Brit/pol/ Northern days


>Officer who said he would 'make something up' to arrest man in Accrington suspended

>Fly-tipping has not risen since Northumberland tips were closed

>Intoxicated intruder who invaded couple’s home is jailed

>Scarborough Council's beach dog ban decision could be overturned


>Look Norf: Them Days Are Gone

>Jonathan Bowden - Situations are never hopeless: Two Kipper

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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Op You swine. You vulgar little maggot. You worthless bag of filth. As they say in Texas. I ll bet you couldn't pour !@#$ out of a boot with instructions on the heel. You are a canker. A sore that wont go away. I would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. You're a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk, a cad, a weasel. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon. You are a bleating foal, a curdled staggering mutant dwarf smeared richly with the effluvia and offal accompanying your alleged birth into this world. An insensate, blinking calf, meaningful to nobody, abandoned by the puke-drooling, giggling beasts who sired you and then killed themselves in recognition of what they had done. I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as you. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformation. I barf at the very thought of you. You have all the appeal of a paper cut. Lepers avoid you. You are vile, worthless

759 deaths today. Keep in mind that these deaths occured over several days and that they're hiding around 2/3 of the true death count.

Are they really deleting britpol?:(

It should be called brit/bant

This will be the new trend going forward, which dumb middle class fools will take at face value and espouse it’s virtues, while the upper class leave it to foundations that offer their sprog sinecures or otherwise work around the central concept.

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what do you think? we run the show

Worked out for the first time in years today.
My arms are so limp I can't even fap properly or type quickly enough. Also libido is down to zero, no appetite, I just feel empty. I don't want to be Yas Forums, how can you live like this?


Lads we need to save britpol

>UK death toll rises by 763

we did it, we're passed the peak

I wouldn't allow it mate. Don't worry.

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i can cum without wanking

Just think of all the cat rescue centres he can fund

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If they do they should delete the cvg threads as well, they're just full of speculation, what people fail to understand is that to the untrained eye this general is always off topic, but that isnt the case

This, they should /bant/ all these threads

they're keeping the numbers artificially low to avoid panic.

What happened?
Who does?

fucking hell he really is kiked and the kike media absolutely slurping it up

They have tried it before but it never works out. Every time they move or delete the thread someone makes a new one. I've seen mods delete threads at 50 posts only to have 6 new threads spring up within 5 minutes. After that they give up and let us keep one as a containment thread.

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you gotta get over the hump, callous your body

You might need to work out more than once to truly reap the benefits

just white people things

Why are people such spastics?

Plenty of politics here

the muslims are taking over, we need to kill the muslims before the muslims kill us

>it's another reddit discusses Yas Forums episode

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I think manhands has gone rogue and trying to take us me down along with this general


>Anyone mention NWO referencing Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, the National Economic Order?

The Natural Economic Order (German: Die natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung durch Freiland und Freigeld; published in Bern in 1916) is considered Silvio Gesell's most important book.[1] It is a work on monetary reform and land reform. It attempts to provide a solid basis for economic liberalism in contrast to the 20th-century trend of collectivism and planned economy.

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leave the mods to me

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>Fly-tipping has not risen since Northumberland tips were closed

I know one of the biggest fly tippers in Northumberland. He's been as busy as usual.

Name one time you have had a political conversation

He’s a small hat, as is his wife

5 days ago - Chris Whitty said that the country was “probably reaching the peak overall”

6 Apr 2020 - ... not know for certain when the UK will hit the peak of coronavirus deaths, Professor Chris Whitty told ...

5 Mar 2020 - England's chief medical officer expects the coronavirus outbreak to “peak” in “two-to-three months”. Professor Chris Whitty

12 mins ago - Play Video. 0:53. Matt Hancock says 'we are at the peak' of Covid outbreak – video

they are all from the school of talking out of one's arse.

where's this been said?

March 3th I believe, you?

>Big love for all my big lovely beautiful lads love you all me laddy lads, love beatrice love england love love love you all my mates, love you lads glad all my tripfriends are here loverly loppy laddos me and my britpol mateys absolutely love it here my lads come talk to me my best british friends lovely bea and alice love them I love love you all my loverlies


what are some good ways for pro-white activism? i'm thinking of putting "stop white genocide" stickers on lampposts

Lmao blue checks trying to shill Starmer today
>M-Measured performance
That's code for "disappointing" btw

>I think manhands has gone rogue and trying to take us me down along with this general

you said that not me

The last time you had a political convo was over a month ago? You've proven this guys point

Everyone died and it's all your fault.

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are bongs allowed to express their thoughts? or even have wrong think?

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>Coronavirus: Dominic Raab vows to hit 100k test target in eight days
the funny thing is that 100k tests per day isn't fast enough. it would take 2 years to test every person in the uk at that rate. we need around 7 million tests per day to get on top of this thing.


probable fake news

need cock bad

Last time I kissed a girl was in 2014, but it ended after two weeks because I couldn't maintain an erection as I put a condom on when we tried having sex. The time before that was in 2012 when a girl kissed me on a crowded dancefloor, then the lights came on and she saw what I looked like and immediately left. Before that was in 2004 when I snogged a girl near the bus bay in school at lunch.

Tripfags and namefags need to be gassed.

I was being silly, liven yourself up.
Few days ago probably

2007 for me

meant for the italian user

really dislike white british people lads


My days are numbered lads, they are after me in there.

would you shag a fat slag?

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borders are open to anyone not just the diverse hordes.

Youve put a target on your own head lad

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I am sorry if this upsets you

and the salty 1pbtid pol feminst spergs out again, you gonna spam hitler pics again after that user a few days ago compared you to a transgender feminist and sent you into a meltdown?

I do feel sorry for young lads these days. When I was a young'un, most lads lost their virginity at 14 - 16.

no of course not. are you new? this is literally posted about 24 / 7 for the last 10 years then you turn up with your hot fucking take when your own country elected a nigger as PRESIDENT (OMFG) and is now minority white, but hey, whatever, guns n shit gonna save you, heh

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>liven yourself up
How about you piss off to /bant/

tienes E.D?

Do you mean anonymous activism? Hundred Handers do stickers.
Otherwise run for council next local elections on a campaign of local issues then insert pro-white and vote down anti-white motions wherever possible.

Post simple as memes.

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>Coronavirus symptoms: COVID-19 lingered in woman's eyes for more than 20 days

have the shops stopped shutting at 8 yet?

Just because one autist cant fit in, britpol should go

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I have no idea what you're talking about, you mentally ill ban-evading tripfag.
user is not one person you mong.

>>Coronavirus symptoms: COVID-19 lingered in woman's eyes for more than 20 days
Holocaust stories are more believable than this.

Simple as.

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are they going to request kraut/pol and Aus/pol/ go too?

Can someone fill me in?
Why are people sayinbg brit pol is being deleted

we went too far with the shit posting and everyone is annoyed at us

Dunno, but don't think so. When we were kissing I had an erection, and apologised for it. She said it was okay and that she would have been offended if I didn't have one. I just don't feel comfortable letting my guard down around people, so went into a different room both times we tried having sex in order to put my condom on. The second time, at her place, I felt disgusting as she laid in bed watching me tiptoe across the room in semi-darkness, nude, rooting through my jeans to find the condom, and then tiptoeing over to the bathroom so that I could put on the condom in private. By the time I reached the bathroom I didn't have an erection any more, even though I tried masturbating, even tried putting a thumb up my bum like I think someone does on American Pie or a similar movie to stimulate his prostate or something. I ended up becoming semi-erect (without having to push my thumb up my bum) and got the condom on half-way, but by that time I was already nervous and as soon as I was in bed I began sweating and panicking. I thought of a novel I read once where a girl has a relationship with a poet and although he is handsome he can't get it up and isn't aggressive enough, and then she meets a sailor and he has aggressive fulfilling sex with her (before I think he turns out to be homosexual), and I was lying there beside her, trying not to let her know I was masturbating under the sheet trying to get hard, thinking "No, I don't want to be the poet! I want to be the sailor!". We kissed, and she kissed my neck and licked the inside of my ears, but by then the sheets were soaked and I was just cringing hard when she tried to touch my body or kiss me. Eventually we spooned as if going to sleep, then she took her phone into the bathroom for about fifteen minutes so I left her place at like 4:30am and walked around in the fog for a while.


never used a trip you little triggered faggot, dont have a opinion either way on them, but seeing as last nights thread was anons talking about fucking scat porn without a britpol killing trip in sight tells me how fucking dumb this place as become and you lot with it

This is a new story

this is not related to policitcs

political discourse happens in aus/pol/

it's bollocks lad they say it every few months
we were the only survivors of Yas Forums harbour, nothing they do will stop us

every thread for the last four months.


i'm an Englishman with blue eyes and a posh accent, how easy is it for me to get a black girlfriend?