And has 0 deaths.
They did it without a lockdown or killing their economy. Just with mask wearing.
And has 0 deaths.
They did it without a lockdown or killing their economy. Just with mask wearing.
Other urls found in this thread:
>commie nation
>reveal real death numbers
LMAO retarded Ahmed
Why do people heal faster and don't die in third world countries?
Vietnam never had a functioning medical system.
And yet America still couldn't beat them. Makes you think.
They probably aren't even testing. People dying from pulmonary failure are just being classified as pneumonia deaths.
They're so far behind technologically that they don't actually believe the media.
its the other way around.
Yet, ships that have been there have had crew infections... How so? You guess, Hans.
Lying is the best way to beat the coronavirus. If you don’t test for it, it doesn’t exist!
The Chinese operatives in Vietnam only wanted the crew to the US Aircraft Carrier. They planted perfume on the massage parlor whores that contained nanopods containing Corona Virus, thus when the sailors returned the 5g communication systems released the contents of the nanopods and infected the ship with Vietnam only being lightly collateraled.
Notice the state with the highest number of China Travellers is Green
Only Asians get it
Asians are immune
Without bureaucracy the numbers will be 0. Norwegian healthcare got shit on by Norwegian news and human rights activists for putting mental patients thousands of times in restraining belt beds each year but Iceland have 0 every year. It turned out that Icelandic healthcare don't report every time they forcefully put a patient in bed with restraints/locks so they never got shit on by media or "human rights" organisations for using force on mental patients. Commies aren't exactly known for their beauracrcy...
>t. Psych Nurse
Nobody can beat Vietnam. Not even viruses.
I recall reading something like Vietnam has the lowest rate of obesity in the world.
The virus couldn‘t find it‘s way through the tunnel systems.
We locked down and closed all schools in February. No one is going out. The country is a ghost town. All businesses are closed. People care about each other and are unified here and reacted strongly to those defying govt suggestions. We made every case public up to around the 32nd person and there was the pressure of being shamed for contracting the virus regardless of your age. This is how it works in a country that has solidarity among its people and respects its government. We are still self quarantining. We went to the mattresses like on big mafia fighting the virus, unlike western nations who's first instinct was how to profit off your fellow citizen by hording and reselling products. You can talk all the shit you want, but we are all globally moving towards the same draconian direction now the only difference is western countries are ruled by corporate entities. Enjoy!
Here we are:
When I look at those who have died that are not geriatric, most of them have been really fat.
>They probably aren't even testing.
200,000 tests performed, they have a pretty large diagnostics industry
>They're so far behind technologically that they don't actually believe the media
They are a net exporter of healthcare tech to the US. It's pretty much China in terms of exports.
Umm easy:
The Vietnam War was close to triggering a full blown war with China and Russia, and that just wasn't worth it.
In hindsight, it should have been done. Vietnam is a country filled with nice people, oppressed by a disgusting dictatorship. China is a shithole suppressed by a dictator, but I wouldn't waste human lives on them.
The two real main factors about the Vietnam War retreat were that the West has lost the propaganda war fought by the Left, fuelled by Russia and Anti Western sentiment, muh Imperialism, and because the looming war with China and Russia, nuclear powers, just wasn't worth it.
>self-reported data
>trusting a third world shithole's government ever
>third world shithole
Sorry, this isn't the 1970s.
They didn't agree to go along with the hoax.
Don't bother kraut. they need this, they need Vietnam to give them hope for their bathtub navy's and Toyota pickup APC's.
Let the world have this.
Cambodia has zero deaths as well. In fact, the deaths in all of mainland Southeast Asia is spectacularly low
Neither would I trust muttland data
Called my cousin in vietnam one week ago. In south vietnam, people die in hospitals (cause they're shit, literally thought you needed to inject blood into different limbs to do a full body blood transfusion) all the time, now its just at a higher rate. Also, cause the govt. say they're completely free of the wuflu, most people think their family members are suddenly dying from the pollution.
Wouldn't* and you know that. Inb4 mutt memes, Vietnam wasn't lost, it was abandoned.
mutts cucked out from direct war with our glorious ussr
European architecture is superior to soulless skycrapers (mega)cities
Because they have younger populations. Look at how many boomers Italy has, they are the ones dying en mass
zoom in a little more to the right and you can see tons of shanty houses. Pic related, its from the back view
*second world
can't really die from a fake flu
can confirm
country is a ghost town but i dont think this can be sustained much longer as people is starting to run out of money.
probably they arent reporting sone of the cases but I can confirm there's 0 panic and all seems to be running fine.
Based ameritard
They so fucking ignorant about outside of their country
> you isn't america
> then you are Third World shithole
I lived in Hanoi in 2019. Everyone was already wearing masks all the time because of smog. Some of the worst smog of any city on the planet.
Vietnam is still pretty fucking rough to be fair. Even the big 2 cities are significantly less developed than, for example, Bangkok
My neet days is nearly come to it end...Nooooooo
Less health regulations makes them consume more bacteria so they become stronger and more immune to diseases. More likely to die young with weaker immune systems, so everyone left over has a decent or good immune system. Older population is much smaller.
There's a reason why first world countries have issues such as food allergies and intolerance to such a degree while other countries don't.
>pressure of being shamed for contracting the virus regardless of your age
Vietnamese culture is still in the dark ages.
>mask wearing
Try and put a mask on an American. Just fucking try.
>Just with mask wearing.
That worked so well for Japan too.
You're a copratocricy. My country is everything this board wished it was. You have never won a war. You are a war machine. You sacrifice your citizens in the meat grinder for profit for weapons manufacturers. Now that business has dried up and we are moving towards tech. Vietnam and The Middle East have been resisting and keeping autonomy for a half a centuries. Your tech businesses are going to move from your country to ours. American century in over. War business is finished. Now its the global surveillance business and we are cool with that so we will do just fine. Youre going to be the ones with your dicks in your hands and broke wondering what went wrong. Youre already infighting with your puppet president. America in finito. Youre gonna be chipped and tracked. You were always a nation of cattle. Seethe harder while you still can cause thats all you ever had. The right to talk shit while you got fucked in your ass and fucked eachother in the ass.
Looks like Detroit.
Hows the muslim invasion going?
Every Corona death is declared a Chinese spy
They went nuclear with testing so the likelyhood is they caught every or close to every case. A 0.3% mortality rate would require 333 cases before a death (on average), they only have 270 I think so it's not unexpected for them to have no deaths unless you're one of those schizo retards who think this thing has a mortality of 100%.
Based Ho Chi Minh spirited VietCong
Detroit looks cleaner
To busy giving massages.
we have been doing tests since february for everyone arrived in Vietnam. All travellers coming from countries with the Chink flu are put in concentrated quarantine (kinda like concentrated camp but with free wifi lmao)
And no we are not a censored shithole like China, everyone here try to stream literally everything to facebook you dumbfucks
Has Russia ever won a war? I mean in terms of holding on to the claimed land for more than 20 years?
Your million roubles military equipment is currently being shot down by Turks. Your drones are picked from the skies by Ukrainian hunters and Turks. You cannot even annex Georgia, the literal birthplace of your Messiah Stalin.
Russia hasn't got a single true ally in the world. You need propaganda to make people like you. Americans can install dictators over some bananas, throw two nuclear bombs on a country and still have that very same population love them.
The moment american dominance is gone a bunch of smaller nations like vietnam will get invaded and genocided by stronger powers. Enjoy being a colony again, this time your masters won't be nearly as kind.
I feel like that prophecy might come true now where it just disappears as quickly as it appeared.
Wuh, one of my 500 brothers, you don't need to said shit to a burger. Let them have they ways...Let the natural selection do it job.
I'm believe Vietnam number
But I'm don't believe
Myanmar, Laos, cambodia
>Has Russia ever won a war? I mean in terms of holding on to the claimed land for more than 20 years?
Not since based Ivan. He genocided so many asians fucking Genghis would be jealous.
bây sờ đờ en rét pil đơ
I'm genuinely jealous of George Soros.
A fat Jew who doesn't do shit except raise some money for a few NGOs, yet the entire world freaks out about you and thinks you are their overlord and control everything.
Most based chad in the world.
Go home private Hernandez
Yep. That's spot on where the low income people live, but don't worry kraut fren
Vietnam may not have the Wu Flu, but does it have the 2hu?
Response from an actual Vietnamese Ngyuen: