Covid19 slowing down

So why has it stopped growing?

Attached: growth.png (722x390, 27.23K)

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it's rising in the UK

its expanded into third world slums that can't test

No it's not

Attached: data.png (1127x567, 255.54K)

yes it is

do your own research you dumb nigger

You only see news about some random town in Equador. Everything else is silent

I have, retard. Look at the chart. Do you have another one?

Because 3/4s of the world's population is effectively grounded. This is by no means over.

I don't know but I'm glad it slowing.

Because it was always an overhyped flu, and this was the inevitable path.
World governments will contribute this to the lockdown to try and justify being able to do it again the next time they feel like it.

>This is by no means over.
At least you're using your real flag

Weather is getting nicer. Virus doesn't last long in the heat.

Maybe it's quarantine magic

they do less testing on the weekend. look at where the last four valleys are. every weekend there's a huge dip and then every tuesday this exact thread gets made.

because people are staying inside and wearing masks

the testing capacity got saturated

If I was a chink shill or a kike I'd be telling you to run outside and play in it for muh economy you fucking rubberface.
You know what? Go play in it.

>do your own research
>puts up a youtube video

You're special kind of stupid aren't you?

Learn to read dumb ass thats not a linear graph

I have been. Healthcare. See COVID waste regularly. Probably have for over 6mos. Nobody wants to catch the flu and that's all this is

Viruses have infection curves and despite what /cvg/says this virus doesn't have a 100% death rate.

no one is staying inside and wearing masks

5g towers getting turned off. People caught on and the timeline is a bit too early for them. Atm they’re a bit shaky with full disclosure, apparently they’ll do it with Trumps 6th year in office. 2022 is actually gonna btfo everything we know.

You shouldn't... it's totally hyped.
In europe we have much more cases and need to be careful, because of the other illnesses which can come with it.
But in the US the situation is much more relaxed.
That's why they don't need quarantine acutally.. and it's getting hot there, so the virus can't survive at all.
Europe is just much more infected and we should be careful.

They turned off the 5g

Attached: fec.jpg (640x779, 214.57K)

Cool have fun with your glass lungs & kidney damage retard.
>for 6 months
yeah you're full of shit

>thinking temperature has anything to do with spread of this new virus.

2 weeks

>expecting a memeflag to know what a log scale is.

Gee I fuckin wonder.
Whole world went fuckin insane over nothing.
>people died
Just like every other day.

> lol
Also, the US has the same population liek Europe,
but like a manyfold the landmass.
So by nature the meme virus is by far less lethal in the US.

>outing yourself further with chink talking points

>So why has it stopped growing?
Wave is over.

Watch politicians claim it was their quarantine even though France was worse than Sweden.

what do you think? IT should be pretty obvious

It’s a blessing we can consider this situation “slowing down” when we’re around 6-7k deaths a day. I remember when it was a big deal that 100 people were dying a day.

Do you know what logarithmic scale is? Kindly look at the y-axis on your chart.

I think more the mean hours of UAV.

>I remember when it was a big deal that 100 people were dying a day.
Considering your normal daily deaths are around like 8,000... when was that?

Well.. Sweden is still growing.. while Austria for example is minimizing since a loooong time

>i remember when it was a big deal that 100 people were dying a day.
I remember kindergarten too user

>So why has it stopped growing?
may have somethng to do with the fact the the entire world is on lockdown