I come to you in my hour of need

Hello Yas Forums
I am in need of advice.
Long story short, I've been in a relationship with this girl for a few months now. She used to use /soc/. At first I thought,
>oh no big deal how bad could it be
but i just reverse image searched one of her nudes and I got one of the threads she posted in.I found the name she went by at the time, this is about x years ago. Turns out, its really fucking bad Yas Forums. I've opened Pandora's Box after searching her handle.Not only was she super active camwhoring (photos so far, no videos, would just take requests, nothing more then tits or ass was really posted that I've seen now) on /soc/ but she was a fucking KNOWN poster who posted 25+ pics per thread, and would be in threads sometimes no more then two days apart. (you fucking coomers most likely have seen her, hell thinking back about it, I've def seen one of these pics floating around a few years a back, I prob even fapped to it) There are threads where men literally worship this woman, we are talking 10/10 fucking body here guys.
I literally would kill a motherfucker for this shit. While we have been talking i found out she is super political (she browses Yas Forums from time to time, right wing nationalist), I was currently in the process of NatSoc pilling her, having her listen to Mien Kampf, which she is apparently loving (she is actually listening to it, i quiz her on it every day) She appears to have actually changed her ways, she had a bf when we met and left his ass for me, but jesus fucking christ Yas Forums after finding these fucking threads, I just dont know anymore. Should I give this a shot still? It'll be hard to overlook this. I suspect she has lied to me about her number of partners but she hasn't lied (to the best of my knowledge) about anything else. But when she brought up her past Yas Forums history, she made it seem like it wasn't that bad, she was honest, but downplayed it really hard.

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We are basically made for each other, once a day we will say things at the exact same time, hell we even have sneezed at the exact same time.I really fucking love this girl Yas Forums, she is the girl I've dreamed of, but how do i over look this HUGE FUCKING FLAW?!?! I have literally been up all night chain smoking since I found this out about her.
She checks every box on my list except the
>Not a whore box
I will most likely be banned by some fucking retard for off-topic, but I need your help. I've spent over 15 years on this shithole fucking website and I am in fucking need of help.

>anime posters
the most degenerate people on earth

This nigga be blogposting about his bitch posting nudes to other men on Yas Forums

>But he isn't worried about her cheating on her bf for him.

Never gonna make it.

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You guys sound like garbage people

Every sinner has a future, and every saint a past.

>blogposting on pol
>u guise my girl

For one, you sound fat, like anyone that blogposts and / or uses an anime girl.jpg

For two, because of that, it sounds like you're talking about your bodypillow instead.

inb4 she cheats on you with Tyrone because a ton of easily swayed extremists flip flop between extremes.

Reddit is that way.

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>shit talks anime while posting calarts shit
>tells others to go to reddit while posting reddit: the cartoon


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Thank you for not being a retard.

If it was only camwhoring I wouldn't worry about it at all senpai. She took it too far, but didn't get dicked down by the sound of it. Her pair bonding mechanism still works. Get gud.

I didn't even read all the text! fuck in the ass and film it it's the kosher way, post in in /b.

The experts here could give you a thorough rundown on her personally if you truly want an honest opinion.


>Yas Forums nazis are degenerates, more news at 11
How long has it been since she last camwhored on /soc/? Maybe she is done with that. She probably used /soc/ for attention and then got redpilled by Yas Forums and stopped.
Just get with her and see if she keeps posting nudes of herself in /soc/ threads.

Fuck off anime faggot

Its been years as far as I can tell.
by all means.


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Try harder.

Attached: some really red sparkledog from mid 2000s deviantart.png (1024x886, 557.86K)

>anime image board
>complains about anime posters
A true classic

stop posting tranny shit

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Why do you have cartoon pics of little girls? You are a degenerate pedo.


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At least I'm not gay like you lmao

Stop posting reddit trannyshit

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You're just thanking him for giving you the cope you wanted to hear.


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That was my attempt at getting you to post her handle.

I guess. You might be right about the bonding mechanism but if im at the point where i have to say
>its only camwhoring
i feel like im already on losing ground.

Not happening. I want this shit to disappear if im going to continue this relationship.

Man do you guys remember Velma and fmu and shit

Some choice pieces were on soc back in the day

>Its been years as far as I can tell
Then I'd say go for it. See if you can reverse image search some more photos to see if she camwhores elsewhere like reddit or something

velma was hot to bad she turned into a fatty