>SIR! Excuse me sir! Yes you. Why are you wearing an N95 mask? Don't you realize our healthcare workers need those? Why are you so selfish?
How do you respond?
>SIR! Excuse me sir! Yes you. Why are you wearing an N95 mask? Don't you realize our healthcare workers need those? Why are you so selfish?
How do you respond?
I bought it before the crisis to wear during gay orgies. I can't donate it because it's tainted with the fecal matter of several men.
I tell her what I tell everyone I meet for the first time. OP is not only a massive faggot, but a retard too.
why do you prescribe antibiotics for viral infections?
don't you realize viruses and bacteria are different?
Do they really do this in the USA?
>didn't take it from your inventory
move on
>You can have it when I'm done with it
That's a N100 mask, you know nothing about masks and only seek confrontation, leave me alone
Real superheroes have superpowers and can filter the air without a shitty chinese mask.
kick her right in her penis
Now you're coming to your senses
"Sheeeit! Get the Fuck up off me you old, grey haired Joyce Carol Oates lookin' bitch!"
That's just my standard response to most confrontations.
yellow nigger in ccp hat stole my mask
With lead, son
Take off the mask, cough in her face than put it back on
unironically the best response
in all fields
I think you're mistaken ma'am, this is a p100 mask and not rated for medical use.
Most likely because damage caused by the Virus can lead to infections.
Eat a dick bitch and buy your own.. i said this yesterday at a doctors appointment
NEVER STOP GOREPOSTING. Light or heavy, skin or no skin, dogs or human, the shill fears the mighty GOREPOSTER. With one swing the GOREPOSTER stains the brains of the CIA, with another the GOREPOSTER slices the willpower of the normie. They are forced here against their will, let us force them to slog through hell just to get paid their 20c. Stand up and be counted in this, our great war with the world. Simply apply gore to your normal post and join the ranks of the mighty GOREPOSTERS.
Essential worker here. That actually did bother me when i saw some random person at my barbershop wearing an N95 when we couldnt even get any for our medical facility.
I asked him if he got a fit test to make sure no air leaks out of it or if he could smell any odors while wearing it and he had no idea what the fuck i was talking about.
I have my own mask now and it fits me but that really bothered me how ignorant non-essential folk can just get medical supplies so easily.
Our body is always fighting bacteria. Antibiotics lighten the load so it can concentrate on the virus.
i was at the weed store the other day and this white lady told us that we're scaring people by wearing masks. she was pretty cute. thanks for reading my blog.
I'm an intensivist, and much harder to replace than yourself. Sister, could you run another ABG and change his catheter bag for me? Oh, it also looks like he soiled himself - you should get on that.
This smells like bait.
>Spit in the bitches face and tell her I have AIDs.
You probably deserve to be beaten and robbed by masked Tyrone.
I work for Amazon, looks like you should beg Bezos for some of our masks whore.