Spoke to my black coworker about race relations

Spoke to my black coworker about race relations.

He told me that the virus is designed to kill black people. He said that white people are constantly coming up with schemes to fuck with black people to create a white ruling class. He believes in institutional racism and that the country is rotten to its core. He wants a revolution because he feels like his side and ours have no way to bridge the gap anymore.

What the fuck are you even supposed to do at this point?

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>What the fuck are you even supposed to do at this point?

What the fuck are you even doing here if you need to ask this ?

Whites have a history of conquering, Jews do not, Jews are a scapegoat

Tell him that he is in fact for the most part correct, only that the real elites benefit from black-white strained racial relationships, and go from there.

nice try shlomo

you better watch yourself around this nignog, he might end up shooting up the office

Has he seen how black people live when there’s no white people around?

Built for white pussy.

Psst, hey user. Need a hint? Get the 'byclon z'

I told him that we're not some hivemind and how are poor white people in on this plot and his response was "Cause ya'll ruthless motherfuckers even to your own".

>Chinks fuck up
>wypipo keepin da black man down again
The mind of a nigger is fascinating.

>What the fuck are you even supposed to do at this point?
>reasoning with a nigger

>has a job
No you don't
>has real people to speak to
No you don't
>has seen a black person in the last 5 years
No you haven't

You just larp these completely unbelievable stories from your mom's basement on repeat.

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Red pill him on the Joos

just kill all niggers

>He said that white people are constantly coming up with schemes to fuck with black people to create a white ruling class. He believes in institutional racism and that the country is rotten to its core. He wants a revolution because he feels like his side and ours have no way to bridge the gap anymore.

So white people want to control the country they created and founded?
Say it isn't so!


Tell him it's the jews

He may actually know more about them than expected. He mentioned that they started the black-face minstrel shows and that Hollywood is owned primarily by them, using black people only as fronts while they reap the majority of the money.

Wasn’t it like a month ago when black people were claiming their Wakanda DNA made them immune?

>Spoke to my black coworker
Why would you do that?

Ask the moron why the virus is killing so much in Europe.

Quit working McDonalds.

You don't have any friends loser. Kill yourself

>What the fuck are you even supposed to do at this point?
Exterminate them.

This. Multiculturalism does not work, and diversity is death for a nation. The only solution is separation, it is better for everyone.

shoulda told him it has nothing to do with race, it's in the bible, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, it's a fundamental truth of how the world works, just happens that the rich are white and jews for historic reasons and one of the ploys they use to keep the working class stagnant and shrinking is turn one against each other, including creating racial tension and divides, so neither side notices it

did we ever find out if that was staged? looks like it



>what are you supposed to do?
not talk to niggers, for starters

Hes supposed to go back to africa. Once there he can help elect a chinese president of africa in order to prove hes not racist

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Cause blacks have a history of being super nice to each other in Africa, no genocides whatsoever.

>talking to a nigger

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>What the fuck are you even supposed to do at this point?
Convince him that the only way forward for him and all blacks is to move back to Africa, where they can be Free, Free at Last from the ebil huwhite man's yoke. He can crowdfund a one way ticket.

Do you work at Walmart? If not where?

it's staged. he does it to some girls and one of them looks at him doing it a few times but makes no reaction.
It's a setup for teh views

I saw a lot of this shit too, nigs should go back to Africa

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