>driving - from 16
>sex - from 18
>drinking - from 21

explain this, i am not being sarcastic, genuinely wanna know how people think it makes sense. sorry if discussed a lot, first time heard it.

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they are jewish slaves don't ask them

just pray or hope they die soon

Sex is from 16 in most states. Drivings kind of necessary so I understand it happening so early. Drinking at 21 is retarded.

jews just run them, they are niggers

everyday at least one US soldier die and go to hell

everyday at least one nordcvck us citizen is killed by a nigger

trump is jewish like his daughter

Alcohol damages your frontal lobe cortex, it's still developing when you're in your teens. Makes sense to limit alcohol intake. Not that anyone follows that. As we see in the numbers of freaks out there of all ages who are now suffering from the heavy usage of alcohol as a teen.

goddamn chill out dude XD

they can go get benadryl for a buck or two.

You're right alcohol should be avoided entirely, and should not be promoted at all. Not even trying to prostheyletise any more than just this one post. It's chemical poison and fools drink it willingly.

what alternative are you offering to them? i mean weed definitely don't fuck up the body but it can destroy mental health way more seriously than alcohol. and it's more likely also.

>can vote and participate in deciding the future of the country
>can get in a car and potentially kill someone
>can go fight for the Israel and actually kill someone
>can't have a beer

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Public policy is hard to change in America

Yeah our federal government offered infrastructure money to the states to raise their drinking age to 21. This was a bad policy not only for the moral reason you hinted at, but because it encourages binge drinking. There’s really no way to change it at this point though. So, haha burgers am I right?

>not understanding how a civilized society works
Apex kek

Ok but what does alireza firouzja have to do with this?

it's randomly chosen

I’ve been around enough Zoomers to know that they should not touch alcohol until 21

>t. 20 year old zoomer

maybe study english a bit more instead of hating on a country that you know is superior to yours

drinking should not be permitted at all

i got back to Yas Forums like a week ago since 2016 and urban dictionary don't explain well either, can you explain to me what based means?


Kill yourself newfag

Driving. Not a harddrug.
Fucking. Not a harddrug.
Ethanol. A harddrug.

Why do you care? What’s your obsession about somewhere you will never be? Why not worry about your life and things you can change?
This thread is posted three times a day, for the past four years. It’s boring.
>somewhere I will never be, can’t affect, and won’t change anything does something I don’t understand. I don’t like it.
Show bobs w/ time stamp if you want to discuss your feelings.

how on earth am i newfag if i was posting 2012-2016, i just got back and don't know the meaning of based.

It does not make sense. Most people don’t question it. Those who do aren’t motivated or connected enough to change it.

>Sex - from 15
>Learn to drive - from 16
>Driver's License - from 18
>Allowed to be server alchohol at bars/restaurants AND voting - from 18
>Allowed to purchase alchohol from the sate liquor store - 20

Is it better?
I'd preferably see age of voting moved up. Teenagers nowadays are literal children and most don't get their first job until their twenties. Also not too fond of teenage drivers, as most of them are entitled and impatient little cunts who gets reckless as soon as they believe there's no risk of having their license getting revoked during the trial years.

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What does alireza firozja have to do with this?

>not a newfag
I hate new Yas Forums

>sex - from 18
its 16 in a lot of places

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>sex - from 14, 13 if the other partner is under 18
>driving license - from 18, 125 cc scooters from 16 and 50cc from 14
>drinking - from 18