Why are guys like this so successful with women? They always have girlfriends or wives with kids...

Why are guys like this so successful with women? They always have girlfriends or wives with kids. Is not being racist and hateful against women the way to life success?

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They are beta buxx. Women have their fun in their late teens and 20s, riding the cock carousel and fucking Chad and Tyrone. Then they settle down with a beta cuck for $$$ when they're washed up roasties in their 30s.

Is it true when women are in their late 30's early 40s they want to experience their wild years again?

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They're not

The serious answer that will be ignored in this thread is that despite being sissies, they're extroverts, and actually socialize. Unfortunately the types of girls we prefer are homebodies so even if we did go out, we wouldn't find them.

they're selected for mating because they're submissive. Like a toy poodle. Their wives fuck other men to satisfy their primal desires and eventually leave them when there's enough money in it for them. They use this money to go on overseas holidays getting drunk and fucked by strangers.

tl;dr basedboys will end up killing themselves poor, alone and divorced.

their sexual prime is 35-50.

It just isn't their mating prime.

This of course is a generalization. Some chicks are complete fuckbunnies when they're 14.

Ever heard of beta providers?


Theyre white so thats already a plus. Add to the point where their own wives could abuse them, easier to cheat on when theyre yelling at 10 year olds in games, and they provide basically everything for 2 minutes of disappointing sex

>Being the financial support system for a whore
At least they get to hear about the sex these sluts have with Chad and Tyrone.

>being around NPCs
Have you heard the shit these sheep talk about?
>"What shows are you watching?"
>"Tiger King."
>"Carole Baskin."
>"That damn, Carole."

You're implying those are their kids and not Tyrone's

In what world are onions-boys popular with girls? A large chunk of soys are virgins, and the rest have trouble getting girls. You really think women swipe right on these guys on tinder? No. Well... Asian ones sure do

But, they fucking dont.
Your slide thread is shit.

they put up with women's psychotic episodes, lying and cheating. they are basically women who defend their abusers

Don't forget to pepper in a reference to The Office and liking tacos or pizza. Sadly this is a pretty effective way to break the ice and pick up girls. All the girl is looking is that:

A) You're attractive.
B) You open the conversation with something socially vetted.

They literally are not. I've never seen a basedboy with a woman out of his league. Their partners range between fugly and mediocre, and quite often their women emotionally abuse and/or financially exploit them.

>Aussie Banter

Shut up Chang.


Women like stupid men to talk about stupid shit. They're also easier to control.

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It's literally this. Women are fuq easy, guys just need to be social and have enough money+time to hang out. On the other hand actually keeping a relationship is a different story: either you're chad or you're going to be cucked by one.

I for once am full 14/88 and have a lovely and beautiful wife. Granted currently we dont have kids but we are 27 so got time for that

>Why are guys like this so successful with women?
women can be unsuccessful too

>breeding a 27 year old
Enjoy your autistic kid. If it lives.

shut the fuck up retard.

Controlling women can have everything they want from them.
And they won't even complain.

>Why are guys like this so successful with women
theyre not

They're not "good with women", they're just druggy degenerates with a wide circle of 6/10 stoner chick druggy type friends. I'd know, I've spent a lot of time with these types of people.

Also, if you're even slightly alpha in the slightest, all of these 6/10 druggy stoner antifa type chicks will jump on you in a heartbeat. They are the easiest type of girls there are.

All the guys who are "good with women", meaning able to easily attract high quality, beautiful women, from diverse social circles (e.g. professional chicks, model types, art chicks, smart chicks, etc)., are almost always redpilled, Yas Forums guys with good business and social skills.

I’m not gay but I think vaginas are kind of gross

Minty fresh for a shiny smile

>All the guys who are "good with women", meaning able to easily attract high quality, beautiful women, from diverse social circles (e.g. professional chicks, model types, art chicks, smart chicks, etc)., are almost always redpilled, Yas Forums guys with good business and social skills.
Imagine believing this

They fucking reek too

When you take the blue pill you're happy and just take what pussy life throws at you like a caveman

Not caring about where it's been, what ulterior motives she has, or what kind of a mother she'll make.

Make no mistake, marrying a 30+year old or any kind of post-partygirl phase woman while she's on a beeline to produce HER children is not success with women but almost certainly being duped into providing for a loveless family.

What lucky guys having used up 40 year old roasties with 3 children from other men! Theyre really living the life!

but music soothes introversion

Not a counterargument or even a counterclaim you stupid faggot.

Yas Forums guys are more likely to attract high quality women. Rich guys are more likely to attract high quality women. Combined, they have exponentially higher odds. Both of those traits are strongly correlated with some degree of being redpilled.

Outside of those demographics you have a few edge cases (movie stars, rockstars, rappers, athletes, born rich kids, etc), and then the king of degenerate types (who generally attract a much lower class of women and smaller subsection, though some may be fairly attractive). This includes drug dealers, party promoters, bar staff, etc.

No guy who is successful with women unironically refers to himself as "redpilled" or Yas Forums

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You are the most unfuckable, repulsive creature. sad! You're a simp bro, you're a simpleton, you're a simple mind. you're concerned about other peoples relationships instead of improving your own physical appearance and you ability to attract women. You are a vile slime that no one will ever want you because you're so pathetic