At American elementary school

>at American elementary school
>headmaster says “ok kids please stand for the pledge of alligance” over the intercom
>kids recite a bunch of words they’re too young to under stand
>”ok now sit down and have a moment of silence”

Why do Americans have such retarded rituals?

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>American school

>Why do Americans have such retarded rituals?
We'll people aren't going to brainwash themselves.

Yea maybe if your country had any pride you wouldn't hide behind a meme flag and shitpost on Yas Forums you unpatriotic kike.

>Why do Americans have such retarded rituals?

Because America is an immigrant country they have rituals that help people coalesce around certain concepts and ideals.
You wouldnt need it somewhere like Japan that is ethnically homogeneous.

In Europe we have started mass migration relatively recently and because we dont have these rituals and concepts the Americans have we split in to a country made from very different communities that hate each other and work against each other.

I dunno but I questioned it the whole time. I always sat for it and got dirty looks.

We know Jews have fucked up society badly, but I have to admit, there were some changes that were good. There were some aspects of society that did need to be updated.

People talk about freedom and stuff, but the government propaganda in the past was all powerful. There was no way to even get a variety of opinion out to the public. Things were decided in a room with 10 people, and whole nations fell in line like automatons. If you were in disagreement, you were depersoned worse than even now.

Lol this is one aspect of American society that I actually respect

t. Frenchman

I remember having to do this every day as a kid. I knew the words, but had absolutely no idea what any of them meant. It was just something they made us do.

wtf is a headmaster? nigga that sounds gay af

Why do you care? Why do you feel the need to change this ritual that unites people together? If that was the Israeli flag would you feel differently?


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>head master
you mean your mom lmao

>dont pledge
>get sent to principal
>declare my freedoms since I was 12

Pledge of Allegiance is literally Union propaganda.


All that stuff came to be during the cold war. Only existed because of fear of USSR and marxism.

> Something intelligent from a Brit

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all countries have patriotic rituals. what are you even saying

we are intelligence as fuck m8

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>immigrant country
t.nigger. american was a country founded by colonists and settlers and the ones who did immigrate from white countries in europe actually contributed to society. they are nothing like the refugees and niggers who wish to come to places like american,canada or australia because all the hard work is done and they get a welfare check when they get off the boat. the whites who came actually contributed and gave a fuck about the country, you can't conflate them with the nigger immigrants of today and say they're the same thing. my point still stands though, the united states was built by white europeans

>alright kids, penis inspection time

nice meme flag Kurtz

Shitskins that clamor into all of our nations claim "dey bilt dis cuntry!" Picking cotton is not single-handedly building an entire nation.

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Better than sitting legs crossed on the floor singing songs about a man who doesnt exist. So much Christian bullshit forced into our brains at a young and impressionable age

First time it was recited in a classroom was in Redlands, California.

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i fucking hate foreignerss man. we have principles you stupid fucking brit post teeth

only britian can be masters at giving head the fucking faghots llooooove sucking dick

I hate the EU and the only thing I wish for at this point is to live long enough to see it collapse on itself.


Is this a Facebook meme?

>at European elementary school
>a bunch of Arabic gibberish is recited over the intercom
>kids roll out magic carpet looking things, knell and bow towards a certain direction on them

Why do Yuros have such retarded rituals?

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Im saying they arent really necessary in an ethnically homogeneous modern country.

Thos rituals are dying out AND our countries are not ethnically homogeneous any more so its definitely going to fracture all the countries in Europe in to different communities and groups that hate each other.