Why don't you have your fucking mask on goy???

So you can think you can go where ever you want not wearing a mask or gloves?
Think it's a Coronahoax huh?
Ya just gonna have people over, and go to a party huh? You think it only kills old people, no big deal huh?
Gonna have a protest eh? Gather together, not wearing a mask, and spread that filthy virus around you have huh?
You don't want to stay at home another two months to flatten that curve eh? Not paid enough money to stay at home right?
So you think you can just stroll into work at the beginning of May huh? Spread that filthy virus around to your co-workers huh, without a care in the world? You think if you just show up to work the business is going to open up just for you and that filthy virus you have been spreading around your community, and among family members huh?
Yeah ya think you can just roll up to the grocery store and rub your filthy corona hands all over the produce, and every door handle and self checkout eh?
Ya thought you could just cross state lines, take a vacation, and go to the beach eh? Think ya can just walk up and down that beach, and sweat out that dirty corona fluid on the clean sands eh? Think ya can take a big steamy corona shit right in the surf did ya buck'o???

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have a (you) for your efforts

Don't need a mask where I am now. Got plenty of space outside without any infected.

Take your meds schizo

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White people can’t get the virus

>not using the opportunity to cover your face
>a poster on an anonymous image board
Why tho

>protest the virus hoax, goy
>don't wear a mask, that's what the jews want you to do
so many low IQ contrarians fall for this

Let us order this doctor "practice" on you without your knowledge or consent. yes yes and take your voting rights away and anything else too. yes mm yes

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>wrote the current time in tel aviv
oy vey

oh LOOK our stupid test found you positive. looks like we need to breathe for you so you can forget

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Thanks for the effort, and have a real (you), now why don't you have your fucking mask on???

Attached: masked.up.webm (368x536, 1.81M)

are they not going to stop until they got people wearing masks all the time beign paranoid like the bug people in china?
u know if they start actin glike that, how easy to get them to cheerlead for literal chinese red propoganda

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I do have my mask on. Mine allows my unfiltered, potentially virus laden breath to escape through the exhale valve and float all around you, while filtering each inhalation through a pair of P100 filters.
In this way, I am fully protected, while you are not.

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Good luck, I'm behind 7 masks.

You're going buy the assumption that I'm even in the same isle, with the 3M products at that particular Home Depot. News flash I'm at Lowes brainlet, and I'm also wearing a P100.

>Wear your mask schizo.

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>News flash I'm at Lowes
I know. I've been monitoring you for some time.

how do people find 3m n95...thats shits outta stock in most places

i still purchased n95 from ebay EVEN tho ebay deleted listings shortly afterwards

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It's contagious and asymptomatic, it really is infectious. Masks do work, but you probably have to be using them before you get infected. So two weeks before a person in you neighorhood or apartment building shows up with the symptoms, you should have been already wearing a mask.

Attached: Hospitals overcrowded, disease highly contagious, symptoms are not desire to eat, tired, wanting to vomit, masks don't work don't go hospital unless have to 6.jpg (885x800, 286.08K)

Just from the hardware store - in February.

Lol I have boxes of them from work, along with gloves and full face respirators
They give them to you free when you do real work for a living user

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>work for a living

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show flag

It’s ok I am now a trust fund neet now
It’s great
I have lots of supplies from those days though user
Generators and trucks too
>tfw being a wagie stocked me up

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You mean the foxes? Can they be asymptomatic? Lol.

Yes, if you watch Fox News, the people who want the lockdowns to end, then you probably already are infected.

So, the jewish conspiracy is about:
>putting on masks
>not participating in degeneracy
>shutting down the borders
>getting back to isolationism

They were /ourguys/ all along

You left off the final stage:
>take the mandatory vaccine that secretly sterilizes you
It won't make any difference if you find out eventually, you're finished.

Wtf are you talking about. I'm in a nice house in the forrest. Last thing I need is a mask.

What about pollen
That's like tree cum