Mask Non-Compliance Strategies

How are people dealing with this in mandated states. I will be using the medical loophole if confronted. Any other strategies to avoid being forced to wear the cuck cloth.

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Have fun being locked out of your grocery story.

Being psuedo-anonymous irl is fucking based. Wearing a mask is like a VPN for your face. I'm never going to stop.

>locked out
Funny one guy. They tell you you're not allowed in with a mask, but fuck if they actually enforce anything. If someone says something about not wearing a mask call a manager and watch them get screamed at for harassing customers. It's fucking great.

Has all that colesterol finally moved up to your brain and slowed it down, americlap? It's a fucking miracle that you haven't died from lack of breath.

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Most municipalities have ordinances which make it illegal to obscure your face in public.

Put simply, double jeopardy. However, until this is figured out, then it is prime time for crime. Wear sunglasses and a disposable hoodie, and everything is free. If you have real balls, try a bank! Prove them all right that masks are a terrible idea!

i look them straight in the eye and start mumbling and keep walking

Oh Americans.

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>contracting rona just to be rebellious

I stopped for gas yesterday and it felt like I stepped into some weird futuristic western. Everyone was wearing a bandana over their face.

Have fun sniffing this guys arm hair.

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Have your wife sew you a mask out of leftover fabric from one of the dresses she made for herself last summer, retard.

wear a mask but draw a gigantic swastika on it or "I hate niggers"

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I plug my nose and breath through a straw when I go out in public

This is why there are more deaths/infected in muttland youre all mentally niggers with snowflake complex

This. I caught that shit, didn't have to be plugged on a respirator or anything, but I have most likely lung damage nonetheless. Having lifelong difficulty to breathe, chest pains and a lower life expectancy, all for the sake of being contrarian... Don't do it.

How about just wearing the mask?

at least someone is thinking. i wear a snorkel.

How about asking why everyone's acting so gay.

I draw the line at the mandating a dress code.

>permanent lung damage is manly

It's for you own good faggot.
Here the law usually requires the contrary: you're not supposed to cover you face in public buildings and in street protests.

When I'm sick I usually coof during 2 months afterwards. Now they say this shit makes everyone coof for weeks afterwards. I don't want to catch it.

>a piece of cloth is going to stop the deadliest virus ever made

>he still believes in the goyim plague
tell me again how PCR testing works?

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Literally have a bandana that you can chin up to cover your mouth if anyone tries to confront you then normally keep down around neck.
>technically wearing it

What is the medical loophole OP? Asking for a friend...

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You are not required to wear if you have a medical condition. They can not require you to show proof of a medical condition.

Well it's been 15 days since the onset of the first symptoms for me, and I am still coughing like hell.
The worst part is the chest pain, and the sensation that I can't breathe as well as before. And the realization that all of this is most likely permanent now... I wish I had just stayed at home instead of betting it on my luck and going to work when asked. I went to work for only one week, and that's where I was infected, even though I have applied all the safety rules, even wore gloves and sometimes a mask. In hindsight, should have kept the mask at all times, but it was so stuffy breathing with it I often removed it.
Now I probably won't be able to do a physical job anymore, and I don't intend to go back so I lost my job anyway. Should have just stayed home.