Varg was right after all

Varg was right after all.

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Based and placentapilled.

Varg was always right

Only the triggered Christcuck would say otherwise

Spicy takes

about stabbing friends to death? About burning down churches?

mostly glad he calmed down and had kids


Burning faggot churches, making based fertilizer out of it, and making saami commie fertilizer.

only thing he's not right about is calling himself a European when Greeks are the ones who made the term

If she shoe fits.

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Fuck Europe.

what a fucking rat face
sick of seeing it posted

Does anything actually happen in these threads or is it just meme reposting?

who cares? do you sniff his ass too?

>Does anything actually happen in these threads

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bump. Varg was right.

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So prople being proudly stupid?
Thanks for the qrd

Right about what? He's said a lot of shit, and most of it is bullshit.

Bless Varg, fuck the Medshits.

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>So prople being proudly stupid?
No that's the burger threads seppo

>Gauls were nords.
Nikka do u know how to read a map?

Varg 'Indo-European theory is fake' Vikernes

Gauls we're not birds jesuee not even close r1b hapolgroup

Celts didn't exist then? Everything they did was actually the nords? Ok
We wuz

This has something to do with Varg?

>Varg was right
I agree.
We should all plait our long girlish hair into pigtails, put on black makeup and nail varnish, and make posts in teh interwebs about sucking Turkish dick.

Yeah based /ourguy/ haha

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euronymous was a fag and was planing kill varg for a long

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Fuck Gaul, ave Caesar

Do you deny that some turks look whiter than some italians?

Absolute state.

Yes, he and his wife are retards.

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Why do you Europoors obsess so much over this retard

I like black metal more than the next person but the nigga fundamentally misunderstands what seems like everything he talks about