Anime is pedo garbage and should be banned fuck gooks

Anime is pedo garbage and should be banned fuck gooks

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k-on is great

Imagine being a fucking pedo

We need a 3rd nuke on the japs after the chink virus

Maybe people should admit there's nothing immoral about pedophilia.

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anime website
Reddit might be up your alley

>Anime is pedo garbage
Pretty much this....anime is basically a way to sexualize child like characters and it always has been. Hentai by extension is the next step in the chain, Anime is the gateway virus that leads young boys into pedophilia and sodomy and gender dysphoria.

Anime is the most insidious revenge on the West ever perpetrated by the East.

it's just escapism and another form of rejecting responsibility
you can't claim it's "evil" or "mind killing" without also doing the same for any and all music, television, and film

Reminder that Anti-pedophilia hysteria originated from feminists.

Do you even know where you are?

actually Yas Forums was made as a containment board and not for anime newfaggot

Lolis are one thing, but faggotry gets the bat.

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No both are degenerate, you're retarded

anime website election tourist always has been doesn't matter if you're on Yas Forums or /stormweenie/

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>drawings get human rights
Lets not get ahead of ourselves here.

It can be. I've seen body pillows of pic related, a 14 yo boy

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show also has him seducing some old man

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been here before Yas Forums existed, fuck off with your "anime website" script you faggot shill

very convincing

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I'll keep wathching anime
Hollywood movies are utter trash.

You have to go back.

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Well maybe in Australia. You guys don't believe in free speech or the right to defend yourself or any other basic freedoms. So fuck it might as well ban Lolis too. Maybe you should ban oxygen as well so you will quit burning down on an annual basis.

You're making Kenshiro cry with your blasphemy, op

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Good taste and baste

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There's nothing better in life or in the whole world than being someone's "big bro" and passing on occult knowledge and techniques you suffered to learn so they can be refined in another younger experience.

Mentor/Master - Student relationship sucks and the reason why the world is so crap.

>And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.

If I ever get me shit together first thing I'll do is find a young boy. Heck make it boys and start a gang or something of big bros and boys, a gang that everyone is welcomed in. There is no "rule of two" or "rulers" or "teachers". There are no rules or laws in nature. I even refuse to grow up.

No gods or masters only meaningless love

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also anime is huwhite

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I guarantee there is hentai of him getting fucked by an old fat man (and that's a good thing)

You're just sad because the anime waifu you like ended up with the anime chad guy

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the science is settled

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Agreed. When we're already at it, wish death to all furries, too.

can I have a sauce on that