Do i pass as white?

do i pass as white?

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I've said it once and I'll say it again...
Italians arent white

In ameriKKKa, you'd be considered a nordic aryan

Yes. You could be named Chad

Sage goes in all fields

100% aryan in the USA

Du I paso ass white?

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in spain, perhaps

Which Scandinavian country are you from?

Yep whiter than me and I'm 56% German 17% Swedish 5% Irish from New York.


Are you joking? He looks like a chink mutt lmao

You would in america, not in a white country though. You would be a paki in northern europe

Do you honestly believe the bullshit you type?

In America

that looks like an 100% Bavarian phenotype to me Señor Americano

Fuck OP and fuck jannies

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You mean you aren’t a Finn?

as a Yas Forumstard? yes

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Fuck no

you made this same thread yesterday, fuck off muttjeet

White gentlemen like you are always welcome here in our white pride group, in the good ol' USA. We DON'T take slavshits though.

You pass comfortably as white American.

Fuck off Ahmed. He's whiter than you.

If Arabs were considered white in the US during Jim Crow. Then yes

White in America yes



In my country yes

Adam Driver, incelo edicion.

Not as white, or human.

are you even human bro?

Do i pass as white

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you don't even pass as human

You look mestizo like me

memeflag cope

he wouldnt be considered aryan pure white but niggers would consider him a white mexcian so he might as well be

You don’t even pass as human.

zup hadrian

a faggot and white
so yes

No not even close.

Not even close, you fucking pajeet

No. Hitler would have gassed you

if you dont really know if you got shit colored eyes chances are, your not white
your like arab or mexican or native american that so happens to have paler skin then most of your race.
nigger iq would still think your white, but your not.