What's you stance on recreational drugs and the legality of weed for example? Degenerate and should be banned/discouraged or something that should be tolerated?
What's you stance on recreational drugs and the legality of weed for example...
Read the Doors of Perception, or just take shroomz. It will be the best thing you can do in your life
The best thing I did in my life was marry my virgin girlfriend and start a family.
take the Ecofascist/ANPRIM pill user
Weed should be banned and drugs are a tool for doping and controlling the sheep
The natural instinct of a white man against jewish suggestions, cheers white man
No, not doing them is
>save yourself for a person that doesn’t exist
Great idea user
I have a genuine problem my fellow Yas Forumstards. I feel like the women pictures on Yas Forums have way higher average quality than those in /s/. How did you guys achieve this?
Why a board discussing politics (is coffee good for you) shows a greater ability to collect picture of sexy women? Is it the incel rage?
listen to kikes, great idea desu
My Meme flag is my revolt against the modern world
weed is based. it defeats the jew
It's the IQ factor. Not sure how you got here from /s/ but welcome new friend
Weed is fucking gay and smells like niggers
But for legality's sake just legalize it and treat it like guns just so those insufferable faggots can feel my pain
I’m just saying that the only white debt free virgins with no tattoos I know are 18 year old Mormon girls. If you didn’t get married at 20 than it’s not going to happen for you.
You are using the meemeflag correctly good job
the powerful people know who you are still. you're just hiding from fellow anons
At this point thats what partially keeps me sane
>Aim for the moon and land amongst the stars of pussy
Interesting perspective but all the same
Drugs and other paraphernalia should be illegal. Degenerates will hang from lamppost for partaking in such evil activities.
Based, Jews trying to spread drugs will not stray us off the path of righteousness.
You need to look up where THC "research" is being done mostly and who isolated THC
perspective? it's reality, jew. and you're name fagging. You really don't belong here. Well I take that back. You are in the large subversive part of Yas Forums along with jews, cucks, and mad niggers
Fire can be used by all people
A knife is a tool
used by the bad it become murder
used by the good it can break shackles
No you didn’t lol
Ive been here since 2014 and no
I've tried plenty of drugs and am pretty red pilled.
IDK i reckon Hitler would have loved crack
Tolerate or not it doesn’t matter. People always have done them and they always will.
LSD is great for spiritual and mental development given that's it's taken for the right reasons, though it's made me very analytical to the point it can sometimes be hard to turn off. It's the red pill, once you take it properly there's no going back to how you viewed the world before, which is neither good nor bad. The truth isn't all good or bad, but it is the truth.
The only thing that bothers me is that I'll never know if I would have came to the conclusions I came to from taking LSD if I'd never taken it at all. No one will ever know the answer to this, but I certaintly don't regret taking it.
Nothing should be made 'prohibited' by authority, and anything taken should be used sparingly, never abused.