Why is nobody talking about occult shit that nazi did?
Why is nobody talking about occult shit that nazi did?
people been talking about it, writing books about it for 70 years...
Why would anyone talk about it?
Why don't you talk about the sadistic pedo sex-cults organized by freemasons?
Well no1 here is talking about freemansons as 'way to go'. But nazis seems to be very popular here
National socialism is an answer to the international banking cartels grip on the world. They are popular because they fought back against the jew world order. What some party members did and thought about "occult" things is irrelevant.
Normalfaq here, just awakening to the international jewery, the oldest story never told. Keep it up oldfaqs!
>its okay when nazis do it
you bring up the freemasons, rightfully i might add, but you miss the big picture here.
the nazis didn't just stomp out freemasonry altogether. they allowed some lodges to stay opened for a while. they also horded up all their weird grimoires and relics instead of destroying them, which you think they would've done because they understood freemasonry's connection to kabbalism.
They horded it up to make displays for the public and expose their weird cult. And lodges were turned into party headquarters, doesn't mean they were practicing masonry.
Because magic doesnt real
>displays for the public
no, friend.
they were hording all the occult stuff they could find in their magic castle.
Everyone has a hobby
Stop trolling, nobody finds it funny.
WEWelsburg castle, friend.
so the Freemasons organize satanic sex cults, riddled with occultism
The nazi higher ups were obsessed with occultism, and the inner-cicrle was riddled with occult imagery.
Connecting the dots?
modern elites are obsessed with occult as well (bohemian groove etc.)
Be quiet wrong flag
Wrong, hess was into ghost stories and that was about it.
>Why is nobody talking about occult shit that nazi did?
Because they really didn't do any occult shit.
This is the book which invented the myth. Hollywood was quick on the uptake and since you guys are mainly educated via Hollywood movies, you believe that the Nazis were into the occult. They weren't.
you sure about that
>Accounts suggest that List had a happy childhood.[3] Developing a preference for rural areas rather than urban ones,[4] he enjoyed family visits to the countryside of Lower Austria and Moravia, and – encouraged by his father – he began to sketch and paint the castles, prehistoric monuments, and natural scenery of these areas.[3] According to his later account, he developed an early interest in the pre-Christian religions of Austria, coming to believe that the catacombs beneath St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna had once been a shrine devoted to a pagan deity. He claimed that on an 1862 visit to the catacombs with his father, he knelt before a ruined altar and swore that when an adult he would construct a temple to the ancient god Wotan.[5]
>Although List wanted to become an artist and scholar, he reluctantly agreed to his father's insistence that he enter the family's leather goods business.[3] During his leisure time he devoted himself to writing and sketching as well as rambling, riding, or rowing in the countryside, becoming both a member of the Viennese rowing club Donauhort and the secretary of the Austrian Alpine Association (Österreichischer Alpenverein).[6] He was involved in both solitary and group expeditions into the Austrian Alps, and it was on one of the latter journeys that he left his mountaineering group to spend Midsummer night alone atop the Geiselberg hillfort.[4] On 24 June 1875 he and four friends rowed down the Danube before camping for the night at the site of the ancient Roman fortification of Carnuntum to commemorate the 1500th anniversary of the Battle of Carnuntum, in which Germanic tribes defeated the Roman Army. List later claimed that while his friends caroused, he celebrated the event with a fire and by burying eight bottles of wine in the shape of a swastika beneath the arch of the monument's Pagan Gate.[7]
You dumb brainlet. Hitler's chief economic adviser and the guy who secured all his funding, Hjalmar Schacht, was one of the highest ranked freemasons.
because it's the same shit. i don't know it kikes are Freemasons, but the occult is the real shit that echoes through history
it wen't far beyond hess.
those were the good occultists
Freemasons are shabbos goyim that existed to serve jews for hundreds of years. They are not jews, but there have been jewish masons.
so satanic pedo shit is cool when Germans do it?
It was yet another kabbalist offshoot of freemasonry, the guy who invented the whole thing was some jew named Rosenberg, Rosenthal, Rosestein, ...
>why is nobody talking about occult shit that nazi did
youre kidding right? theres entire genres of fiction based on this
didnt the nazis kick out a lot of freemasons? occultism is not bad bytheway, we do it here speaking to kek,
"magic" most certainly, in fact, do real. whatever you want to call it - spiritualism, mysticism, synchronicities, its all there inside of us unfortunately it has been suppressed due to (((forces)))
Have you ever seen Indiana jones?
You're assuming they're the same group of people with the same goals
not all occultism is satanic pedo shit you know
They were. The NSDAP was a zionist deviation of the German worker's party. It got infiltrated, turned into what it was by literal zionists. They hired german officers and instructed them what to say, what to do, how to rail against the jews, etc. The whole point of it was to create the best enemy money can buy.
occult satanic pedo shit is occult satanic pedo shit.
the nazis might have publicly stated they dislikes them , but there was little persecution in Nazi occupied teretories
and a lot of Nazi collaboration from masons.
Are you retarded? People have been talking about that for decades. People have been writing books about it for decades. Any information about the Thule and Vril have been available for decades. Just because your slow ass just heard about it doesn’t mean it wasn’t around before you were swimming around in your dad’s balls.
Boy do i have the screencap for you.
George orwell on some fag named YEET