Please refute me with logic, if you can.
1. Pray to an omnipotent god in a religion that acknowledges and accepts the other Abrahamic religions.
2. The core principles teach piety and spiritual devotion, kindness to thy neighbor, the importance of family, supporting the needy, good deeds, righteousness, good character, service to humanity, and other strong moral guidance which (((they))) have been trying to destroy for years.
3. Eliminates the cryptokike by making Usury haram.
4. Homofaging and other sexual deviance absolutely haram.
5. Sex before marriage absolutely haram.
6. Encourages the woman to be a good housewife and homemaker.
7. Encourages the bearing of arms: the Prophet said "Teach your children swimming, archery and horse riding..."
8. Encourages the acquisition of knowledge. Various Quranic injunctions and Hadith, which place values on education and emphasize the importance of acquiring knowledge are plenty.
9. A holy book in which very minimal changes have ever been made (unlike christfag's book which has been rewritten by (((them))) over a dozen times.
That being said, sand niggers and Asians given their low IQ and poverty have admittedly turned Islam into something unrecognizable from the values which can be derived from the Quran and Sunnah. Combine that with (((their))) continuous efforts of painting Islam in a bad light, and I understand your reprehension. Despite that, Islam is the ultimate Chad religion with teachings the stormfags so vehemently claim to adhere to (or wish they can if they had the actual discipline). If you stormfags actually get passed your obsession with race, you'd realize these truths.