Can't wait for this "pandemic" to end so all of you eurocucks will get your gypsies back.
Gypsy hate thread
I don't have gypsies here, feels good man.
You got plenty of turkroaches and pojeets kek
We barely have Pajeets, we have Turks and Moroccans. Both a hell of a lot better than gypsies, kek. How many gypsies are there in Romania?
Literally no difference between a Romanian and a Gypsy
>I don't have gypsies here
Yeah right. If you are a neet who never went outside for 15 years you might be right. Your country ia full of gypsies from east europe
Because of the pandemic, most of them came back here for welfare. Seems like they've doubled their number desu. So quite a lot atm.
You're living in a shariah state fella, fuck outta here.
Why would you have gypsies when you can have Africans, am i right??? Worth it
All of them are the same.
OUR gypsies?! Every goddamn gypsie I've ever seen was from Romania.
Also the irony of Romania calling other countries poor.
Only one thing is constant in life, and that's the hate against gypsies
Called you cucks, faggot.
>OUR gypsies?!
Once you've fostered them, they're yours.
The gypsies only come to my country during the summer, and now that we closed the borders we won't be seeing them again.
Feels good.
Anyway, keep up the good fight, Romania! Crush these parasites once and for all.
I'll trade you nogs at a 1:5 nog to gyp ratio. Deal?
lmao every time I fly home to Netherlands about 25% of the plane are gyppos. Never mind the other shitskins you see when you land. what a fucking zoo that country is.
Im not saying brazil is a good place, but your country wont be neither :). You will become old enough to see your people die and get replaced, while your children get fucked and dominated by non-Europeans, relax maybe it wont be through war or something, it will just be like brazil, through marriage.
I'll probably be alive as well, the difference is that im gonna be at the other side of the ocean and im not wonna cry, because i accepted the faith of white people while you are in constant denial of reality, there is no other way around for you folks, i've seen it with my own eyes.
How generous.
Shut up Gypsy filth.
Go and shit on the street.
People who have no experience with gypsies are often appalled at some attitudes towards them. Then, if they actually get some first hand experience, they start to understand. I've seen even the most limp wristed pro-immigration muh equality liberal give up on trying to say anything good about them eventually.
Absolutely a difference.
cand am plecat o data cu avionul din Maastricht spre Bucuresti, eu si tovarasul meu ne-am anturat cu unii de fusesera la puscarie impreuna in Romania, s-au intalnit asa in aeroport. si toti cu combinatii. coaie oamenii ne-au dat sandwich-uri, cola. efectiv luau din frigiderele de la magazinu de la aeroport ce vroiau asa pe fata :)))) era un singur tigan si 6-7 romani. tiganul cel mai petarda, statuse 3 luni la puscarie pentru furt de biciclete, avea sacosa de rafie si unghie mai mare la degetu mic cica mostenire de la bunica-sau.
toti il iau la pula.
nu e chiar asa, avem destui romani rai. nu degeaba zic astia.
My shitty high street is full of them loitering on benches and going through bins for shit to sell. You need to find some kind of solution for them, they're fucking up your image as people equate Romanians and Gyppos already.
Fuck off, we've got our own gypsies
We don't want more of them
Gypsies came from Southeast Europe.
The solution is that gypsies take over Transylvania and the rest of Europe walls it off as the nation of Cigania.
Nobody likes them. Even other parasitic populations like niggers and sandniggers don't like them. It's basically the only minority it's okay to bash.
You should see the half romanian half gypsy mutts, they're worse.
You already have them.
Noi oricum ne uram intre noi. Macar ura fata de tigani e aceeasi.
they came from india you dumb burger
Tom gets it
>Noi oricum ne uram intre noi. Macar ura fata de tigani e aceeasi.
eh, depends. i think mostly online. we have a lot of keyboard warriors talking shit but the minute they're on street they turn extra faggot, extra nice. i don't really hate or worry about anyone.
Romania and Hungary arguing about gypsies is like two patients debating which one has the biggest cancer
Ultimul data eu am plecat a casa in Olanda, in Otopeni eu vad un grupa de 10 tiganca cu copii strigand cu ei fac gunoi peste tot. Sunt in avion o ora mai tarziu si este un tigan vechi in scaunul meu si nu voie sa plece. Eu am spus in limbul meu rahat a explica si dupa 2 minute sa ridicat cu "pizda mati, pula" si eu am un scaun cu tigan rahat
Our gypsies went to war with each other, AKMs and all the good stuff.
Drug related.
Gov gave them 800k €, probably to pay for a ceasefire. They were threatening each other to further escalate the war after the confinement.
They are a state sponsored mafia armed with war grade weaponry.
The ones living in Western Europe moved there from the East, memeflag Romanoid.
These dirty people come to my home town once a year. They drive merceses s classes and bmw 7 series and tow their shitty campers. a guy I know rents his property to them so they can camp there for a month and use it as their designated shitting area. well, at least they're probably not coming this year
asa sunt mai toate ciorile in grup.
chiar daca zici "ce treaba am eu cu ei?" uneori nu ai cum sa ii eviti pur si simplu. si atunci iti futi ziua. e plina tara de cocalari.