Brit/pol/ Norf through the ages


>Officer who said he would 'make something up' to arrest man in Accrington suspended

>Fly-tipping has not risen since Northumberland tips were closed

>Intoxicated intruder who invaded couple’s home is jailed

>Scarborough Council's beach dog ban decision could be overturned


>Look Norf: Them Days Are Gone
[YouTube] Look NORF (embed)

>Jonathan Bowden - Situations are never hopeless: Two Kipper
[YouTube] Jonathan Bowden - Situations are never hopeless (embed)

Attached: norf.png (3496x1492, 717.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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>are strength

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why do normal faggots hate /ourpriti/ so much lads?

Attached: PM Priti is on the phone.jpg (475x452, 50.52K)

>Coronavirus death toll in the UK may have ALREADY hit 41,000 when non-hospital victims are counted, analysis claims
reminder that the real death count is more than double the official figure.

Shut your fucking face

But remember, pony up to save trust fund kids jobs

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14 deaths here, you have our sympathies

>41,000 out of 66 million

>Officer who said he would 'make something up' to arrest man in Accrington suspended
For the first time, pig said the truth and got suspended for.

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how to cure Anglo fever?

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He finally loved Big Brother.

Attached: big brother.jpg (1240x744, 102.85K)

>41,000 dead
Who cares.
There's literally millions of Pakis to replace them with.

They deserve this for creating hysteria and causing the shutdown.

is that funny is it? edgy virgin

Working as intended

How the fuck do you do it?
Unless you are running two PCs at the same time

take the Bowden pill

Attached: JonathanBowden1.jpg (1370x2085, 306.47K)

Fucked up adding the entertainment links-

>Look Norf: Them Days Are Gone

>Jonathan Bowden - Situations are never hopeless: Two Kipper

Both are about 3 minutes long and well worth watching.

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oh my

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any of the many doctors on brit/pol/ want to explain why my heart beats really hard after eating?

doing the crime the English are too lazy to do.

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Are you overweight?

Fucking whore

no, 6'4 and skinny

>Chinks ... death by dangerous driving.

Yet again we see that stereotypes are based in fact

>Their middle class' purchasing power and disposable income is literally the same as some chavshit on JSA in Sunderland
lol'd at how true this is. You can always spot a mainland chink from a mile away by how gaudy they look. It's always "designer" clobber that looks like absolute shit, but they wear it because they think that showing off money automatically means people will envy you and that it looks good. It's like when you see turks wearing EA7 and Versace t-shirts, thinking it looks good when they just look even more like nonces.

interact irl with anglos

Why does nobody care about civil liberties in the UK?

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You have AIDS, lad. How much have you been taking it up the bum?

They are smart and influential, they swallow!
Teach your kurwas to swallow benis juices

Attached: AliceG6.webm (320x568, 1.24M)

sorry, only Ukrainians and few Taiwanese and Germans here.

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Eastern face vs Western honour. That’s why nouveau riche Chinks will out themselves quicker than any chav who won the lottery.

Not at all.
But it's hell of a lot better than Doommongs fake news.

peristalsis of the gastric duodenum in vitrio excelsis.

lol idk really.

ugh, my willy.

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went for a walk lads

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RIP mate.


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>tfw no Anglo gf
there's no point of living

they have to go back.

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the bum is not a sex organ

so quintessential

Because they don’t see her genius of ceasing to waste huge sums on RNHS and instead giving it all to Israel instead, all while forcing native dalits to work harder to raise more funds.

>CDC chief warns of 'even more difficult' wave of coronavirus next winter
even the "experts" are saying that this won't go away. /cvg/ proven right once again.

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william, it's really nothing

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are you mad, polish birds are well better eastern euro milfs too

why the fuck do we allow these into our home

she is very thin.

Islams terrorists call for attacks on RNHS but the media and police think the problem is MUH FAR RIGHT and they want you to think that as well. absolute fucking state of the media and the police holy fucking shit.

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lockdown until it burns out it is then

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Maranax malax

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I know it's wrong, but I would!

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So many reasons.

it's not going to burn out. it's far too contagious and long-lived for that to happen. there's also the fact that it's spreading in places like africa.

stopping people sunbathing alone in the park is 100 times more important though.

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New Thread.

They're beautiful, some of them are literally elves. The groups I take my kids to, (well, used to before the lockdown) are full of Polish mums.

I'd fuck that pussy, no problem

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It doesn't really burn out.
It's slowly mutating into less dangerous strains.

Bloody shaggable.

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I mean, both sides are controlled by spooks, and they really missed the opportunity to stage something during this crisis. Laziness maybe? Or do they know that might actually create calla for real action, and we can’t be having that now

I was just thinking of posting this kek, she looks like Kerry Kenney in Reno 911.


Funny thing is Muslims are pretty right wing

Senior poolice officer warned, based on his skidmarks for souce.
Kill pigs!

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Reminder there are 13 Procurement Mangers in NHS England alone that earn £200k per year.

More than the PM, why aren't they being held to account for the lack of PPE?

we have to stay at home to protect the NHS.
america has to stay at home and they don't even have an NHS.

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