Why is gun culture an implicitly white identity?

Why is gun culture an implicitly white identity?
Why are so many white people obsessed with weapons of war and larping around practicing shooting steel silhouettes of human targets?
Is it something in culture or is being a genocidal maniac something in their DNA?
It is a massive rabbit whole on youtube of nerds with military grade assault rifle channels full of footage of them basically tactically shooting around on backyard courses in some kind of war porn like presentation.
Why are white people like this?

Attached: MPX-PSB_Left_Extended_MPX_Black_Web.jpg (1766x1179, 139.28K)

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Another example

being able to defend yourself with competence is being a genocidal maniac? get fucked.

Not true my family is Arab we all have guns. Hell we name our children things like Harb, Saif and Oday.

Meaning War, Sword and Warrior.

The OG genocidal maniacs.

Imagine being proud of being a defenceless emasculated faggot.

But why is it a white people thing?

whites like military/hunting
niggers like thug/criminal
asians like shooting nigs off their stores
all is just

Meant that 2nd part for OP. Check em too


It's fun to pew pew

because we are worldwide minority, if pack of 10 niggers decide to go after you all you need is assault rifle

No worries and check'd

because shitskins are retarded and cannot think ahead?
why is shooting kids due to bad aim a nigger thing?

Illinois/Chicago nogunz nigger cope

Have you been to other countries? They are huge pussies that think weapons are only for military and police use. White people are susceptible to cowardice too, but at least we are generally well armed.

Individualism. Appears to be a white trait.

>white identity
>white people thing
I so want to sell you to caucas slavers. Imagine this basedboy motherfucker in caukas slaver brick factories.

I honestly don't know, and I've wondered about this. I wonder if America would be a better place if more black guys went skeeting. Blasting clay pigeons out of the air is a fun use of hand-eye coordination.

White people make up all of the mass shooters in the USA though, it is clearly something to do with their DNA that they are obsessed with guns and weapons of war.
No race on the planet has an obsessed gun culture like whites.
It is fucking weird you have to at least admit it is a white people thing.

>Why is gun culture an implicitly white identity?
I suggest you go take a look at worldstarhiphop some time.
That's also "gun culture", just a slightly different one.

look at africa dumbass every nigger who doesn't have a gun has a machete

Gun related deaths in US 2016

Abortions in 2016

Looking at historical charts, these numbers are fairly average. Tell me which one is a death cult again? You leftist piece of fuck.

>muh mass shooting
jewish pharmacy, 90% of mass shooters are on pills, niggers kill far more people in USA and they can't even aim for shit with guns
>No race on the planet has an obsessed gun culture like whites.
no race on the planet is best race like whites
>It is fucking weird you have to at least admit it is a white people thing.
Yes, we make the best guns in the world, so of course it's white thing, same with civilization, technological advancement etc.
just fucking because, we are good with guns, niggers are good with nothing, asians are good at exporting bioweapons, races are not skin deep you idiot

I see a ton of Asians at the gun range.

>t. seething mutt that never will fire, use or operate any firearms in their pathetic lives.

let him stay illusioned.

>muh whites
>muh guns

Why are you a cherrypicking faggot OP?


Because guns will be the thing you have to pry from their cold, dead hands when society finally flips and the boogaloo happens.

Blacks and latinos love guns too what are you rambling about
they just are less likely to own one legally and much much more likely to doc rime with them

yeah lmao what the fuck does he think niggers use to commit 50% of homicides, bow and arrow?

I am Castizo and luv gunz. STFU you gaslighting fragile feminine Asian boypussy bitch.

In the USA it stems from hunting and military culture which families have passed down. Working class whites generally participate in at least one.

blah blah blah
>/k/arand thumb vid
okay thanks

its brown identity
brown ppl are part of crime organisations who need to have a gun


Thing is where...you're wrong. It's not "all" white people.

Also, whites made up 79-80 percent of the US population during the above referenced time period. So the instances will naturally be higher all things being equal.

You're a child. Your argument has zero factual grounding.

>Why is gun thug culture an explicitly nigger characteristic identity?
>Why are so many nigger animals obsessed with illegally owning weapons of war and and shooting other niggers?
>Is it something in their cannibalistic culture or is being a genocidal maniac something in their primitive DNA?
>It is a massive rabbit whole on youtube of niggers with military grade assault rifle channels full of footage of them basically tactically shooting around on backyard courses in some kind of war porn like presentation.
>Why are niggers like this?
vid related

Attached: 1519502851104.png (1024x776, 898.95K)

>Guns are a white thing
Sure thing, bud.

Attached: Gun Safety.jpg (500x500, 49K)

White suits in a white world doesn't mean they be white people, faggot.

Also: This a video game.

I used to have an autistic obsession with guns when I was younger and I'm not white. It's a complete fabrication.

Kys kike