Why do Whites hate Asians?
Why do Whites hate Asians?
The man that did that to that poor asian lady was a nigger btw
>why do people not like being invaded, i dont get it
Fuck Chinks
I would prefer neighbors with niggers than any other chinks.
>t. Zhou Zhang
Go back to your third world shithole, subhuman Chink bugman.
Maybe it's all the property market distortion. Maybe it's the pandemic fucking up the world. Maybe it's the disgusting habits. Maybe it's the abhorrent language. Maybe it's the Zerg rush tier volume of them elbowing everyone out of the way. Maybe it's the environmental distruction. Maybe it's the disgusting treatment of animals. Maybe it's the pimping of their populous to undercut labor around the world. Maybe I just don't like looking at them. Who knows?
We don't.
>Prefer to live around niggers
clearly has never lived around niggers
i'm white and i like asians
I don't.
Why do liberals and minorities only see group identity?
I don't mind Koreans and Japanese. But I really hate Chinese people. I don't even want them to be my neighborhood. They're cheap, rude and uncivilised.
Let me break down races for you
Jews. Can cook, negligible risk of bio contamination.
Blacks. Can cook but not well, minimal risk of bio contamination
Whites. Can cook negligible risk of bio contamination.
Mongoloids. Can not fucking cook guaranteed risk of bio contamination at pandemic.
It's a controlling technique/tool.
hate them? fuck no i only hate chinks and best koreans, besides that give me a bimbo japanese or north korean and i will do gods work.
Asians are mostly based. Prefer them over any dirty nigger and sandnigger every day. Kill niggers and leeching sandniggers.
you are incorrect
Chinese are worse than niggers. I lived in Gardena, California. Its 2 km from Compton and Carson.
Why not?
fake, everybody who lives in the real world knows that whites are the least prone race to do such thing
I don't hate Japanese
that was probably in australia
in america theyre mostly ignored
I like asians, I just hate that some of them, not all, lack hygiene and spit everywhere.
What are you doing in Mongolia?
ah i forgot canadians.
canadians and australians. the gutter oil seems to rumble their tum tums.
I like asians. Most asians i met were really smart and intresting to talk.
Saw some thread with asians talking about racism and they said that only tome they were verbaly or physicaly assaulted it was by niggers. Said asians living in US and UK
Soulless reaper culture. They are planet destroyers. Barely human, basically insects.
Hate Chinks and Seamonkeys. Asians from Japan and SK are Okey. Not much care about rest Asians.
we don’t. they just don’t belong in western countries. they have their own
to be fair she should go back to her country
so? even niggers can be right every so often
>Jews. Can cook, negligible risk of bio contamination.
>[orthodox jewing intensifies]
Because you're a weeb faggot, japanese are not as bad but they're still disgusting
It wasn't a Trump supporter, they all think the virus is fake. Why are Democrats so racist?
Any slant that refers to themself simply as “Asian” or “Asian American” doesn’t even count because they’ve lost all cultural identity.
Different flavors of Asian fucking hate each other (in Asia). My native Osakan gf absolutely despises Koreans and Chinese.