What I’m about to tell you is the best kept secret in the world. All elites know it. All religions of the world adhere to it. All of the “greats” throughout history practiced it.
No fap is ultimately the God-pill.
You are born from sexual energy. This energy resonates within all living things, big and small. Plants, insects, animals, and humans all reproduce via this energy. It is the most powerful energy.
Sex Magic is not a ritualistic rape, it is not the deflowering of some young virgin bride, it has absolutely nothing to do with eating babies or adrenochrome. You are all being fooled to a massive degree.
If you want to be great, you have to suspend all orgasms. Never, ever, ever orgasm. This is the ultimate and final secret that they will never, ever tell you.
“The beast system” exists in any form that encourages you to cum. Cum is life force, it is sexual energy being ejected from you.
You can harness that energy through celibacy and create literally anything in the world. But you must transmute it into something, because otherwise you will have wet dreams, you will lapse on no fap, etc. You must have a goal to work towards constantly.
This is also the secret behind “dragon slayer” statues of the old world. If someone had a statue of them slaying a dragon/beast/Medusa this is symbolic for conquering their bestial nature.
All is sex. It is your energy, it is yours to take. Stop cumming, user. Save the white race and become a great.