/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3382

► Detected: 2,579,709 (+23,949) ► Died: 179,047 (+1,588) ► Day: 104 (-13:08:44)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 9.7x more confirmed deaths than H1N1 flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 4,743 strains have been sequenced —


Yas Forums leaked emails from WHO, CDC, Gates Foundation, Wuhan biolab

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

Antibody levels detected by tests don't guarantee immunity

Coronavirus deaths in the US went unreported for weeks

Patient in Italy still positive after 55 days

Virus stays in air for 12 hours, longer than expected

Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes

Type "A" blood more likely to catch virus than "O"

51 patients in South Korea reinfected after "recovery"

CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky

Deaths in the UK are 50% higher than official toll

Iran coronavirus burial pits the size of football fields

▶ 1141 new cases and 5 new deaths in Saudi Arabia
▶ 391 new cases and 7 new deaths in India
▶ 293 new cases and 16 new deaths in Germany
▶ 28 new cases and 1 new death in the Republic of North Macedonia
▶ 603 new cases and 23 new deaths in Portugal
▶ 115 new cases and 8 new deaths in Finland
▶ 708 new cases and 138 new deaths in the Netherlands
▶ 84 new cases and 4 new deaths in Afghanistan
▶ 217 new cases and 14 new deaths in Denmark


Attached: CVG.png (600x460, 232.32K)

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the only good thing of this lockdown for me is finding KINO kaguya

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I'm so happy for you guy

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Hi. My name is user. I have a problem with fapping.

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So how do they determine whether it's airborne or not? We keep finding out that it survives in air longer and longer and being in the same room as someone is enough to catch it. Are they just avoiding testing that possibility or is it just hard to prove?

Kaguya best girl.

Attached: 1556833390712.jpg (3992x3500, 3.89M)

>despite being only 4% of world population the USA has 30% of positive coronavirus cases worldwide

>1141 new cases and 5 new deaths in Saudi Arabia
but user said it can't handle hot climate

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You have plenty of time to prep water. But water should also be the first thing you prep.


Virus mutated into at least 33 different strains, some of which are more virulent and pathogenic


Hi user. Ex-addict here.
What you should read is this.
This book made stopping this so easy it's unbelievable.
Good luck. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


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Give it to me straight, this whole thing was a sham wasn't it? People aren't dying in the streets, globalism wasn't stopped in its tracks, and retards are protesting so they can go back to wageslaving.

redpill me on NoFap during the pandemic.

What's the point of NoFap atm? All those positive things now don't matter and since the lockdown and social distancing will be in place until there is a vaccine you will not be able to find a qt to release very easily.

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People in my country are shooting each other now...

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Elderberries are the cure...

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China back to enforcing Wuhan style lockdowns

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>tfw I'm the reverse of that image

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nice trips.

Isn't this normal since Duterte is in charge?

So this is the origin of that soijack

I knew it was Markiplier

>nofap is only to be more confident in talking to women
Since nofap I found hobbies and started working out, I look like a 8/10 chad Adonis and I'm in such a good mood it's beautiful.

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>retards are protesting so they can go back to wageslaving
you gotta agree that this whole thing is fun atleast

How come you have jerkcity frames saved? Are you a Yas Forumstant? Or are they known outside of Yas Forums?

I thought they said everything was back to normal, wtf China

Not sure what all that’s about but try these user...

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Who here hyped for the normalfag slaughter once lockdowns are lifted? If they so desperately want to go outside and drown in their own blood then let them at it.

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>USA has 30% of positive coronavirus cases worldwide
Dig deeper, you memeflag. As of now, USA has:
Record daily deaths.
Record unenployment.
More per Capita cases than France, #4 coronacup.
Over double per capita deaths than Germany, #5 in coronacup.
Half the per capita tests when compared to Italy, #3 in coronacup.

If filthy mutts tested as heavily as other fucking states, they would shit their pants.
Fucking amerifat burgers. During the first days those dogs were all around /cvg/ puking out slurs against the world and laughin at others' misfortunes.
Where's you #1 top healthcare now, you degenerate america?

but I already am very athletic and I have no issues with talking to anyone. I agree that my mood changed a lot, but being stuck at home all the time I feel like it doesn't really matter.

It honestly just makes you feel better.

Yas Forums was my first board and I love the humour of jerkcity, yes

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Based as fuck. Yas Forums was my first board too

Pierce Brosnan is an architect
And his medium is the female form

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my countries leadership is convinced kids cannot get sick and hardly infect others...

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It does matter. When you start to feel urges, just learn a new thing about survival like filtering water or finding mushrooms. This will be helpful when Corona-chan destroys our world.

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I use the following daily
>10mg ascorbic acid
>1000mg Quercetin
>2 capsules of elderberry
>1 zinc supplement
Although if you do get sick I hear you should discontinue the elderberry as it can work against you by way of the cytokine storm

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more like FATTEN the curve

Who the fuck are you?

>force-feed Xi JinPing's daughter, you say?

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As a hope simp, I hope you make it through

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>So how do they determine whether it's airborne or not? We keep finding out that it survives in air longer and longer and being in the same room as someone is enough to catch it. Are they just avoiding testing that possibility
Been wondering myself, the same with just how long it survives on household surfaces/shopping. Not sure if it is deliberate or inept. Leaning towards They don't want people to know because of the masks/herd things.

that's actually a good idea. Danke Hans, irgendwelche anderen Tipps?

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What could go wrong?

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Nah it literally falls from the sky like just boil stream water lmao

Why the fuck hasn't BMO's twitter dedicated to the outbreak updated in days? That was my go to for concise reports throughoit the day in wtf has been happening with this

>dutch friend works at a fritter store or whatever it's called
>broke as shit
>will eventually have to return to work and get pozzed
Guy's absolutely livid and swears on everything he can that once he gets pozzed, he'll spread the virus like there's no tomorrow. You may want to steer clear of those fritters or whatever they are.

Look at his grin
He wants that bat lard

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u too fren

I dunno, I still don't have any cases here, Mario. I'm glad to see the virus didn't take all your extra lives though


i think you mean a fluffer store
it's where people with mostly erectile dysfunctions go

Thats cause it doesnt matter and it never mattered.
Nothing wrong with jerking off, nofap is a weird thing that weird people have invented to try to come up with a reason as to why they cant get laid. Why do you even feel the need to talk to people about jerking off? Just do it and then get back to whatever you were doing before.

I've taken up the new habit of wiping everything down that comes into the house because of the info of how long this shit sticks.

I Half feel crazy half feel obligated since my roomie has a weak immune system

How can 3D even compete

Don't worry, the orders will come back soon

It was always just 1 guy. Maybe he got COVID?

Anybody have the corona picture of the coomer guy in a hazmat suit next to rogue the bat?

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My trust for the medical community is at an all-time low. This is their apocalypse scenario and I don't doubt for a minute they would happily throw us all under the bus to give themselves slightly better odds and would absolutely lie to us so they can hoard the shit out of equipment