/AG/-Africa general

Are there any irl sub-saharan Africans on this board?

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My husband is Nigerian, but he doesn't use imageboards. I can ask him any questions you have about Africa though

Why didn't he leave you yet?

my bf is Somali, AMA

sup, white sub saharan checking in

>he doesn't use imageboards.
>he's too fucking stupid to use the internet. I'll translate from english to oogabooga for you.
ever consider kys?


brown african reporting in

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I'm a sub-Saharan Australian

kys nigger

"hurr durr he skin different from me skin am better"

how big is your dick?

You’re a proper African. Imagine if the Jew world government didn’t force you guys to be ran by niggers. Imagine if Rhodesia was still I thing. I’d fucking move to Cape Town or Joburg tomorrow if apartheid was still a thing. Fuck niggers destroying everything.

I don’t understand how anyone can look at niggers and see them as humans. I literally can’t anymore I just see them as roaches. Our government should just pay off every nigger like $50k and ship them to Liberia or some shit tell them it’s just like Wakanda and get them the fuck out of here.

They lack the means to create wealth, in over 25 at the reigns years they have managed to create nothing, therefore they devote all their efforts to stealing wealth created by others.
All the protests, all the political movements, not one for empowering people to do for themselves, not one for real education - the passing grade for high school is 30% last time I checked, and they want university for free, as if that would mean anything to someone who can barely read. All their yelling and burning and throwing rocks is just for free shit that someone else produced. They still refuse to acknowledge that their condition is anything but a direct consequence of white oppression, despite the fact a generation has passed and they have inherited infrastructure that would take China thirty years to rape into existence, they will never take responsibility - they are literally children.

You sound retarded mate

Not bad, nigger.

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Lol my gf is Namibian and white.

Last time I went there seeing houses with high cement walls and electric fences was appalling. Then the shanty towns looked awful.

I couldn't believe how the fuck people lived over there and it was like the norm. They need to worry about niggers breaking in to rape them and give them aids constantly everywhere.

Trust me I know they are children we deal with the same shit here in the USA. I’d honestly love to pick up my bags and move to Swakopmund, Namibia and build a farm, it’s so fucking gorgeous. But unfortunately because of the retarded nigger government I couldn’t just move there, buy land and a farm because I’m white.

Where in Namibia is she from? I want to go to Swakopmund so bad it looks like the most awesome city. Fucking rolling sand dunes next to the ocean gorgeous and whiter than most American cities.

Based, afrikaans are more african than the niggers who migrated there.

Yep, I was just in Swakopmund this past February. Beautiful!! Looked like Miami but with sand dunes.

Then you go to the edge of town and all you see is miles of shanty town filled with poor niggers.

Haha houses there have alarms that show from the outside with a light that it's enabled just to deter robberies. I was scratching my head at how fucked up it was to be living like that, but it's the norm there.

Haha don't get me started on the parking attendants hahaha fuck them!!

Botswana is still ok, they still hang them there.

Probably hasn't knocked her up with a niglet yet. Then it's a 97% chance he's gone.

Windhoek, but I've been to Swakopmund and it's really nice.

We were here first, first time we ran into Bantu's was at they Ky river in what's now the Eastern Cape. They were all fleeing south because the Zulu were massacring everyone else.

cope and seethe

You mean brain volume different from me you stupid savage.

Haha if you grow up in Namibia and you're white it's basically like a social requirement to get a master's degree at a university and work a prestigious job.

All the niggers do everything else like waitressing and ringing up customers at the supermarket.

If you're white without a master's degree you'd never be able to find a job there.

How and why are white people in Namibia in the first place?

Sub-saharan white african checking in.
Bix nood and fuck niggers

you shouldnt be mean to black people in africa, they literally in their rightful place