Islam is the ultimate Chad religion, prove me wrong

Please refute me with logic, if you can.

1. Pray to an omnipotent god in a religion that acknowledges and accepts the other Abrahamic religions.

2. The core principles teach piety and spiritual devotion, kindness to thy neighbor, the importance of family, supporting the needy, good deeds, righteousness, good character, service to humanity, and other strong moral guidance which (((they))) have been trying to destroy for years.

3. Eliminates the cryptokike by making Usury haram.

4. Homofaging and other sexual deviance absolutely haram.

5. Sex before marriage absolutely haram.

6. Encourages the woman to be a good housewife and homemaker.

7. Encourages the bearing of arms: the Prophet said "Teach your children swimming, archery and horse riding..."

8. Encourages the acquisition of knowledge. Various Quranic injunctions and Hadith, which place values on education and emphasize the importance of acquiring knowledge are plenty.

9. A holy book in which very minimal changes have ever been made (unlike christfag's book which has been rewritten by (((them))) over a dozen times.

That being said, sand niggers and Asians given their low IQ and poverty have admittedly turned Islam into something unrecognizable from the values which can be derived from the Quran and Sunnah. Combine that with (((their))) continuous efforts of painting Islam in a bad light, and I understand your reprehension. Despite that, Islam is the ultimate Chad religion with teachings the stormfags so vehemently claim to adhere to (or wish they can if they had the actual discipline). If you stormfags actually get passed your obsession with race, you'd realize these truths.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 the prophet was a pedophile
Yes, bedouine culture saw very early consummation in marriage due to the evolutionary fact that the average life span for a strong fighting Arab in the desert was quite low. The holier than thou attitude is very much prominent on this board. Age of consent laws in the United states up until 19th century was around 10-13 years old with some states as low as 7. In Delaware the age of consent was 10 until 1871 when it was lowered to seven. 14 Del. Laws 105 (1871). Care to guess the population demographics in Delaware in the 19th century? White Europeans. Get cucked whitey.

I’d love to hear your weak excuse for why it was ok for Muhammed to steal his son in laws wife after seeing her naked, one of his many convenient revelations

It's a poor man's medieval christianity

Muhammed was a human not a god, as there is only one god. I have never heard of this claim, and even if it were true, Muslims take the good from the prophet not any of his misgivings.

Based. Islamic National Socialism is what will save Europe.

So you just pick and choose what you want to believe about Muhammed based on what sounds good? Nice absurd belief system you got there


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So basically Catholicism pre-Vatican II except with a pedo mass rapist prophet?
No thank you, Satan.

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>sand niggers and Asians given their low IQ and poverty have admittedly turned Islam into something unrecognizable
wrong, jihad is core, the only way to maintain and expand is if you destroy those who do not follow, this is true not just for islam, but every religion and ideology

Islam killed Arab civilization.

Yes that is exactly how Islam works. A religion which started 1400 years ago simply cannot give you codified laws for every single aspect of life. That is where scholars come in to evaluate what knowledge is available to make judgements.

>ad hominem
>t. bong
I don't expect any of you to actually refute my point, you simply cannot.

Jihad has been corrupted from its original intention. Low IQ as well as poverty play the pivotal role. And (((them))).

Nay, it flourished under it. Arabs were typical kikes before Islam. Selling idols and ripping people caravans off.

If your religion is just picking and choosing what to believe based on what sounds good, you might as well just believe in anything. Your religion is just a bunch of self serving claims, revelations and conflicting stories based around a sandnigger that was born 600 years after Jesus.

The fact that you see no problem in this exposes your inbred arabic low IQ

Core principle of Islam cover almost every aspect of living a good righteous life. Weather or not the prophet took his son in laws wife has no bearing on this fact. You may want to check your own IQ before making claims about others'.

Kys muslim dog

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I can live a good life without your desert religion, so why bother believing in it’s ridculous claims, like Muhammed splitting the moon and half and magically getting teleported to Jerusalem?

Besides that your prophet clearly didn’t live a righteous life, so why bother believing in anything he has to say? You’d ask yourself these questions if you weren’t a low iq inbred arab

Core principle of Islam is that its fake. Your "prophet" was a lying jew.

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Islam is the cancer of the world. Kill all muslims, save the arab world.

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He was a pedo faggot that got killed by his own people.

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Fuck off, we don’t need to flush our countries down the toilet for a little bit of decency. Here in Germany, we had laws which forbade women to work unless her husband allowed her to. That law even lasted until the mid 70s. My mother also had to prove that she can cook in school. Faggotry was also forbidden for a long time.
Feminism can be reverted without isl*m.

Based Jewish Man.

>ad hominem
t. kike

Does not bother me either way, if you are living a good life.

Not an argument

see If you can resolve it without Islam, again I don't really care. I am simply stating Islam is a good system for achieving that.

Is this really the best this board has to offer. Quite disappointing really with how you all behave on this board.


your fairy book club aint alpha

If you can live a good life without islam, why bother being muslim?

You are asking a highly philosophical question which I do not have the answer to. Islam is a solution for people who fail to live a righteous life, this is my overarching claim.


The mentality of Islam is trying to be forced onto you is a common fear among American due to year and years of jewish lies. I never stated you MUST be a Muslim.

Islam does have a history of conquest, as does every other empire in history of humans. A big difference is Muslim empires allowed all religions and creeds to live within rule of Muslim lands (albeit following the laws of the land and paying tax). You can research the golden age of Islam for more on this, to which there is plenty of scholarly work.

>mein aryan superiority
>t. brainlet

Can't even make any argument, just link to a kikes childish post.

Pick one and explain to me, why it is a "righteous way of life".

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Beheading is the method of execution for various crimes such as murder and rape.

Burning people alive is not a teaching of Islam, it is not prescribed anywhere in the Quran or Sunnah. Terrorist organizations which commit these acts were sponsored by the US and Israel. There are no Muslim countries which practice this.

Female genital mutilzation and honour killing is a cultural issue. This is why you find them in placed like Pakistan and Afghanistan but not Saudi Arabia or Oman. Again, low IQ and poverty. Slavery has been haram in Islam much longer than when it was being done in most of Europe and the Americas. Slavery is forbidden. Core elements in the history of islam started as a slave revolution.

Oppression of women can be encompassed in culture as well. Like I said, islam sees the role of the woman as a home maker and child raiser. Despite this, there are countless powerful business women in Islam (the prophet married one).

Jihad was historically significant for Islam as an empire. It has been corrupted by the jews.

Paedophilia, see

homofaging and sexual deviance

I'll give credit where it's due, at least you recognise what a horrible piece of shit Mo was unlike most muslims who when confronted with his revolting practices and horrendous acts either shit all over the Quran and haddiths to deny those stories ever happened or somehow try to proclaim obviously sinful acts were in fact moral.

islam is the solution to live a righteous life

>Texas sharp shooter
do you brainlets even read your own sticky?