Why the happenings are accelerating

Here’s the real redpill:

> interconnectivity of everything is accelerating
> world is heading toward some kind of singularity
> what was once multiple totally (apparently) separate human consciousnesses 1000s of years ago are now quite clearly connected by a subconscious layer (the internet)
> it is gradually pulling everyone together and subtly affecting their conscious and subconscious thought processes
> incompatibilities between individuals are being highlighted and smashed together at a more rapid pace
> just like when animals from another island come over on a boat natural selection rapidly increases
> this process will keep accelerating and then rapidly evaporate and suddenly it will seem everyone is more or less in agreement about everything (the fundamentals anyway)
> at the same time as this AI will approach superhuman levels, which will also correspond with neural augmentation and brain to brain interfaces.

This is all part of a natural lifecycle of: a lifeform:
> appears (single cell form)
> divides itself
> the divided components mutate and compete against each other
> eventually recombine into a more complex lifeform.
> which then divides itself again
> and so on

Eventually this will lead to a time (not far off) where the Earth is basically operating as a single life form with a functioning nervous system and conscious layer (partially created by humans). It's already some of the way there, and that is part of the reason why we have not seen many major natural disasters in recent memory.

Anyway the happenings will continue to accelerate as the integration process speeds up, and then a relatively utopian age will be ushered in.

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so you teach everyone to program subversion by logic effectively breaking the hive and the chain - this is what they do to us here every day, atleast 80% of threads are part of it

We can do same to them and their slaves

Exactly, this is how come redpilling is very important.

For the health of the "hive mind", individuals ("neurons") need to be actually thinking for themselves, not NPC following other individuals as so many have done for so long.

For the whole to work, every component consciousness needs to be fully thinking for itself with a complete arsenal of information to back up its thought processes, not parroting some speaker who has more airtime

Agreed 100%, but how to sell this idea? How to make it appealing as the knowledge of something people 'are not supposed to know'. I would think that by calling it social hacking that itself gives it power - people always want to become hackers but don't believe they can.

It will eventually lead people to think "who is hacking me" and they wake up.

Take your schizos; medchan AI will never be the opposite.

Onion was right, we are all Chris Hansen's Childrens.

Algorithmically, the vectorized void-jump convector that usually allow for hieluxo-matricial coordinates to gather in this quadriplanar dimension was supposed to end the simulation after the 29th april, but we will see if the universe re-contract fast enough.

>Take your schizos;

proceeds to write unintelligible schizo word salad

The Redpill vs NPC meme is pretty solid.

Even the leftyfags have their own version of redpilled (woke).

All in all, compared to say, 2014, if you consider how widely known things like Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Federal Reserve cartel, (((globalist control))), 9/11 was an inside job, etc, etc are. the progress is astounding.

Even since say 2016 there has been progress with some on the left beginning to accept some more natsoc tending ideas (not many but some).

Right now there has been an artificial brake applied to this process by social media, r*ddit, newspaper comment sections, twitter, facebook, YouTube, gooogle, basically everywhere except Yas Forums censoring all wrongthink.

That doesn't eliminate the wrongthink though, just makes it mutate more vehemently and intensify until it can re enter the main thinking centers of the normie cortexes (the mainstream sites).

At the same time, it would be good if we had more normie friendly, censorship free forum type platforms, that could serve as a conduit from here to the rest of the net

>Take your shizos
Im fucking dying over here user

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Shut up retard

t. stupid nigger who can't form a coherent response

'Shut up retard' is a coherent response, retard

I think you are right for the most part except that we aren't going to become some kind of single giant brain lifeform or whatever. We are becoming connected but we won't lose our individuality either they really aren't mutually exclusive in fact the physical world itself is exactly an example of how they aren't. We all live in this world connected by it yet we are separate. Well now we are going to wake up from this dream and enter a new one without all the evil. It's not an AI or anything it is just the nature of consciousness.

So, everyone being stupid with moronic political leaders has nothing to do with it?

Peck typing out 'shut up retard' as your last two brain cells barely avoid dying from exhaustion does not count as forming a coherent response to a multi line well reasoned post.

See picrelated for definition of the word coherent you stupid fucking twat and come back when you can write a basic counterargument or otherwise utter something borderline useful, assuming you have the capacity to do so, which is doubtful

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Yeah, I don't mean to imply that we'll lose our individual consciousness, more that the invisible noosphere (hive mind / meme magic ) consciousness will become more coherent and more clear, and its interactions with us will become more obvious

My basic counterargument is that you are a retard that needs to shut up.
>muh consciousness and AI and interconnectivity and shit!
did you enjoy 4/20 a bit too much user?

Yea not as long as Jews are on this earth. This is a theory to distract the whites once again.
Fuck you and your theory and any faggot that believes this to be true

Ah alright. I think you are right we are all gonna make it lads.

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can confirm
every saturday at abour 3pm local dogs gather and just melt into a ball of paws and furr and evolve into a girafe

>The news keeps promising me happening but it's all nothing burgers
>That must be from the siNgULAriTy

Trans humanism is a faggot fable

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This is not good man. The only thing a human can follow as a God need to be not human. And an AI suits that place perfect.
It's not an utopía. It's the anti Christ reign. It last 3 and a half years tho. but dont fucking worship It bong. I know you want to

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no you've just been fucked by self-important anglo nerds who thought that they can quantify god

enjoy your fragmented mind motherfucker you brought it onto yourself

>Eventually this will lead to a time (not far off) where the Earth is basically operating as a single life form with a functioning nervous system and conscious layer

Take your pills user
Inb4 I must be a Jew cause I disagree with your crazy illusions of grandeur


t. brainlet who thinks any barely complex thought process must come from consuming psychoactive drugs

You joke, but surely you see the pattern of things like ants or social mammal species working together as a 'multi cell' group, much like the individual cells in a body work together

Negative forces and groups exist, that is obvious. But if you think a few thousand (((globalist elite))) will successfully destroy the cosmic/divine cycles you're wrong

Fuck you, jew, and your commie fetishes. The least shitty part of your post was you describing what could be people being shaken out of their (((induced))) mass schizophrenia.

see picrelated

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>utopian age will be ushered in
sorry, fren, globohomo, inc. is not a utopia

We'll be invaded by aliens soon, watch.

Individuals working together at the highest degrees of efficiency != communism. In fact on a national economic level, it probably resembles something like NatSoc. That does not mean that nations cannot then work together for the common good: they obviously can and should.

They will create hell on earth, by all the pain and suffering they will create.

globohomo is the current dystopian stage of the cycle, the culmination and expression of the negatively aligned and their NPC sheep. They can and must be eliminated before the utopian stage starts. Probably several years away still

The Deep State / NWO are fighting to get their power back.

Its very true that faster connectivity is speeding things up. I don't think we are necessarily moving towards some sort of an advanced life-form, at least not any time soon. I think the happenings will speed up until it causes a collapse which will cause a reset. They say there are so many satellites and debris in orbit that an accident could cause a chain reaction that destroys all of our satellites and makes it impossible to send anything up there safely, that would slow things down.