/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3379

► Detected: 2,565,482 (+9,722) ► Died: 177,778 (+319) ► Day: 104 (-17:45:58)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 9.6x more confirmed deaths than H1N1 flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 4,723 strains have been sequenced —


90% of positives in antibody tests might be false positives

Antibody tests detect wrong antibodies, binders not neutralizers

China floods the world with defective equipment

Over 28,000 deaths went unreported in 10 countries

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

Antibody levels detected by tests don't guarantee immunity

New symptoms: loss of smell and taste

Jews are the hardest hit by coronavirus in New York

300 die in Iran from methanol poisoning amid false cure rumors

US federal government pressures states to test less

According to CCP, the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

178 new cases and 3 new deaths in Poland
5236 new cases and 57 new deaths in Russia
3 new cases and 1 new death in Georgia
1016 new cases in Singapore
8 new cases and 3 new deaths in Czechia
12 new cases in El Salvador
467 new cases and 13 new deaths in Ukraine
384 new cases and 3 new deaths in Israel
9 new cases in the DR Congo


Attached: CVG.png (435x334, 167.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:



I'm just missing Gary.

32yo Yas Forumsfag doctor died of corona in SP

it's just a seasonal flu

Attached: 1586985597617-pol.jpg (1024x745, 107.7K)

How to filter memeflags:

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Options > My filters > Paste that line

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/^Black Lives Matter$/i;
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Turn on recursive hiding too

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Any evidence the page existed a year ago?

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Who cares? Why do you care? This is an anonymous board.

Attached: 13834743834.webm (1920x1080, 893.79K)

Daily reminder that SARS-Cov-2 may shorten your life expectancy significantly and worsen your overall life experience

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fuck off nerd

Not gonna lie guys I'm desperate, I'm now team nothingburger so our girl can grow bigger wings and spread.

Attached: autism levels.png (514x536, 375.8K)

>force-feed Xi JinPing's daughter, you say?


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#1 United States 819,175 (45,343) #2 Spain 204,178 (21,282) #3 Italy 183,957 (24,648) #4 France 158,050 (20,796) #5 Germany 148,453 (5,086) #6 United Kingdom 129,044 (17,337) #7 Turkey 95,591 (2,259) #8 Iran 84,802 (5,297) #9 China 82,788 (4,632) #10 Russia 57,999 (513) #11 Brazil 43,368 (2,761) #12 Belgium 40,956 (5,998) #13 Canada 38,422 (1,834) #14 Netherlands 34,134 (3,916) #15 Switzerland 28,063 (1,478) #16 Portugal 21,379 (762) #17 India 20,178 (645) #18 Peru 17,837 (484) #19 Ireland 16,040 (730) #20 Sweden 15,322 (1,765) #21 Austria 14,873 (491) #22 Israel 14,326 (187) #23 Saudi Arabia 11,631 (109) #24 Japan 11,512 (281) #25 Chile 10,832 (147) #26 South Korea 10,694 (238) #27 Ecuador 10,398 (520) #28 Singapore 10,141 (11) #29 Poland 10,034 (404) #30 Pakistan 9,749 (209) #31 Mexico 9,501 (857) #32 Romania 9,242 (507) #33 United Arab Emirates 7,755 (46) #34 Denmark 7,695 (370) #35 Norway 7,241 (182)…

#1 Russia +5,236 (+57) #2 Mexico +729 (+145) #3 Ukraine +467 (+13) #4 United States +431 (+25) #5 Israel +384 (+3) #6 Brazil +289 (+20) #7 Pakistan +184 (+8) #8 Poland +178 (+3) #9 Panama +163 (+5) #10 Hungary +70 (+12) #11 Bulgaria +40 (+2) #12 Guatemala +22 (+1) #13 Thailand +15 (+1) #14 South Korea +11 (+1) #15 Bolivia +11 (+3) #16 Czech Republic +8 (+3) #17 New Zealand +6 (+1) #18 Paraguay +5 (+1) #19 Georgia +3 (+1) #20 Australia +2 (+3) #21 Haiti +1 (+1) #22 Romania (+9) #23 Moldova (+1) #24 Singapore +1,016 #25 Oman +106 #26 India +98 #27 Armenia +72 #28 China +30 #29 Kazakhstan +30 #30 Kyrgyzstan +22 #31 Lithuania +20 #32 Honduras +16 #33 Uzbekistan +14 #34 El Salvador +12 #35 Congo-Kinshasa +9…

Attached: CVG.png (2000x1027, 354.12K)

Lurk more.

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you can't just pump money into your lungs to un-scar them

Cool, but go be a nothingburger in a place where you can convince someone, like facebook or tweeter, rather than here where we know what's going on

oh, yes.

Attached: 1586914627854.jpg (220x229, 10.9K)

Seems they ahve been moving around a lot of numbers, considering that the total amount of new deaths seems to be roughly the same, the difference in reported deaths and new deaths per day are staggering if you campare current worldometers with C19.
There is clearly some fuckery going on, because C19 has been very accurate in their numbers, and they still have the 4k new deaths day and so on.
But considering both still have the same amount of new deaths basically, they've clearly just shuffled around some.

Oh, and if you use waybackmachine to go to April 8 and then compare it to the Worldometer.
>4/5 - 1165 new deaths
>4/6 - 1255 new deaths
Also, it's a bitt odd that 4/19 and 4/20 have no snapshots to see
Date - Total deaths - New deaths
3/29 - 3251 - 497
3/30 - 3948 - 697
3/31 - 5027 - 1076
4/1 - 6263 - 1236
4/2 - 7438 - 1175
4/3 - 8694 - 1256
4/4 - 10231 -1537
4/5 - 11632 - 1401
4/6 - 13128 - 1496
4/7 - 15347 - 2219
4/8 - 17503 - 2156
4/9 - 19604 - 2101
4/10 - 21830 - 2226
4/11 - 23843 - 2013
4/12 - 25558 - 1715
4/13 - 27272 - 1714
4/14 - 29825 - 2553
4/15 - 32443 - 2618
4/16 - 34619 - 2176
4/17 - 37147 - 2528
4/18 - 39014 - 1867
4/19 - 40575 - 1561
4/20 - 42514 - 1939
4/21 - 45318 - 2804
Total number of new deaths reported 42533

3/29 - 2467 - 444
3/30 - 2978 - 511
3/31 - 3873 - 895
4/1 - 4757 - 884
4/2 - 5826 - 1169
4/3 - 7087 - 1161
4/4 - 8407 - 1320
4/5 - 9619 - 1212
4/6 - 10783 - 1164
4/7 - 12794 - 2011
4/8 - 14695 - 1901
4/9 - 16544 - 1489
4/10 - 18586 - 2042
4/11 - 20462 - 1876
4/12 - 22019 - 1557
4/13 - 23528 - 1509
4/14 - 25831 - 2303
4/15 - 28325 - 2494
4/16 - 32916 - 4591
4/17 - 36773 - 3857
4/18 - 38664 - 1891
4/19 - 40661 - 1997
4/20 - 42094 - 1433
4/21 - 44845 - 2751
The number of new deaths reported 42471
Sorry for the totally awfully constructed post, I've worked all night and I'm tired.

Little bit of an issue I want advice on. I think I know what it is, but I have no idea how to medically describe this shit so I gotta run it by people.
I've been recovering from some kind of sick shit, guessing a sinus infection that got worse because of flu/corona exaserbations, but one thing I've noticed bugged me. When I breathe deeply in through my mouth (nose too stuffed up to use right), and I hit the top of the breath, I'll notice a noise that either my lungs or tubes are making that sounds almost like a squeaky toy. When I was worse off, that would usually start me coughing for a bit, but now it's just a noise I hear and occasionally cough because of.
My best guess is that it's just mucus acting weirdly in the tube, because I know I've coughed up some before, but I want to be doubly sure, and Lord knows no one in my house is gonna know shit about this, so I figure you guys may be able to at least guess better.

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this guy is right too, as much as it's "like other coronaviruses" it has a lot of differences in how fast it spreads, how long it lasts, its intensity, and the effects will last forever

who /nonessential/ here?

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oh no no no
look at this dude

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Daily reminder that Belgium has already exceeded the number of average daily deaths from all the causes in the last weeks.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-19 Belgium number of deaths 2008-2018 Statista.png (785x632, 40.02K)

Coronavirus: World risks 'biblical' famines due to pandemic - UN

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Fuck memeflags and fuck tripfags.

if you stop reporting new cases it means there are no new cases

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is it happening again?

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is the coronavirus writing its own ransom notes now

Yes but this time with Norwegian Oil

Attached: 1566274027097.jpg (747x716, 69.94K)

Those standard deviations though....

this will happen until it reaches zero

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>Norwegian Oil

Attached: 157858473478.jpg (1280x720, 41.58K)

I don't think I follow. Someone is reporting deaths on different day to inflate the number and scare the stock market?

>forgetting it can go negative

So they're spreading them out backwards as well. I can tell you the change happened in the last 24ish hrs. I checked last night.

Really odd manipulation. Are they covering up fuckery to get that 4.5k spike or are they implementing fuckery to sell an 'its getting worse' narrative for an extra week?

Thx wisefag, the data is appreciated.

What time is it in Argentina?

>crazy standard deviations

Basically all you can conclude from this is that some people experience long term problems afters SARS infections. How many % "some people" is, is impossible to tell. But most likely they only got their hands on people with complications who were in hospital.

It's like Italy initially reported 10% deaths among corona cases. Of course you get bad numbers when you can only look at hospitalized cases. People with mild or no symptoms simply remained at home and never got tested at that stage.


...I should've brought oil.

Why do you care?

Is it happening?

Don't be so sure of that:

If I'm not completely retarded, based on that graph you guys average about 270 deaths a day normally and are now getting around that amount a day just from corona, yes?

Attached: 1585936478667.jpg (1773x1773, 144.86K)

Just curious

Basically there was a thread that claimed yesterday's 2800 us deaths was an all time high. It smelled funny because last week all the news was crying about how 4500 died in one day. I checked the numbers and the 4500 spike was mysteriously gone. The articles about it remain. Somebody cooked the numbers yesterday.

Sven found Swedish reported numbers that remained as they were yesterday reflecting the 4500 spike. He's showing they took those 2400 deaths and spread them around to other days.

Agenda is all speculation. I'm saying i think it's to create scary articles today and instigate a selloff in an already downtrending market due to the oil madness. I could be wrong.

>More deaths, no benefit from malaria drug in VA virus study

Have the HCQ + AZM shills already moved on to some other "cure" and completely forgot about their precious baby?

No, C19 and Worldometer always had the same numbers, give or take.
But the last idk, days or even less, they've totally changed the numbers of worldometer.
It's like they are spreading it out.

I'm thinking more along the lines of "look how well we are handling it" and then using the steady graph as a measurement of it working (with faked numbers ofc) because if they keep spreading deaths backwards, they might start giving less deaths per day to show how they are winning against the virus.

I bet you tomorrow there will be slightly less deaths and it will continue like that, they'll probably continue moving around the numbers so it can appear they are winning against the virus and can open up again.

Of course

I'm seeing people claim it was rigged because "you need to have zinc with it or else it doesn't activate." Wild

Typically higher end sounds occur near the epiglottis the little flap at the top of your airway( google it) and it could be swollen impeding airflow. Epiglottitis is fairly serious

Maybe. It's smoothening. Undeniably. But it still makes the peak yesterday instead of the 16th.

However, thinking about it a bit more, you're probably right in that they might after having had some days with deaths being reported to other days, so it would appear to go down, then have another massive spike to ensure people get more scared, idk man, this is all so weird.

Remember, as depressing as this happening might get. Enjoy the lighter side of things!


Attached: Take me back to Tennessee.jpg (830x443, 96.68K)

>It's like Italy initially reported 10% deaths among corona cases. Of course you get bad numbers when you can only look at hospitalized cases. People with mild or no symptoms simply remained at home and never got tested at that stage.
yeah, but still there are articles popping up that the damage to the lungs is almost always there - even if you get thorough the illness very easily.
corona is definitely going to cause millions of deaths over the next 2 years and that's simply because there are enough older people to make that happen.
> btw most studies about how wide spread corona is are pure fantasy driven by agenda
> implying there isn't any politics within science communities
the closest CFR to the real one considering quite average demographic of a population is 2%. in South Korea you had plenty of youngsters due to this whole death cult mess.
> on average about 1% of population dies in most countries.
you have to remember that because normally not that many people die so corona can cause something like double of normal amount by itself.

Attached: covid-averages.png (654x436, 29.41K)

We'll just use regular flags, then

I don't think any antiviral has much worth here. Anti-IL-6 drugs to stop cytokine storm seem like the best option; steroids do similar, but they suppress the whole immune system, which you sometimes don't want. Targeted immune modulation looks like the answer.

Blood thinners for the clots.


Just saw a thing I think by CVS about "covid toes" apparently a symptom that causes all range of skin issues on the toes. About 20% cases.
This shit just has every possible symptom in the book.

what if they don't know what the fuck they're doing

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het-fags are asleep, post corona-kun

He dead


You don't know jack shit, schizos

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>only 110 new cases in our country today, 140 yesterday
>quarantine started March 15
I'm starting to suspect something, Italy has been in lockdown yet they're not slowing down.

>If I'm not completely retarded, based on that graph you guys average about 270 deaths a day normally and are now getting around that amount a day just from corona, yes?
yes, check results here (based on the 1% principle)

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Good to see you again sven, its been a few threads.
Here is a good boy pic for u

Attached: 20200409_080905.jpg (2160x2160, 1.67M)

10. making it pulsate

Attached: Corona_part010.png (300x543, 88.6K)

oh it is 111 not 110.

Attached: flipland.jpg (960x960, 85.55K)

My shithole of a country is going to lift up the lockdown soon. I can't wait for the shitshow.