Scandinavian women cries after finding out she doesn't have african ancestry

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Is there a limit to white guilt? I thought we already reached rock bottom.

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>This scandinavian woman will wear down your mood, goy, I mean fellow Nordics.
>Just look at her, go feel bad now!

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Real title

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that image is baseless

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don't worry, her kids will

implying she'll even have kids

Yeah, that's why the guy has trouble keeping his upper teeth covered with his lips.

You tried that same shit yesterday. YGO looks 100% natural, good luck even TRYING to put him next to some jew.

I can do that with the bitch. You can't with TGO.

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STOP! posting that repulsive horse

>that image is baseless
Also, have some Gwyneth Paltrow, genetically jewish and much more convincing looking than OP bitch.

Humans do not look like Montgomery Burns.
TGO doesn't look like Montgomery Burns, but OPs bitch looks like your average toothy yenta.

Which is funny cause yenta is Norwegian and was used by jews to disparage Nords.

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Now she has to work for 12+ hours a day and give 50% of her salary to foreigners instead of getting 100k welfare a year

I can understand her sadness

Yes, we were already all over this. We've been obsessed with her for at least a week. Isn't it about time we found some other thot to cling to? I'm not sure why this one woman is all that important in our lives. Whatever happened to the JQ? To the Chinese-manufactured Coronavirus? There are things much more pressing for our movement than playing Groundhog Day with this thot.

And while Gwyneth paltrow looks convincing, she also has/had her tell.
In her case it's the ears, the biggest tell, followed by her facial structure, especially when she was younger.

It's nigh impossible for the juden to hide completely in a human suit.

Am I wrong about OPs bitch? Perhaps.
But I'm not wrong about the tell, it's there and makes the whole thing fishy.

I will therefore fully reject some random youtube bitch as a negative influence in my life or as a detractor of Nordic superiority above the jew.

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She wanted to be special and unique....women dude, they are like that, that's why they fall for hippie, vibes, energy shit.

She didn't cry tho, bad bait

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Of course you pathetic incels sent death threats to her because of this.

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Remember, always kill traitors first

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Europeans are the best. What's her problem? Whites were powerful and proud race

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So stop complaining that we're now colonizing you :)

>But I'm not wrong about the tell, it's there and makes the whole thing fishy.
Sometimes these diluted, yet tainted jews actually think and believe they are white, but then exhibit abberant behavior anyway.

Like in Tarrant.
Some tried to pass him off as an "anglo norman" with "barrel locks", but Tarrants youthful jewfro is not something like Frodo Baggins, or some ginger curls, it's a straight up jew fro.

Its is entirely possible for a jew in a human suit to be convinced of their own disguise, but the actions still are warped and strange.

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she literally had a black bf in america
check her videos on the channel

so yeah, she unironically got blacked

I was subbed to this girl years ago. Always been a coalburner & an impressionable thot. Never had a real job, she's kind of pathetic. She tries to play her travelling/youtuber lifestyle as glamorous, but there are videos where you can tell that she's the black sheep of the family.

>Let Jews rule your society (music, movie, entertainment)
>Expect based white people

Why are Goyim like this?

As if white people werent dumb enough to fall for the jew.

Pic related isma Schicksa who thought it is a good Idea depicting nordic women as aliens killing the human species.

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It's not like she can't correct the mistake for future generations right now.

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If she wasn't already on her way to coalburning Yas Forums pushed her over the edge. She's been corrupted with white guilt and will destroy her genetics so she doesn't feel racist in her mind.

God I wanna BLACKED her

that saddens me

Jews get rhinoplasty constantly.

Lol at tarant in there. Prob true

she also got PAKIED......

>Italians aren’t white
>Italians don’t have any resemblance of white guilt
Seems about right, also anyone who challenges our (brief) colonial past and war crimes gets shut down and mocked in public. Aside from a bunch of stupid jews who write anti fascist books no one really cares.

>greg lansky, the owner of
You've got to go through the proper channels my friend.

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How are you doing, sneaky hohol?

Wouldnt have happened, if we gassed you.

Reminder: she’s a coalburner who fucked this ugly nog in LA

This an amazing video. What a beautiful woman. She's so bothered by being white and by default doesn't like white men. After she finished this video she probably allow multiple black cocks into her pussy in order to apologize for slavery. Can't wait to see whitey bred out teehee!

He sold the company :(

BBC strikes again.

built for bbc

no one gives a fook

She truly is that's why her last boyfriend was black and she seems to only date black going by her past videos.

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fun fact: this Norwegian bitch fucks only BBC. I am sure that average Norwegian girls don't want to sex with niggers.

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She was hoping for some Turan DNA from, Preferably a Turan Warrior the 9th century that raped and pillaged her ancestors village. I can see why she is upset.

Sorry I was busy staring at her cleavage, was this bitch saying something?

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this girl had a black bf for a while you know, he's some ghana rapper i think

long story short, she is mentally unstable, after breaking up with her norwegian bf, she hooked up with a negro rapper, negro rapper cheats on her, they break up..... later she makes a panic video about her being "accidentally" pregnant with a half negro... has an abortion, goes through a mental breakdown...

comments all over her video saying she needs to pick better men, and stop sleeping with everyone, especially a negro rapper

65 million whites wouldn't have died in both world wars if it wasn't for the biggest warmongers in world history.

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That video...

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> this

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the bitch even got pregnant by him, then later had an abortion...she went crazy after breaking up with her norwegian ex

Cntrl f
fake and gay
Pol is dead

More to come, Sven.

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Disgusting. I am unfortunately 5% Black since dumb Portuguese fucked nigger women like there isn't a tomorrow and I hate it big time. Niggers are the worst. Hope she gets enriched and killed by one of her bimbo niggers.