Is ffVII the most redpilled game ever?

>international controlling merchants want to find "the promised land" while literally ruining the world they live on
>they are opposed by a small group of people who want to return the world to pre-industrial norms.
no wonder they needed a (((remake)))

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Didn’t this game make you want to blow up gas stations for the greater good?

The Makou revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

I want to lick Tifa's legs from top to bottom.

> remake
Its too late.

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I was playing this point-and-click adventure made by a Polish company and it's definitely not poz. You play as a young American guy in the 1950s who is obsessed with communism and basically a "weeb" of sorts for this fictional communist state called Matryoshka. I thought it would be pro-commie at first but it makes fun of it (as well as ideology in general) plenty of times.

The main character distributes his own commie newsletter and I think this bit was referring to most people who have this "we gotta help the poor" mindset are white. Pic related.

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ngl she makes my pp hard

Also people carrying the genes of ancient beings and a schizo dude with personality disorder who is actually the clone of an evil hivemind alien.

>literally 15 minutes of crossdressing

Your femboy simulators are the worst thing that ever happened to the west. Every tranny is influenced by this shit.

Square Enix is also clearly liberal, pushing feminism and lbgtq think.

Kill yourself gook

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Did they shrink her tits?

How desperate are you to sell this game zhang?

Owning this system in the first place means you do not belong here.

Also Jew mods just deleted the other thread because it was vidya. This one here breals 4 different rules.

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Name of game?

Yes. They are still big by the game standards.

>worst thing to happen to the west
>not liberalism
Yikes kike!

20 years ago we got the full game. What’s this bullshit w/ year long game updates to finish a fucking story completed 20 YEARS AGO!!

It's also just an extremely fun game to play. Tifa's combo system really surprised me and hard mode actually requires you to switch your brain off grug mode or you'll die to the first two shinra grunts at the train station. "7 seconds to the end" was amazing too.

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Other than tranny dancing simulator, which was GOING to be retarded, the game was actually really enjoyable. And I haven't played a game in forever. Last one I played was probably witcher 3 and I didn't finish it. The character development is really well done and most of the cast have stories that reinforce their motivations and reasons for being integral in the story. Barret was great. And don't give me that, buh he has a WHITE kid. He's literally doing the best fantasy black man on the planet and taking care of a kid whose pops was murked due to his failure to protest something he knew he should've. If black people see this, at least they'll know how to be a good dad.

Game loses points for tranny dancing, and gains points for telling black people to own the fuck up and be an actual dad. 8/10.

>the game I liked when I was a teenager is le redpilled

The bad guys are Sephiroth (Kabbalah reference) and Jenova.

Irony Curtain

Not to mention it's not even a real game, it's basically just one big cinematic sequence with a few mini-games and "combats" where you mash only one button again and again till it's over.
Thourougly disappointed with it. Why would they take the direction of Crisis core when everyone criticized its combat and linear design.

You can't do that on hard at all. It'll eventually be min/maxed, but hard mode is hard if you're figuring it out for yourself.

>Not to mention it's not even a real game, it's basically just one big cinematic sequence with a few mini-games and "combats" where you mash only one button again and again till it's over.
you just described modern AAA games really.

Sorry Chang it's control opped.

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I never really understood the appeal of the later final fantasy games - really anything after 6 - where they become bloated with cinematics. Honestly most video game writing is really bad so the less I have to endure the better.

Yeah but Cloud is now Jewish.

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I don't understand the criticism really, it was grindy but so was every ff game before and basically all the other jrpgs of the time.

the reason ffvii was addictive to "fuck all this story" gamers was the freedom to dink around with the mini games, chocobo breeding and stretch goals like killing ruby weapon, which was pretty expansive for the time and the genre.

>Tifa gets a breast reduction because of ugly females and trannies


>tranny dancing simulator
In the original game, the crossdressing sequence was played for laughs, did they do something different in the remake?

>other than it being degenerate gay trash it wasn't degenerate gay trash
And no, it couldn't even get 90% on Metacritic despite 11/10 scores from erratic söyboys.

Also you literally support Sony, a company that has nigger trannies run up and down the road. I bet you will buy literally Jewish Naughty Dog games too.






Be a braindead faggot and grind dinos in a desert with your tranny, but don't be hypocritical. You can't shit on trannies and then be a hedonistic subhuman about it. Every key character in these games looks like a 2005 scene boy because Nomura is literally homosexual and this company is 100% liberal.

Not only are you a MANCHILD who plays and shills viveeo gaymed, you shill gay ones.

/state of this board

no if you played wrpg.
>Dick around with the mini games
It's just stupid. Slap some shitty mini game in your open world, and bam, people will love it. (modern GTA games, Yakuza, etc.)
Just admit you don't know what to do with open world "games".

I get it now. He's a self hating jew, mad because they wouldn't let him study the ancient mysteries.

>a society with morals
>strong work ethic
>respect for those older than you
>values politeness
>public bathing, washing before getting in
their society is a fuck ton more conservative than ours
is there even a more well behaved place on earth?

Anime is already gay so not sure what the SJW's want to do that could make it worse

>succumbs to SJW bullshit
>Adds spats, bra, makes tits smaller
>But hey, we kept all the faggotry intact in glorious HD! No, you can't skip it on New Game Plus like all that other shit, that wouldn't be very progressive.


Subhuman mods delete the redpilling thread about their davorite shitgames but not the shill one which is offtopic

Disgusting manchild board for hypocrites

I want to fuck Tifa

It's still comical but not fully like the original. Cloud has to do a dance while crossdressing with the owner of the Honey Bee Inn in order to get into Don Cornelio's. The owner is a stereotypical fag though. I played in English so maybe the jap version is purely comical.

>Hasn't played Ethnic Cleansing.
No, all FF games are gay as fuck.

sephiroth is the good guy

Incel steals the identity of his dead friend and proceeds to bait his friends gf and some other whores.
Literally everyone on this board feels right at home playing this game.

lol no, he's even got a kabbalah name for extra judaism.
He's literally the golem that shinra created.

>le manchild le manchild le manchild
We get it, you reddit. No one is forcing you to stay here.

>literally 15 minutes of crossdressing
>femboy simulator
I mean, besides the one guy saying "beauty is not limited by gender", the whole thing was an enormous joke at Cloud's (your) expense, it hardly comes across as transgender advocacy to me.

>Cloud has to do a dance while crossdressing with the owner of the Honey Bee Inn
the dance is before the crossdressing

Whatever you say whore. Now gtfo and kys

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>episodic garbage crossdressing faggotry
yeah bro real based
also Tifa is garbage