Why do Chinese who immigrate to other countries almost always refuse to integrate and stay fanatically supportive of...

Why do Chinese who immigrate to other countries almost always refuse to integrate and stay fanatically supportive of China?

Pic related: how they should be treated.

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who the heck lights himself on fire for his country when its not olympics time? complete yabber jabber if you ask me.

because your women like to integrate their vagina into big black cock, mutt

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Another covid 19 death.

Just pruning the dead wood

Oh wow, look at that, it started dropping right around the Israeli coup in America, odd coincidence

The same situations happens even when the host country is Asian.

One of the most based and Murica pilled people I know is the son of Anti-Communist Chinese immigrants.
They fucking HATE China.
They fucking HATE commies.
Like... they've hated commies for the past 20 years I've known them.
Dad is a trucker. Stay at home mom. 3 kids and a Poodle in a nice middle class home.
Love Trump, too, for his Stances on China.
Anyways, I realize this isn't the norm. But the oldest son, my buddy, fucking hates the Chinese.

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Maybe he's feeling a bit cold.

Hm, would i rather have traditional family roles with mainstream media thats very conservative or do i want LGBT, Nigger sympathizing, feminists as my main culture. Damn tough choice.

He did not light himself.
Someone post the webm already.

China has no LGBT cause they're all fags retard

Whatever you say mudslime.

Chinguchongu I stick out like sore thumb pingu pongu

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I want to see it

how do you feel about eating rat meat cooked in human shit? because they do that in china

To all the CIA nigger:
You aren't going to attack China, because the kike run cesspit you work for is too weak for that due to kikery, so go suck a dick and make your shill for "reopening" your near collapsing piece of shit ZOG carcass, which will be the last ditch effort to save your kike masters and your negrified, child tranny, white genocidal, talmudic """""culture"""""

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You sound dumb, is that why you use pictures?how about not eat rat meat cooked in human shit and go to a normal restaurant? I mean they eat squirrels in america, does it mean every1 is eating squirrel? You have no logic at all.

If I went to China you could swear on your fucking Mom I would be twice the Austrian I ever was. Integration does and should not mean Assimilation.

all chinese eat rat meat cooked in human shit

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Chingu Chongu me rikey big huwite cocku sucky sucky 5 dorra vely cheap mmm asian man small penis lose erry war

>yabber jabber
You have to go back

Chinks can eat all the rats and bats and dogs they want and have a second portion of that shit for all I care.
Only reason you care all of the sudden is that chinks won't let China to get subverted as easily, because they haven't been brainwashed for 70 years into "muh oy vey racism" and "individualism for the majority, collectivism for the (((minority)))" like the West has so your kike masters want to pit their "goyim" cattle against the threat to kike supremacism in form of Chinese supreamacism for chinks beating kikes in their own game

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a hentai tentacle loser who wants to be japanese
and a muslim infested britfag who doesn't have a personality
There's nothing else to say except KEK

That's the quality of anti-china shilling you would expect for hiring literal niggers as glowniggers with freshly printed funny-usury-money

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lmao chang you are mad as fuck :^)

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Because they are more based and redpilled than any mutt. Imagine thinking assimilation (a.k.a. race-mixing) is acceptable in a nationalist society. Just because you are slaves to the Jew doesn't mean everyone else has to be.

Chinks fear the jap slap

Glowniggers won't refute anything I or anyone arguing against them said, as they are 85 IQ affirmative action niggers too incompetent to argue against it and everything I said is correct, so they are only allowed to post smug and gay one liners by their supervisors

>“If you want to shine like sun, first you have to burn like it.”
>― Adolf Hitler

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>refute every piece of my rambling nonsense or you aren't playing fair
Get raped cunt

Now go ahead, post some more gay, low energy forced winny pooh memes about the chink emperor as you lack any counter arguments why anyone should serve the kikes by fighting against their enemies, instead of abusing the situation

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Nah, you already get raped too hard by kikes as it is.

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yeah and they're dumb too

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>no u

Muh Liberties!!! Why you attacking Muh Freedoms??