for you: if you were told to shoot all the side-ingredients of a vaccine shot but with the actually medically active dead virus bit into your bloodstream, would you?

None, what-so-ever.

Never been vaxxed because my parents were ahead of the curve. No allergies, not had a cold since I was 5-years-old, have a MENSA tested IQ of 147.

>Implying URSS was a non profit organization


>Car crashes cannot be a cause broken bones, because broken bones predate car crashes.
Logic is really not your strong suit. Just shut up, leaf

Why would anyone? Vaccines are medicine. I think the saddest part is you thought that was a good question.

Your parent took too long to ruin their lives having you combine that with their shitty genes and your autism is explained.

Polio was phased out and result of treatment and relabeling diagnosis. This was proven and peer reviewed too.

Implicit assumptions of vaccine propaganda
>any reduction of vaccineable illness is purely the result of the vaccine being available
>if you don't get vaccinated you are 100% sure to get a severe or fatal case of the disease
>it's not possible to have an adverse reaction
>no injected vaccine ingredient can possibly cause anyone any harm under any circumstances

Also nobody is afraid. You need to get over yourself dude. You're not dangerous for being an idiot.

not yet dead from covid?

So, without the actual vaccine part, you would not be okay with being injected with all the other ingredients, correct? Because you dont feel they are entirely safe, correct?

Kys, retarded shill

No, but there are plenty of evidence of antivirals working. For some reason the CDC hate fucking antivirals.

We don't get smallpox anymore

Not an argument, fag. Go shoot up with adult-size dosage of all the standard onfant vaccines.

I wonder what the parents thought

Attached: Twins, only one vaccinated.jpg (540x400, 30.17K)

Go fuck a bunch of dudes in Africa

I'm not sure this response means what you think it does. The impact always broke the leg.

So what do you think causes autism in vaccines?

USSR was also the first country to ban lead in gasoline and paint. Pretty based imo.


>People are living longer now.

Lie. Life expectancy is dropping and life expectancy stats were always conflated with infant mortality stats so petro-medicine could cover up the early deaths it causes.


okay how about measles, mumps, and tuberculosis which we have seen an increase/return of since anti-vaccine people have spread their retardation

You're the one that brought up autism and mercury, faggot. All i am doing is asking questins about vaccine safety while you opened by asserting that anyone evem questioning the ingredients is a retard .

Just kys

fucked up gut bacteria.
t. asthma attacks for 15 years 2 weeks after vaccine.

Yeah they do work, Bill gates has killed many in Africa and India with the Vaccines.

His poolio vaccine in india gave everyone who took it poolio and some of them died so I guess the depopulation did work. Which is the point of vaccines.

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the eradication of smallpox and polio, dipshit

>evidence vaccines work

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>got the flu shot
>still getting sick every flu season
Guess I just have bad luck

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>hiv negative
checks out

Even the filthy revisionist khrushchevites had good intentions and tried to do what was best for everybody, they were just retarded.

This is also how we know the earth is not flat, the USSR, or the DPRK, would tell us.

Polio was eradicated in the west due to comprehensive vaccination. It is a virus.

What exactly has been peer reviewed?