/nbg/ Nothingburger General #4

>175K Dead in 5 months from Corona
>The world is ending!!!! Panic!!!1

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day

• 1,061,200 people die every week

• 4,244,800 people die every month

• 50,900,000 million people die every year

>inb4 muhh exponential
Been below the peak for what, 18 days? Hahahahahaha

The doomer retard cult /cvg/ got hyped up by the echochamber of schizos, blue check marks and sensationalist news, they're too bitter to admit it.
You'll find them seething in this thread, giving no arguments.


>Corona BTFO by USC

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

Attached: 2 WEEEEEEEEEKS!.png (698x505, 23.84K)

Hope your family stays safe, even if you doubt the severity of what's happening around you

You too user :^)

Based. Fuck hapooners, I want to go outside again.

>Nothingburger General #4
it already happened the world is on lock down and more than half the world still is, idiot.

Yeah cause faggot snowflakes overreacted

When walking down the street or in a store, marvel at how people will jump out of the way to let you pass. They’ll literally jump into the street just to avoid coming within six feet of you. If you’re not scared of the virus, people who are will happily get out of your way. I had a guy climb into a bush to avoid me on a trail the other day. It’s an interesting phenomenon, and I laugh and pity them.

>US Economy completely destroyed
>10s of trillions of dollar printed.. brrrrrrrrrrrr
>UBI, 1200 a month per adult 500 per kid.
>Getting paid more to sit home, that to work, +600 a week in unemployment benefits.
>Highest unemployment in history
>Effecting the whole word.
>Large events all canceled.
If this is Nothingburger, I would like to know what your definition of happening is.

What's your goal? Vaccine doubt? Civil war inciting? What do you think downplaying a global pandemic that spread across the globe in less than 3 months will accomplish? Serious question.

>5 months

Nearly all the deaths were in the last month, dumbass.

It still happened idiot. Calling this a nothingburger is just low IQ boomer tier shit.
It happened and still is happening.

I eat takeout every day in a major metropolitan area and nothing happened to me.

In two weeks, when all of this blows over, everything will return to normal. Expect your summer trip to Italy and the Olympics to happen as planned.

Why does ptg get to have two generals?

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>marvel at how people will jump out of the way to let you pass
not being a nigger helps.

lmao alright, so coronavirus did in one month what happens every day normal, AND it's slowing down.

What a terrible 'pandemic' hahahaha

all of these posts have been made by me btw

It just doesn't magically return to normal, this isn't a movie.

>by me
Who are you?

I noticed weeks ago when shopping that everyone apparently forgot how to walk in a normal pattern. Then I realized what was happening and that I could just plow straight ahead and watch them scramble out of my way.

No, it didn't.
You fags chanted and prayed and jerked off to a virus in the hopes it would cause destruction and kill millions and billions.

I've never seen goalposts moved so much as a /cvg/tard moves them. Pic related.

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I just wanna go back to being a slave for my master. I heard last week that shekelberg might need to drive the 2019 Lambo to his 1 hour shift.

This would work better if you changed your name to Gary for the tripcode just btw

I'm not talking about the virus idiot.

>two weeks
What the fuck is ur problem

Attached: meis.png (1920x1080, 273.43K)

Nothingburger General #3 got like 40 posts lmao. That's because only smoothbrains still think this virus is nothing. The antibody tests are extremely inaccurate, the large scale tests showing millions have had it are preprint bullshit using Chinese serology tests that have more false positives than true positives.

Attached: ohDKCIOg.jpg (728x574, 29.14K)

>hysteria proves my coerced reality is legitimate

Attached: 1510425468259.gif (200x200, 2M)

I am

okay than you both are idiots, i'm talking about the really happening.
which is this.
>US Economy completely destroyed
>10s of trillions of dollar printed.. brrrrrrrrrrrr
>UBI, 1200 a month per adult 500 per kid.
>Getting paid more to sit home, that to work, +600 a week in unemployment benefits.
>Highest unemployment in history
>Effecting the whole word.
>Large events all canceled.

You just said all that bullshit with no source at all, typical of a /cvg/bot

>be me
>living with grandparents, doing all risk activities like groceries
>living near biggest state hospital, and it's fucking full
>I start developing some symptoms like fever
>Drink 1 liter of strong coffee
>Chainsmoke half a pack
>Drink half a bottle of jagermeister
>Wake up feeling normal
Who else /cured/?

also because /cvg/ and other generals are filled with bots, but this post scool

America is opening up. You're such a pathetic faggot that hiding under your blanket and praying for more death and suffering is your only hope for vindication. You did this to yourself and leftists deserve whatever is going to happen to them.