Am I late to the train? What the fuck. When did this shit get implemented?

Am I late to the train? What the fuck. When did this shit get implemented?

I'm gonna delete my fucking kikebook account now. But who the FUCK are they to decide what I send and don't send privately? WHAT THE FUCK. Fucking ruined my chill morning.

This is Yas Forums because censorship.

Attached: 93971824_261867734855262_5546340600766267392_n.png (690x871, 66.53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Uses kikebook in 2020
Just kys now

Imagine having Facebook.

I was only using kikebook for the convenience of the messenger. My FB page only has a profile picture and that's it.

Fuck this shit. Not gonna let some cocksucking jew decide what I post PRIVATELY

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we need to bring back myspace

Haveing faceberg in 2020

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What the fuck? If normies knew this they would even be concerned.

Disconnect yourself from all social media that is open to all, such as zuckerbook or twitter. That shit is like a braintumor.
Stick to private friends-list type chat apps.

Snip it Mohamed

zoomers don't use kikebook anymore

you sound really surprised for some reason, this has been going on for a while.
several anonymous imageboards have been arbitrarily closed by web hosts applying censorship and the big tech companies now act as rulers of what can be said and what not.
then why is Yas Forums not been closed yet? simple, this is a honeypot and a center to spread psyops from, and to give a last place to vent to people so that they never get tired enough to do stuff irl

(((Mark Zuckerburg)))
Now you know why myspace 'disappeared'

I don't get why messanger is so popular here in Denmark, when there are so many better alternatives

Are you a millennial?
No one uses gaybook anymore. This isn't 2010 anymore boomer.

I'm pretty sure it has been this way for five or more years.

It has been like that since early 2019 maybe even sooner


Ur right. Yas Forums is ideological pornography. I'm long overdue for another NoChan round. I am so much happier when I keep away from this place.

what do you faggot use?

I've posted plenty of links from Yas Forums without issue. This is recent, within a few months, for me at least.

Mfw never in my life had a kikebook

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Deete fagbook and become an hero. They're doing worse shit than stopping links nigger

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Also its their private data, not yours.

Why the fuck are Normies here?

If you can't radicalise individuals without linking this site you aren't cut out for this.

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dont you use jewbook, goyim?


Having lived through the change that went from:
>don't share any personal info on the internet!
>broadcast your whole life on the internet!

Im so happy I kept it at not sharing anything. But we're probably going to be hunted down and put into camps in 20 years or so.

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Long time ago

>2008 + 12

Attached: 1299827572337.jpg (4688x4688, 715.81K)

I just insert a space like this:
boards.Yas l/thread/254560761

Their shitty filter thinks I'm linking to /po/ and lets it through.

we write letters to our friends and family. get with the times.

Yeah. Like nine months late.
We’ve discussed it weekly when some filthy casual, like yourself, pops in when it’s newly discovered.
Welcome to 1984, the dystopian society we live in. You have obviously been judged for having wrong think. Hopefully it’s a wake up call for you.

>not having a basic bitch one to blend in
Enjoy the watchlist and inevitable low social credit score user.

Still, we need to be prepared for the day they SHUT IT DOWN.
It might never happen because this place is a gold mine for glowies, but nevertheless we must be prepared.

just change pol to p0l or something like that

That shit will cuck faster than a leaf

Telegram on iPhone bans certain channels because they break Apple App Store rules
It’s insane

The almighty zuckbot strikes again.

Attached: zuckbot.png (998x933, 1.52M)

it's the deep state cabal bro