Incel Decapitated and Dismembered by Two women in , Portugal

Incel Decapitated and Dismembered by Two women in , Portugal

>One of the girls was friends with Diogo Gonçalves. The two first tried to extort the money from the young man, but seeing as he wasn't readily handing it over, they murdered him.

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sage because you used interracial imagery as clickbait even when the victim was brown and no evidence of inceldom exists
You are a complete and total faggot.

what the fuck is going on in Portugal

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Not sure if he was an incel, but he sure had a lot of money. He got a settlement for the death of his parents or something. Pretty much these hoes were trying tk take advantage ofnhis money and killed him for it. Fortunately not that common of an ocurrence.

He's death is famous in Portugual or nobody care ?

remember to kill women when you get the chance

Fuck, guys am I at risk? I'm a blonde American man who frequently goes to poor ass South American countries and talk to women about my travels. Obv they want American citizenship or $$$, but I just tell them I'm not interested in anything long term. Will I get stabberino'd?

They probably also killed his mother, there litterally nothing related to incels tho

Also this

Stop going to third world shitholes, problem solved.

If she can lock a disgusting face like that, then I am sure she can also lock literal shit

OP is a subhuman moortuguese gibsmigrant

careful bro..faggot jannies might see you saginggg and ban you for messing with their slide shill thread but yes SAGEEEEEEEEEEE

Meme flag to hide your own shit country

Proof that Portugal is a country full of shitskins.

Stopped reading right there

People who watch tabloids and bad newspapers care. Regular people don't care, unfortunately.

jannies and mods are ccp agents and will ban you for simply pointing out the fact that the chinese torture animals to death every day for fun

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How much does someone want to bet that this was done by niggers or some mongreloid “Portuguese” person from Venezuela or Brazil or some African former colony

they give me 24 hours bans like scummy chinks they are scared FUCK JANNIES i will always sagee them

Not funny...

what about that portugese girl who threw herself at the nigger released from prison?

Based sager

That´s everyday stuff here. It´s not that bad since we are the Europeans closest to niggers in behaviour.

I don’t know I live on a 99% white Portuguese island not that nigger infested continental Portugal, I don’t keep up with their nonsense

>Not funny...

I can't wait for the war to come to Europe I will not only decapitate all the Nigger loving whores, traitors but I will wear their skulls on my belt as a trophy.

BTW that video with sound is even better. She was screaming for her mommy.. MOMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY PLEASE HELP ME
but the mommy didn't come XDDD

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>I live on a 99% white Portuguese island

Imagine thinking an Insular is """"huwite"""".


>Go into the land of the enemy
>The enemy kills you
Awwww crap!

Even when getting their head cut off, danes can't pronounce the word "mom" properly like human beings. I often wonder how they managed to fuck up their language so bad. Even swedes can speak somewhat normal

Imagine living a poor socialist and socially inept shadow of your former colonistic and world-dominating ways and letting niggers and Brazilian monkies into your capital Lisbon and promoting globe homo and Portuguese feminism in your television and media....

Then imagine being that but hurt and powerless to do anything about it that you call out fellow Portuguese person living in last traditional white Portuguese religious bastion


It's even more sad because "mom" was the safe word.


haha, my sides

She is high as fuck all the time. Look at her eyes in any picture her fuckin pupils are huge

you have a bigger problem tho, like norwegian girls proposing to Somali refugees

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Kinda based

I never mentioned africans. I'm talking about the weird way danes speak like they have a huge bbc down their throat


can anyone translate that?

This, Portugal and Spain are excepcionally non violent countries.
Love you portubro.

Oh god, I wish that was me.

Igualmente iberiabro