Coronavirus is a hoax memes

Post your best ones
Dumping my set here

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Cringe boomer memes. Expected t b h, most nothingburgers are cringy low IQ boomers

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Attached: things that didnt happen for 1000.png (647x194, 43.04K)

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keep it coming

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Attached: why are they screeching Tone2.jpg (580x390, 81.96K)

give me one with the car acciddents lol
I forgot to save that one

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Attached: riddle me this Tone4.jpg (550x500, 80.25K)

The implementation of new societal norms and means of control through a forced pandemic as outlined by the same agenda that has been in play for decades should be the biggest red flag. Also post moar Tones.

This, but unironically

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still thinking what to edit with this one

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My neighbor. Thought 1 million burgers were gonna croak. *curb your enthusiasm theme plays*

seriously tho, this board is fucking legendary.

>it's true, all of it

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I dont know we had 2 patients die from it, one was the first case we had in the hospital the 2nd one was the relative of that patient who self quarantined and didnt tell anyone that he was positive. Im not sure which hospital it was but he was already dead. This is in Valenzuela btw, thank god we were forced on a leave because of that 1 patient.

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