Jews Fear The Church of Scientology

Consider the following

Hubbard and Scientology

>Despised by the jewish run media
>Disowned his gay son
>Staunch conservative
>Served in the Military
>Sailed the world with an entourage of beautiful young woman searching for the origins of the aryan race
>Claimed homosexuality was the lowest form of criminal pathology
>Supported apartheid in South Africa
>Opposed giving blacks the vote
>Began a church for wealthy gentiles
>Visited SA and spoke in favor of apartheid (condemned international media for its treatment of white south africans)
>Hated by Yas Forums ie. anonymoose
>Formulated he most advanced understanding of the human mind to date, Dianetics
>Understood the alien nature of the Jewish problem and the history of their dark overlord Xenu

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Did he specifically name the Jew?
If so, might hafta give him another look.

There's a perfect photo from a Scientology textbook in which they depict themselves as the most-evolved religion. It's 5-6 people standing in the desert, the Scientologist standing at thie highest point. I wish I could find it.

why do you think they receive so much hate ?

What do you suppose is going on at Gold Base during the lockdown?

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The light blue is kino

What the Russians think.

Things are proceeding as normal

The corona psyop has no power over the golden realm

Scientology is the old enemy

>Formulated he most advanced understanding of the human mind to date, Dianetics


>Supported apartheid in South Africa
lol. As if Jews were not in joint secret nuclear experiments with South Africa

Hubbard learned most of what he knew from John "Jack" Parsons - occultist and head of Crowley's OTO in Califronia. They were doing Thelemic rituals in the desert where the nuclear tests were conducted, shortly before the Roswell "incident". As for Dianetics, it's a rework of Abreactive Therapy that Hubbard saw performed on PTSD sailors when he was in the Navy.

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keep this bumped

Don't think so. They were threatening people over money and forcing them to slave labor.
Yas Forums led the attack on Scientology. Was probably our first real world action. That's where these anonymous masks come from. Became very cringe shortly after.
Just because they're right on what you write, there's more to the story.

>shortly after.

no. it was always cringe

it took off because for a short month or so it wasn't.
Suddenly everyone was wearing one because they wanted to be like the cool anonymous.

>what is controlled opposition

NEVER STOP GOREPOSTING. Light or heavy, skin or no skin, dogs or human, the shill fears the mighty GOREPOSTER. With one swing the GOREPOSTER stains the brains of the CIA, with another the GOREPOSTER slices the willpower of the normie. They are forced here against their will, let us force them to slog through hell just to get paid their 20c. Stand up and be counted in this, our great war with the world. Simply apply gore to your normal post and join the ranks of the mighty GOREPOSTERS!

Attached: GOREPOST NOW.jpg (5264x2360, 1.14M)

They are using non stop NLP to fill your mind with apocalypse programming, which includes any theme that creates disturbance. Even if it doesnt bother you it takes root in your subconscious. They do this because the jews believe they need to create a synthetic apocalypse before their messiah comes.

How you can counter them ? Keep programming yourself with good positive msgs. Learn NLP, and overwrite the doom programming. These are the kinds of skills that Scientology teaches people

>Didn't also realize he was a nuclesr physisist
>and probably the greatest psychologist ever! He wrote a book called dyanetics. You should totally read it.


based indeed

Did you know that virtually everything you view is laden with Zionist apocalypse programming ? even advertisements for fast food. You would be amazed by how vast the conspiracy actually is and what you can do to secure yourself against it

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oh baby
lmao nigger r u real

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where's your wife bro.

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pay no heed to this creature, his time is short and he wrests with the anguish his own demise

look to the higher things, fill your mind with treasures and all the majesty of nature

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did you kill her bro?

Her name was Shelly Miscavige.

She was murdered for trying to leave The Cult of Scientology.

Remember her face, anons. Her soul will not rest until justice is served.

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nigger please, you aren't fooling anyone but yourself

where did you hide her body. she calls out for justice to me. give it to her.

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People are free to leave the Church whenever they wish user. Il also remind you that your accusations are based on nothing more than hearsay and are, dare i say, slanderous in nature.

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>People are free to leave the Church whenever they wish user. Il also remind you that your accusations are based on nothing more than hearsay and are, dare i say, slanderous in nature. The disappearance of ms Micsavige was a great surprise to everyone, and we sincerely wish her the family and whatever agency she may have been working for all the best.

Did you forget how to fucking type with all that shit they hit you with, you brainwashed mindfucked retard?


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Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
I haven’t talked about this in a long time, because a lot of wierd stuff started happening to me.
But I found a Scientology human trafficking dungeon in my town. This is going to sound crazy but give me a second to explain.
>few years ago
>went to bar with roommate to watch a football game
>his team starts losing and he doesn’t want to stay there and spend money
>”hey user, want to finish this game at my buddy’s house and smoke some weed?”
>we go to his buddies house at the end of this dirt road
>nice place
>finish up the game
>”let’s show user the basement....”
>I am like wtf is in the basement?
>they take me down this hidden staircase into this room that looks like a prison cell in Guantanamo Bay
>literally looks like the room from Saw
>WTF hard
>ask if Pablo Escobar used to own the house
>”nah, it was some Scientologist guy”
>ask how he knows
>”we got a letter in the mail. Apparently there was also a bunch of money hidden here somewhere”