Non smokers BTFOd

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Other urls found in this thread:,119324,0,2.html

>don't get corona-chan
>get cancer anyways

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Link to the article? I saw another similar piece written about vaping; the author hypothesized that vaporized propylene glycol works as a disinfectant, and might therefore kill Covid-19 cells before a person developed the disease. I'm guessing a similar thing is happening for cigarette smokers. Either that, or they have damaged lung tissue which the virus is unable to replicate in.


i knew smoking was based.
fuck you mom! and all the bitches that tried to get me to stop!

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>Doesn't smoke cigarettes

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but it kills you

And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

>it's addicting!!!

It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel

damn i quit like a month ago. hopefully my lungs are still too toxic for the chinese virus

It's disgusting, neck yourself snowfaggot

Quitters get the hammer, user.

chink flu can’t replicate in cancer cells


I was having a read of the article and it seems former smokers are worse than non smokers and smokers have a lot less risk than both of them. So now is probably the best time to start smoking again.

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Good thing i smoke everyday

Thats a meme, everything gives cancer these days. My grandparents were all smokers since their early teens and all reached 90+ my neighbour was a healthfreak and died of brain cancer at 49

>lungs so fucked not even a virus wants to live there
comedy goa'uld

What happened to all the reports of vaping deaths and lung diseases? These people are all lumped under covid deaths now and not a fucking single news peep about vaping. How convenient.

Possible vaping reports were actually first wave of covid 19 distributed in chink vape cartridges?


just smoke tobacco like a man faggot.

Nah dude. Trying to quit cigs again. Vaping looks gay, yeah, but I feel a shit ton healthier with that gay little pen in my mouth then I do with a stick.

Smokers 5 times less likely to be covid-19 patients.

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>turns out you can just burn to death the virus in your lungs

Cigs have polonium 210

>virus made in israel
>destroyed by burning

>disease doesn't want to go into dirty smoker lungs
>prefers to breed in healthy environments.
Covid19 confirmed smarter than smokers.

>fake articles make smokers think they're invincible when they're actually weaker than a kitten, thus making them expose themselves to the virus and die in mass

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The reason this is is because smoking fucks up your lungs and helps prevent corona from attaching to certain receptors

look at this, most thorough research conducted in the field so far.


nonetheless, I continue to smoke cause I font care

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If you're scared of smoking, you deserve Corona anyway.


Cancer is more susceptible to smokers. Science and numbers prove it dearly. It wears the lungs down regardless too. Even if you don't develop cancer your lungs are fucking destroyed later in life. Still a nasty habit and it effects everyone different.

>Smokers on my football team end up out of breath before me and im a fat shit lol

>hurr heavy smokers at greater risk
We're closing in on 100% of (((expert))) projections and public statements ending up wrong.
Do you want any more proof that these people are making it up as they go?

does it count if you smoke crack

Kittens can't get Covid-19 r-right anons?

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Smoking is very bad for your cardio
It's a metaphore for giving up on being physically capable. Also any addition is an acceptation of helplessness against your will, which erodes it.
I dont train nearly as much as I used to when I was smoking but my cardio is still better

Found the manbaby

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