Why are software engineers the biggest simps alive? twitter.com
Why are software engineers the biggest simps alive?
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Roastie believes she deserves to be paid $10 for sitting on her ass all day
Too much money, not enough time spent chatting up women irl, bone crushing autism.
>show bobs and vegana
>Tee hee! Silly boys.
Have you not seen office space?
>le surprise face
these are the nerds who thought they would be rich millionaires with trophy wives when they got older
software developer here yes we're simps i confirm
No, she gets paid to manipulate men
silicon valley is nerd haven
a bunch of fat or scrawny bois too nervous to talk to real girls in person
Half of silicon valley is poos and chinks. Show Bobs/Vagene is a past time to these people. Money makes Bob's/Vagene available faster.
if its all silicon valley progs then I'm completely fine with this whore wringing their blood from a stone and making a game of it.
It's like watching two demons squabble in a pit of hell. Not my business, I don't care, I don't mire my soul in the infernal personal squabbles of the hellborne
With all these new amateur cam hoes and fan sites it might be time for Audit the Thot 2 Electric Boogaloo.
They want to see Bob and vajeen
I don't get it. They have the money. Why not just get actual prostitutes?
When did software engineers become such retards.
Earning a shitton of money and spending it all on ethots an funkopops.
They deserve to be milked dry.
as someone else mentioned, most are prolly gooks and poos spending that money, and these two races are detestable to most women in real life.
With a prostitute the customer is the one who calls the shots.
Those ethots just collect money and deliver nothing - the simps like the cucking aspect in this kind of relationship.
code monkeys don't earn a shitton of money
It’s more irresponsible to waste what little money you have on a free service. I’ve watched a ton of twitch (no thots though) and never paid a dime
>cram a bunch of weak weird docile faggets into a room
>surprise nobody develops any alpha male traits, just hen pecking order and feminine gossiping
>instead they are faggets, trannies, cucks and furries
you know what every office needs is a fucking chad to slap them around, i know a couple software engineers and they have always been weird cunts if it weren't for their chad friends they would be completely gone to awkward social retard behaviors like the rest of them.
Actuall autism
Good. Fuck software engineers. Fuck simps.
I fucking knew it man.
These silicone valley programmers are basically kids given hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly.
They don't know what to do with all that money aside from buying star wars merch and donating it to """""""oppressed""""""" women.
yet the have the highest populations......?
The big one can't come soon enough
And the most rape! Yay!...wait...
Why the fuck do other zoomers like streamers so much? Watching other people do shit you're not doing is the lamest shit ever.
Another good reason not to hire fucking autists. Bad for business parties, bad for the larger economy.
they feel if they spend money the girls will give them attention on some level, its basically buying an online girlfriend at massively inflated rates with a monthly subscription, kek
>why are autistic nerd shut in's shit with women and easy prey for E-Succubi?
its a mystery!
>These silicone valley programmers are basically kids given hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly.
They don't know what to do with all that money aside from buying star wars merch and donating it to """""""oppressed""""""" women
Don't forget the latest bing bing wahooooo
How many dick's did Invadervie have to suck to be shilled like this? I mean this shit's been going all day. There's gotta be better marketing strategies than this I mean why not just take it all off live on twitch and cop the 3 day ban? Or bring back the strategically placed ass mirror? Subs galore!
Aren't most of them indians?
This explains a lot.