Nobody, literally no one in history could defeat Vikings. They curbstomped pretty much everyone they came into contact with. Why is this? Is it just racist propaganda?
Why could nobody beat Vikings?
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Spartans vs vikings what do?
spartans were a meme, stupid mutt.
Vikings came to Finland once.
t. seething Mohammed
Vikings is a pretty lose definition, most viking raiders never fought any kind of organized resistance. Tribes that moved into northern Britain basically removed mudhut proto-anglo-niggers so its not as if they had a challenging task. Slightly after the crisis of the third century romans genocided viking invaders throughout britain until they came back later after the collapse of the frontier roman empires
vikings were raped and forcefully converted by christians
we have physical strength and barbarian terror that scared people
but Christianity (Judaism) is very sneaky, and they poisoned our spirits instead
>boogeyman projection cope
do americans really?
Read a book, fag. spartans were a meme.
The Saxons beat them but the Saxons also got btfo by the Normans.
Uhh... what? Pretty sure the vikings got their shit packed by every organized force they faught save for one or two notable examples. Their entire legacy was raiding unarmed villagers and raping monks, and every time they came into contact with an actual army they got fucking wiped out.
Speed. They could very rapidly get into areas that were inaccessible by most boats and focused on pillaging and getting out fast. It was their blitzkrieg, by the time anyone grabbed their weapons, it was likely to be wrapping up.
Knights could beat them, but couldn't mobilize fast enough.
>never lose
>go extinct
They were pioneers of the white race if you ask me.
you boast about having "physical strength and barbarian spirit", but niggers have these same qualities in much larger excess than you. so you cry and cope by saying niggers have low IQs, but Jews have consistently scored much higher than you in IQ tests. The amount of mental gymnastics LOL
>Romans genocided Viking raiders.
Rome didn't even exist during the Viking era dumbass. Your entire post is assumption riddled cope. Vikings were unbeatable and their excavated bones and bodies were remarkable. FACT.
Most books exaggerate spartan strength. Stop being a shitskin ahmed.
Spartan weren’t “elite” they just implemented the slave army in their ranks. So they also had the advantage vs other Greek cities. Also it was. their command structure what was innovating. Essentially all it was, amazing organization.
Meanwhile “Vikings” were just your normal raiders. It was during a time of fractured Europe. Easy pickings and when they did an organized army they most of the time lost. Although no one could match their sea expertise.
The Irish beat them at the Battle of Clontarf.
Honey on wounds and in mead acted as a proto penicillin that had them returning to battle from what normally would have been death sentence wounds causing them to be viewed as unbeatable. That's about it.
Here's something more to your speed
>Misunderstood Moments in History - The Spartan Myth
Great channel, too.
>Saying we like your a viking and not a faggot
source: Marvel comics
much of ancient and medieval warfare was shoving each other until one side turned to run then hacking them down as they fled, vikings "fought like men posessed" meaning they didn't come to shove and poke and lay and feign and expect to be ransomed they instead, for the most part, seriously meant to kill your ass by whatever means they could, no gentlemens exchange of counting-coup blows against armor. they still got long bow raped however like everyone else.
By every metric the average Norwegian is far superior a being to any shitskin including worthless pajeets like you. Honestly not even african niggers are as pathetic as indians most of the time.
Uh Bretons btfo the vikings in 1066, but the coward french attacked at the same time so we couldnt beat both
There are Viking scale helmets twice the size of the average human head which according to archaeologists had no inner padding. These weren't ""snow niggers"", these were colossi with brains bigger than Einstein.
Actually, Northern Europeans have higher musclemass potential and are taller than the average Black African. As for Jews, they are an extremely racialist closed society with a plethora of genetic diseases. You on the other hand are a quite pathetic breed, who couldn't follow the advice of your ancestors not to mix with the darker masses.
Don't you have a Microsoft-scam call to make?
Can you name one of those times.
A phalanx shield wall would have destroyed vikings any day of the week, not even from Spartans.
Where are vikings now?
I would say nobody can defeat Jews.
Christianity just won the kings and nobles over and then they forced it on the other people ie ""Saint" Olaf. Its sort of like how wealthy men today are all either champagne socialists or zionists imposing their bullshit on normal society.
imagine being this dumb
Book related. Win the top of a structure and then it slowly lurches towards you
>I would say nobody can defeat Jews.
keep coping, cumskins. me and paki brothers will be busy occupying your cities, taking your jobs and impregnating your women
vikings existed not so long ago
they were in all likelyhood smaller than their modern counterparts
Not at all. Vikings were covered head to toe in chain mail similar to what the earlier Goths and Scythians wore. The former were exclusively recruited as elite warriors and Guards in Greek and Roman armies because of how impressive they were.
is he ok?
you mean other vikings
you call the poo pathetic while you hide behind a meme flag of the pathetic confederacy
stamford bridge
>"brains bigger than einstein"
>invented nothing
>looted defenceless hut dwelling farmers and raped monks like niggers
but the reason they were successful for so long is that they could appear seemingly randomly. not very easy to defend against an enemy who can show up thirty miles behind what few defenses you can put together
They got btfoed in 1066 and never came back lol
Source meme flag
I get way angrier then a nigger and way more barbaric when I get riled up
cope. you would probably go red and run away like a mouse when confronted with an angry nigger
I'm actually not racist to blacks, but the jeet tried to shame Nords so I responded, best of luck to Nigeria.
They invented lots of things though. They made brilliant longships, beautiful golden artefacts and masterpieces of wooden architecture the only surviving glimpse of which are the Stave Churches. And they did it with the bare scraps of metal they panned out of peat bogs. Their lifestyle didn't allow for scholarships of the type we see today but everywhere they or their kin settled they immediately became well known philosophers doctors and scientists. Case in point being the Normans, who are to this day statistically over represented in top British Universities via their last names
>Vikings were just a standard raider
Lmao what, that's why Rome had to beg and pay tribute to them to stop attila the hun.